What do we KNOW about the G-man


Dec 11, 2004
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I'd just like to make a thread about our actual knowledge regarding the G-man, not of the speculations

I'd prefer if you posted your info in Yellow for HL green for OpForce Blue for Blueshift and Orange for HL2

1) The G-man could kill Gordon

2) The G-man can generate transdimensional portals

3) the G-man can't be killed with traditional weaponry
The G-Man is capable of closing doors.

The G-Man is not a Pinyata.

The G-Man was played by Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Picture

I'm bad, I know.
He can stop or slow down time.
He can access space/another dimension/another universe easily.
Kingreaper said:
3) the G-man can't be killed with traditional weaponry

You're never given a chance to harm him normally in the game. You don't know if he can be hurt or not.

The fact that the model is invincible in HL1 could merely be to ensure the proper gameplay, so the player doesn't actually end up killing the G-man as they see him in various parts of the game.
tehsolace said:
You're never given a chance to harm him normally in the game. You don't know if he can be hurt or not.

The fact that the model is invincible in HL1 could merely be to ensure the proper gameplay, so the player doesn't actually end up killing the G-man as they see him in various parts of the game.

Yes, because then Alyx would be invincible as well.
tehsolace said:
You're never given a chance to harm him normally in the game. You don't know if he can be hurt or not.

The fact that the model is invincible in HL1 could merely be to ensure the proper gameplay, so the player doesn't actually end up killing the G-man as they see him in various parts of the game.
IIRC you could kill people you needed to stay alive, it just lost you the game

so killing the G-man would have lost you the game, had it been possible
The Gman is some kind of businessman who is willing to rent you out to interested parties.
Actually you can kill him, try it! Spawn him in some area and spawn some combine soldiers too, he goes down in no time! What a enjoyable feeling it was to see that damn manipulator go down :E
He can't be killed, unlike other NPC's necessary to the game, because think about it:

If you accidentally killed the gman with a grenade or something and your screen fades black and says "Subject blah blah", well then one, you would have absolutely no idea what you did thus frustrating you (since you rarely see him up close) and two, it would really take the mystery out of the guy if he just... died.

You aren't meant to kill him, sure, nor are you meant to kill anyone else besides the enemy... but it would just ruin the g-mans image and confuse the hell out of you.
also, the subject part may actually be g-mans conclution. I always thought that all the subject babble in hl1 was g-man, evaluating you as a potentiall employee, and (i might be wrong here,) i think it ses subject: hired or something like that at the end of hl1?
MrWhite said:
He can't be killed, unlike other NPC's necessary to the game, because think about it:

If you accidentally killed the gman with a grenade or something and your screen fades black and says "Subject blah blah", well then one, you would have absolutely no idea what you did thus frustrating you (since you rarely see him up close) and two, it would really take the mystery out of the guy if he just... died.

You aren't meant to kill him, sure, nor are you meant to kill anyone else besides the enemy... but it would just ruin the g-mans image and confuse the hell out of you.
If he could be killed in any way then the fact I hit him with a rocket launcher would have resulted in his death

Whatever the explanation for HL1 unkillability it's not that it would be irritating, even irritating HL2 kills are allowed, and HL2 does stop you killing Alyx etc.

Also, the black screens in HL are generated by the G-man as far as I can tell (the last one comes up with employedn as status) so it would have given you some cryptic message

The G-man appears to have wanted the gene worm (opforce final boss) defeated

The G-man wanted Nihilanth dead
tehsolace said:
You're never given a chance to harm him normally in the game. You don't know if he can be hurt or not.

Actually, there is a place early in HL1 where you get a chance to blast him, if you act quick. Near where you first get grenades (in that little security closet type thing soon after meeting your first houndeyes.)

He's on a balcony overlooking you. As soon as you enter the room, he walks away, but I managed to get a few pot shots on him. If I'd only had a magnum...
G-Man killed. Crime scene screenshots attached.

I managed to get the G-Man killed by one of those gunship thingies. Thought you might get a kick out of the screen shots.


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Kingreaper said:
If he could be killed in any way then the fact I hit him with a rocket launcher would have resulted in his death

Whatever the explanation for HL1 unkillability it's not that it would be irritating, even irritating HL2 kills are allowed, and HL2 does stop you killing Alyx etc.

Also, the black screens in HL are generated by the G-man as far as I can tell (the last one comes up with employedn as status) so it would have given you some cryptic message

The G-man appears to have wanted the gene worm (opforce final boss) defeated

The G-man wanted Nihilanth dead

Regardless, you aren't supposed to be able to have the chance for a crack at him.
MrWhite said:
Regardless, you aren't supposed to be able to have the chance for a crack at him.

