What do you guys think?

February 24?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 19 22.6%
  • No!

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Cheese?

    Votes: 22 26.2%

  • Total voters
Mr-Fusion said:

Valve will be making an E3 appearance!!! As far as i'm concerned, that means a release date beyond May.
It would be embarrasing for them to show HL2 again and with little in the way of change from last year.. It's more likely they'll release HL2 prior to E3 then ride on the back of its success to introduce TF2 or maybe something else entirely.
Ideally, yes.

I hope to God something goes to plan at Valve, for once!! But the cynical pessimist inside me knows better...
wont believe....don't believe...NOTHING untill Valve say something!!!
I've already purchased my copy, half-way through, it's pretty good but it's no patch on Space Invaders.
I would say April..February 24th is just to soon....btw i voted cheese...because well who can not vote for cheese if thats a option on a internet forum poll.
I just wanna ask why everyone's saying "it's to good to be true"...why? its been delayed once, we've gotten no new news, what says that it cant be the 24th of February? I personaly still think that it will be released in April.
I guess people lost all thier optimisum, its a sad sad world
Oh my...I hope so, I really do. But I doubt it very much. April at the earliest, if not September. Hopefully February or late March though. :)