What difficulty will you play on?


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
What difficulty setting will you play HL2 on? And why?

Personally I'd go for medium because I like a challenge but don't want to get stuck and frustrated.

-- Mess
For me, not trying to blow my own horn, but i am a pretty decent gamer specially and shooters and i do want to make this game last, and make it test me at stages so i will play it on the hardest setting.

Come on guys, 6 years of waiting, you have got to savour the flavour :p

How do you know it will be the same settings as in HL1?
Ill probly go with medium to start with then go on to hard , or who knows i might start on hard if im feeling frisky.

But if you have to use objects etc to ur advantage to survive, mayb it will be alot more exctiing on hard.
Easy. Yes, I suck. A Training Room also, if there is one.. I always do the trainings to get familiar with the special gadgets of the game. (I'm almost sure there will be learning the Manipulator in the Training. w00tcoaster)
It has been stated that the difficulty level can be changed mid-game, in case things are too hard/easy. I'll probably start on the medium level and see how things go.
Medium. If it's too easy I'll go up to hard, if I struggle I'll go to easy :)
ItchyFish said:
For me, not trying to blow my own horn, but i am a pretty decent gamer specially and shooters and i do want to make this game last, and make it test me at stages so i will play it on the hardest setting.

Come on guys, 6 years of waiting, you have got to savour the flavour :p


Good man... anything but the hardest setting is for wimps and underachievers! If you want an easy game, buy a movie instead, they're cheaper.

EDIT: ;) (incase anyone take me seriously)
Depends how hard they are.

I usually play on hard - but only if it's done well (and actually challenging, not cheap. Big difference)
What if there are like six modes, for example "very easy", "easy", "medium", "hard", "extreme hard", "impossible" or something.
I guess that for the first time I'll play it on Medium.
Warbie said:
Depends how hard they are.

I usually play on hard - but only if it's done well (and actually challenging, not cheap. Big difference)


DISCLAIMER: This reply is based on the assumption that you are referring to my previous post.
sKuNx said:
What if there are like six modes, for example "very easy", "easy", "medium", "hard", "extreme hard", "impossible" or something.

Anyone choosing to play on 'impossible' will be disapointed if they expect to complete the game. :angel:
You know, there are games with such a mode. Just means you've to react like an aimbot or something during the whole game. :)
I'll play it on the hardest setting, blinfolded, lights off, one hand tied behind my back, because I RULE!


ps. maybe medium
sKuNx said:
You know, there are games with such a mode. Just means you've to react like an aimbot or something during the whole game. :)

I was joking. Impossible... not able to complete... you get it?!
JBrown03 said:

DISCLAIMER: This reply is based on the assumption that you are referring to my previous post.

Naw - it wasn't concerning your post :)
ill probably play medium or under because i am more of an intermediate gamer than an expert gamer
i usually play in easy rofl, but now when hl2 comes out i will start cleaning my a** and go medium then hard if i made the game once or so....
i'll start out on med.then bump it up to hard if i can. i 'm gonna take my time with this game,waited to long to rush it!
if theres 3 difficulty settings ill go hardest, if theres more ill go second hardest
the start menu is "training room" "easy" "medium" "hard"
ill take medium if i finish it i own it in hard then ^^
hl2 seems to be a hard game imo
i will attack hardest :D i want a challenege which i wont get bored off and i think hl2 will easily rise to it :D
how could u not set it on hard? we've been waiting for this game for 2 years and over now? u want the best and most time u can get out of it...dont u? dont be such a wimp and a rusher, put it on hard!! :p
I'll just do as I did with hl1; first easy (so that i know what to do) then hard.

The AI is better you higher difficulty you play on, so I go with hard.

But if it's to hard, I change it to medium. Never easy.. never ;]

Also, I don't care if I get stuck in the game, cause 6 (1 year) years of waiting to play the sequel.. It can have my freetime .. :D