What do the dotnetters drink?

Beer, Liquor, Wine, I'll drink it. If it contains alcohol, I will drink it. The only thing I have an issue with is Jagermeister, had a bad experience once. Anything else is fair game for me. I love beer, I've been to several different beer festivals and I've loved every second of them. I remember in past alcohol threads people were claiming that no one actually enjoys the taste of beers, LOL.

I've been drinking a lot of wine recently, been digging the Cabernet Sauvignon. Sauvignon Blanc if I'm feeling like having white.

As far as liquor goes, I go for either Whiskey or Gin. I've only tried the most popular brands of whiskey, Jameson is my favorite, but my most common whiskey is Canadian Club. I love it. I need a drink.
I don't drink beer it makes me throw up for some reason, I like mixed drinks like captain morgan and coke. I don't get waisted though anymore.
Delicious, fluoridated tap water. It's good for the pineal gland.
When partying it's usually beer (mostly czeck). Sometimes red wine. On non-party occasions I drink whisky (and Bailey's on rare occasions).
Water, coke, beer, vodka (mixed with anything)
Hmmmmmm liquid.
Beer generally. New Belgium Trippel is delicious. Their seasonal beers are pretty awesome as well.

And then more Carling.

This for cheap beer. Other beers include Rickards Red, Stella, and Alexander Keiths. Aside from that I have rum and coke from time to time.

Non-alcoholic beverages include water, milk, fruit juice, and soft drinks (to be vague).
I've found out that I enjoy beers. Like the different kinds of beers. Not cheap pisswater though. Guinness is smooth, lightly carbonated, thick and heavy, while Shock Top is like drinking bread.
For the most part I've been drinking tea, coffee & copious amounts of coke.

As far as alcohol goes I had a few glasses of wine on Xmas eve, & I had 4 or so bottles of Boag's Draught today at a Boxing Day get together.

older picture but yeah...pretty much the only booze I ever buy other then Jaegermesiter.