what do i do??



i know practically nothing about computers, but i luv HL and i want HL2 to work well on mine. I know that my Geforce 2 sux, but what should i get for around 200$? Also, since i know nothing, do i need to get anything else with it to work on my computer? HELP!
Whats your current system.
For 200$ I'd buy either a Radeon 9500 or a GeForce FX 5600.
Originally posted by righte0us
for 200$ you can get a very good high end video card
well not really, but you can get any of the 9500/np or the geforce 4 4200..
But more system specs are needed bud.
Originally posted by righte0us
for 200$ you can get a very good high end video card

whats the point in that when his system is going to slow it all down anyways?
hey I was just saying that he can get a really good card, with all high end capabilities such as the Radeon 9500 for 200$.
A 9500 Pro can be found for around 200$... It beats the living shim out of the 5600. Literally.
Of course, one could jump a bit and find a 9700 Pro for around 250-270$... Its more expensive, but well worth it. Plus its neck to neck (half of the time faster) with the 5900 Ultra at 500$ :)

But yeah, need more specs, its not really a point having it in a old computer... The a cheap Geforce 4 is the obvious choice, better to save money for a complete upgrade later :)