What do i do about Steam


May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Has anyone else had trouble getting online since the last Steam Update on 23/9?
I managed to play fine on Friday after the update but nothing since, do you think i could have downloaded rogue files as when i went into a public server on friday after the update i downloaded two files names s and t whilst before going into play overwatch on UKPOO>NET public server??????. Could this be the cause?
What do i do? Steam reccomend updating graphic and video drivers but i dont want to go messing with ati catalyst installing the latest drivers, it looks too complicated and dont think it will cure the problem.
Any advice?
RC-73 said:
Has anyone else had trouble getting online since the last Steam Update on 23/9?


Use the search feature. It's the forums best kept secret apparently. Nobody uses it.
sinkoman said:

Use the search feature. It's the forums best kept secret apparently. Nobody uses it.

What search feature?
on what forum?
I thought you were being sarcastic.
I cannot see a search feature, unless you mean manually searching.
and my steam is still up ship creek
RC-73 said:
I cannot see a search feature, unless you mean manually searching.
wtf? is there another kind? what's the opposite of manual searching? you just press search and it gives you the results you want magically?
i think sinkoman was being dry (sarcastic) i think he meant for me to search through the threads and look, which i have, people who were having problems seem to be ok now, EXCEPT ME, havent been able to play since saturday and i dont know what to do, thinking of risking a reinstall
AHHHHH I see it now, a little link called serach at the top of the page, you click it and you can search
W00t teh spam

Note for the next version of the site : Make search button at least 1024 on 768 pixels.
I had to re-add the hl2.exe's to my firewall (Zone Alarm) after the update, because I guess the update changed those files. If you're running a firewall, that could be the problem.
I Have Zone Alarm, it notified me the program was changed, i click on accept and remember for next time, it doesnt make any difference, it still asks me again when i boot up steam and i get the crash again. However i could check the ZA settings and make sure it is remebering. fingers crossed.
After yet another update from Steam i am finally back on DM, allthough i dont know if it was due to updating ati catalyst that did it- i'll never know.
DM has gone very laggy now though, i hope they sort that out.