What DirectX Does Your Card Support?

I Have DirectX...

  • DirectX 6 (nVidia TNT2, ATI Rage)

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • DirectX 7 (nVidia GeForce 2, ATI 7000 Series)

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • DirectX 8 (nVidia GeForce 3-4, ATI Radeon 8500-9200)

    Votes: 14 24.1%
  • DirectX 9 (nVidia GeForce FX 5200-5900, ATI Radeon 9500-9800)

    Votes: 38 65.5%

  • Total voters


Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
I just wanted to get a figure on how wide the DirectX Spectrum goes... Sorry if this has been brought up already...
This should probably be a poll then...

Currently DX7, getting a DX9 card soon...
DX9. Haven't played a DX9 game yet, so I have no idea how good it is.
Yeah, sorry, I was a bit slow getting the poll up, plz also post what card you have...
DX9 ATI 9600XT.. seems like a really cool card but I haven't really got anything that shows off the new DX9 features yet. Though the water in morrowind looks very nice indeed. And the ATI demo's are pretty cool.
ive got a dx 10 card, its a loaner from ati, with the new 420 chip, and i tell you , it is great for running, quake, and such modern games.

well that is the life of a alfa tester for ati.
currently ive got a direct x6 card (tnt2) but in the coming months ill have a 9800xt
DX9, well it's a GF4, but it supports DX9, but it can only hardware accelerate DX8.1 :burp:
A TNT2 also supports DX9 ^^
magnetmannen said:
ive got a dx 10 card, its a loaner from ati, with the new 420 chip, and i tell you , it is great for running, quake, and such modern games.

well that is the life of a alfa tester for ati.

I can barely type for laughing so hard. No, really.

If you're going to try and bullshit people, at least make it look slightly credible, instead of spewing the kind of rubbish that my 3-year-old son could come up with. Let's dissect it, shall we?

1) DX10 specs haven't even been finalised yet.

2) ATI don't use external testers for hardware

3) I've seen blancmange with more credibility and intelligence
DX9... it's a regular ol' 9600. MP2 used some DX9 stuff, and it looked pretty good. I dunno if Deus Ex 2 had any...
I have a Gef2 MX, so dx7.

Note everyone: All GeForce MX cards are Dx7. This means you, GeForce 4 MX owner!
Nice to see alot of DX9's, as for me I have a Radeon 9600 Pro All-In-Wonder
Fat Tony! said:
WTF i got directX 9 but i have Nvidia TNT2
Ben. Your hardware uses DirectX 9, but it is a Direct X 6 card.

Let me explain.

Direct X is an adaptable programming interface. If your hardware doesn't actually support all the features it uses, it doesn't matter, it still works. You just won't see the features. Your card will support all of the features from the Direct X about the time it was made. Yours is DirectX6. However, there is nothing to stop you using Direct X 9, you just won't see all the pretty effects, so basically all it is to you, is optimisations since Direct X6. See?
"ti4200, not the bestthing in the world, but i can cope :)"

Actually they are very good cards, cheap, easy to overcloak and of course Dx8
crushenator 500 said:
ti4200, not the bestthing in the world, but i can cope :D
You will be better off than 5200 Ultra or 9200 Pro users.
Maybe even better fps than 5600/9600 in some games.
Just no DX9 which ain't that much of a loss.
Meh, the poll is flawed. The 9000 cards and the like are DX8.1 I beleive. And hell will freeze over before I recognise the FX5200 as a DX9 card. Is there anyone here that calls a car that has been mashed into a tiny cubicle and thrown on a dump a perfectly usable car?
dawdler said:
Meh, the poll is flawed. The 9000 cards and the like are DX8.1 I beleive. And hell will freeze over before I recognise the FX5200 as a DX9 card. Is there anyone here that calls a car that has been mashed into a tiny cubicle and thrown on a dump a perfectly usable car?
My friend bought a FX5200 ;(
I didn't have the heart to tell him that his old card was better ;(

Oh, and Shuzer: you are right :P
dawdler said:
Meh, the poll is flawed. The 9000 cards and the like are DX8.1 I beleive. And hell will freeze over before I recognise the FX5200 as a DX9 card. Is there anyone here that calls a car that has been mashed into a tiny cubicle and thrown on a dump a perfectly usable car?

Direct X 8.1 is still within the category of Direct X 8...
TI 4600 dx 8 or 8.1 I dont know but dx 8 at least so I voted that. I dont understand why I lag in many games wich are older than it... Like SOF2. Just because I like 1280x1024... OK maybe I kinda understand.. But it sux :) I have 2533 mhz and 1024 MB 333 mhz 6 NS RAM! FFS!
Selas, what exactly does your sig mean? The first sentance is givin me this weird theory...
Six Three said:
Direct X 8.1 is still within the category of Direct X 8...
Ah, but if we are talking game use, its two different things. Especially for pixel shaders.
I have a GeForce 4 Ti 4200, but it says it supports DX9. I guess that means, it can run with somthing thats DX 9.......but it really isn't. I dont know.
can we go lower then directX 7 lol
no i have a 9600 pro
DX - Radeon 9700pro

Doesn't the 9200pro able to DX9 too - the pol should be changed.
Sprafa said:
DX - Radeon 9700pro

Doesn't the 9200pro able to DX9 too - the pol should be changed.

im pretty sure the 9200 isnt DX9, ill check
9200 is actually the 8500 renamed but with 8x instead of 4x agp. DX8.1 btw
9100 is the 8500 renamed (keeping the 4x agp).

He has the model numbers and what they support correct.

_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
I dont understand why I lag in many games wich are older than it
Yeah, that res could be it. Or if Vsync is on.
i have a 9600 Pro, 128mb.

anxiously awaiting HL2 like everyone else :)
Fender357 said:
I have a GeForce 4 Ti 4200, but it says it supports DX9. I guess that means, it can run with somthing thats DX 9.......but it really isn't. I dont know.
Maybe the author of the thread should have done a quick rundown on that :)
Your card is DX9 compatible, but it isnt isnt DX9 hardware. Its very simple, if you aint got an FX (minus the *urk* 5200 *blergh*, and I still have my doubts about it if you go deep enough on the other FX cards) or a ATI with a number equal or higher than 9500 or the latest Volaris (I think), it aint DX9 hardware.