You are correct. The G-Man did not stay "dead" for the rest of the game. What happend with me was a fluke anyways.
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but...

The G-man was seen talking to a scientist before the resonance cascade happened.

So, the G-man had a plan for Gordon right from the beginning.
vsaravia said:
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but...

The G-man was seen talking to a scientist before the resonance cascade happened.

So, the G-man had a plan for Gordon right from the beginning.

Never seen him talking. That could prove that the g-man might of set it up. Set the whole place to go boom.

When you can see him on the building thing on the canals but when you go up their. It is only 2 zombies. Who would the zombies not attack G-man
Ok.... lets see now.

Shepard notes in the manual that he saw a "G-Man" talking to his superiors, and watching him during training...

Oh, and I'm not sure, but i think all plot characters are invincible for HL2 EXCEPT when there is a particular sequence (i.e Nova Prospekt (protecting Alyx) or Follow Freeman (Protecting Barney)
He has an interest in "those who adapt and survive against all odds" because they remind him of himself.

He is responsible for the destruction of Black Mesa by rearming the Black Ops' bomb to cover up what happened there

He has - or claims to have - employers

Further to this, in all games he sounds uncomfortable speaking english (or presumeably any spoken language), often stuttering when doing so. He also frequently adjusts his tie and wipes his suit clean - One could even speculate that given the HL2 ending, he has a thing about the most minor details...
I'm pretty sure this is in all the games so no colors

He always has a briefcase....
In Nova Prospekt...

When seen on a monitor, he is standing there with antlions running amok in the background. But they don't touch him.
in half life 2 after your teleported out of nova prospekt and your in the scientists house theres a photo on the wall of a bunch of scientists including freeman. if you look closely theres the gman in a labcoat.
Obakemono said:
in half life 2 after your teleported out of nova prospekt and your in the scientists house theres a photo on the wall of a bunch of scientists including freeman. if you look closely theres the gman in a labcoat.

The G-Man has a suitcase.

(Didn't see maelstrom had posted. Hey, mine's in color :D)
Cpl_Facehugger said:
Actually, there is a place early in HL1 where you get a chance to blast him, if you act quick. Near where you first get grenades (in that little security closet type thing soon after meeting your first houndeyes.)

He's on a balcony overlooking you. As soon as you enter the room, he walks away, but I managed to get a few pot shots on him. If I'd only had a magnum...
You could empty a thousand magnum rounds in him, I promise you he won't die.
in half life 2 after your teleported out of nova prospekt and your in the scientists house theres a photo on the wall of a bunch of scientists including freeman. if you look closely theres the gman in a labcoat.
That's not g-man, that's generic scientist Number 4 from Half-life.
I believe G-man was there to stop Breen through regular channels, which after the resonance cascade became impossible, hence he used Freeman, Shephard, Black Ops and a big, bad-ass bomb to stop Breen and his plans. He failed.
But I very, very much doubt the g-man had a plan for gordon right away, he just sorta fell into his lap.
Kupoartist; Maybe he has OCD?
Kingreaper said:
The G-man appears to have wanted the gene worm (opforce final boss) defeated

The G-man wanted Nihilanth dead

the G-man maybe wants to kill some of the alien scum so he can take over.... in HF2 you kill breen in the end... he was someone important and G-man wanted him dead so he wouldnt stand in his way...
kurfu said:
I managed to get the G-Man killed by one of those gunship thingies. Thought you might get a kick out of the screen shots.

Dude! You killed the G-man. That's awesome
Could u guys puh-leez use different colors? My eyes are boggling out while reading these :eek:

The Gman represented/worked for/controlled by some unknown secretive entity
When u whack him with a crowbar, he shoots out sparks
The Gman have been observing Shepeard for sometime, maybe he is the alternative to Freeman? Or maybe the original primary objective, even!
He dont give a damn about Calhoun
G-man or his employers now control the Vortigaunts.
"We are guided by the same mystery"
You like vortigaunts don't you, riomhaire?
Whats wrong with Vorts
THEY ROCK! for your infotantment thats why I like them!
He couldn't die in HL1 unless his model was set to be killable. Even then he would either only gib, or become motionless, he didn't have a death animation, and they didn't have ragdolls then.

He was like a piece of metal and if you shot him the bullet just made sparks. RPGs didn't scratch him.
Easy to follow guide to G-man killing:
1. Open console and type "sv_cheats 1"
2. point at ground and type "npc_create npc_gman"
3. point at G-man and type "ent_setname X"
4. type "ent_fire X ignite"
5. watch G-man burn
:flame:BURN, BURN BABY, BURN:flame: