What do you know about Sweden?

Yeah I'm with Tr0n. I just hate France. They hate us anyway, and they laugh at 9-11. *sigh* Guess they don't realize they would be speaking German if it weren't for America. With all due respect to Britain and Canada for helping with D-day of course. Britain, Germany, Russia and Italy are cool.
Bad part is if it wasn't for France we would be speaking in British tone.(If I remember my history correctly)
Originally posted by Tr0n
Bad part is if it wasn't for France we would be speaking in British tone.(If I remember my history correctly)

Well if it wasn't for Americans, the French would be speaking German! HAHA

No I don't hate the French either actually. It's their leaders who are insane, I don't think the people are are.
If it weren't for the Romans then we wouldn't have Ceaser Salads.
i wish i lived there, my country sucks (USA)
the patriot act has a lot of secret clauses that remove all of our court based freedoms
and the FOI act lets the gov censor everything, even declassified stuff
and the prez is a jackass
Originally posted by Quackzilla
i wish i lived there, my country sucks (USA)
the patriot act has a lot of secret clauses that remove all of our court based freedoms
and the FOI act lets the gov censor everything, even declassified stuff
and the prez is a jackass
I would rather live in the worlds most powerful country than live in Sweden or any other country for that matter.
i was told by a person living in Sweden that seal meat is a popular meat for dinners and stuff..

i know other things as well but this was jumped out at me since i was just talking to the person earlier tonite.. hehe
errr sweden aye...........you guys got all of them hot chicks in bikinis :)
Is it true that in Sweden you don't have any real swear words?

Just something an ex-girlfriend said once.
Originally posted by Feath
Is it true that in Sweden you don't have any real swear words?

Just something an ex-girlfriend said once.
We have alot of them, trust me :)

but some of them might sound odd for an american, you can for instance go out and yell "FAN!!!!" which is kind of swearing in swedish, but the english translation would be "DEVIL!!!" (loose translation and more correct meaning is "f**k!") which isnt exactly swearing for an american... Sounds stupid huh? Even "Satan!" is swearing, if an american would yell it it would just be odd.
And of course, take any american swear word, translate it into swedish and you got the swedish version, or just stick to the american version, everyone understand it anyway :)

i was told by a person living in Sweden that seal meat is a popular meat for dinners and stuff..
Doubt it, but I wouldnt eat it anyway, hehe.
Swedish guy here :E

Just so u know, wo don't eat meatballs all the time... ;P I myself almost never eat it. (Damn, i don't like the word meatballs, makes me think of something else if u know what i mean :o)
Im swedish to.

But i love swedish meatballs... :)
And we have alot of swear word to... But like dawdler said there is funny for you to hear them...

Var bor ni då? Ska vi reta usa barnen lite och snacka svenska? :)
Kankse inte så moget, men jag e trött som satan så jag vet inte riktigt vad jag gör! :D
Originally posted by medic
Var bor ni då? Ska vi reta usa barnen lite och snacka svenska? :)
Kankse inte så moget, men jag e trött som satan så jag vet inte riktigt vad jag gör! :D
Nej för böveln, vi kan inte reta upp dom satarna, det vore fan så elakt! <- look at all the swearing! :)
I love meatballs!

And yes, our swear words compared to other countries' are pathetic.
Most of them are a remain from the time when people actually believed in god... silly people.
Have any swedes here read "jordens smartaste ord" by Fredrik Lindström? It tells you allot about our swear words, among other things.
Its interesting that those christianity related swear words still have power.
We also have swear words which goes in the "anal" category. :)
like "shit" and "asshole".
But we never insult other peoples mothers or anything like that...
But we never insult other peoples mothers or anything like that...
Oh wait, maybe that's not so good... :)
Have heard many people say "Din mamma!" but that's cause I live in an area with many syrian/assyrians/turks/whatever (I never learned, a friend tried to explain the difference, I was lost a minute later), I dont actually get that swearing though, hehe...

Though I do wonder what the american translation to "miffo" is...
Btw, another stupid swear word "träskalle", "woodhead" :)
Since "miffo" is short for "missfoster", i guess that the american translation would be "freak"?

The lamest swedish swear word has to be "håll käften"...
= "Hold the jaw".
It's equal to "SHUT THE F**K UP!!!!"
Originally posted by Zeus
Yeah I'm with Tr0n. I just hate France. They hate us anyway, and they laugh at 9-11. *sigh* Guess they don't realize they would be speaking German if it weren't for America. With all due respect to Britain and Canada for helping with D-day of course. Britain, Germany, Russia and Italy are cool.

I like to make fun of the French. I don't hate them though, they can be nice people. The problem is that people don't like the stereotypes and then make a generalisation about the country. Like for instance "they laugh at 9-11". I know for a fact that isn't true, its likely that you saw some French guy on the internet who got annoyed at an American.

Oh and we could quite easily say, if it weren't for Russia, we would be speaking German. Russia after all did do a considerable amount of damage to the Nazi war machine.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I like to make fun of the French. I don't hate them though, they can be nice people. The problem is that people don't like the stereotypes and then make a generalisation about the country. Like for instance "they laugh at 9-11". I know for a fact that isn't true, its likely that you saw some French guy on the internet who got annoyed at an American.

Oh and we could quite easily say, if it weren't for Russia, we would be speaking German. Russia after all did do a considerable amount of damage to the Nazi war machine.
Humour is a way to handle the frightening :)
At any rate, saying "they laugh at 911" and then have that as a reason for hating france is just moronic. Even a 10 year old can see the stupidity in that.

Btw, if you have ever driven around in Paris, you WILL hate them :D

Back to the swedish part: Nils Bohlin created the three point seat belt which is considered to be one of the most important things for traffic safety in the world. Celsius was also a swede. And of course the allmighty monkey wrench is a swedish invention :)
Originally posted by dawdler
Btw, if you have ever driven around in Paris, you WILL hate them
lol, driving around Paris is suicide if your North American. I wouldn't drive in Paris in a million years.
I dont hate America, what i do is that i think America is a little weird. Why can almost anyone in America own a gun? Dosent that contribute to americas super high criminal level? Why does America play world dominators and risk their young boys/and girls lives to liberate a shitty country like Iraq? I dont think Iraq was a threat to America. But on the other hand it was good that the asshole Saddam got ******!

I wanna go to USA on vacation or something..cuz its do damn much to see and do there, but i dont think i want to live there..seems to dangerous...wars everyother week, criminals everywhere, bums, drugdealers,drive by´s..comercial every 5 minutes on the TV :]and alots of people who dont speak english!

and hmmm i think almost anyone who move to america can be an american..there are no special race for americans..america is just a country europeans stole from the real americans (indians) and a country that people from all over the world imigrate too..

if u think im wrong plz correct me :] no "FuXx0r U ****1ng sw3de3"
Bara för man bor i sverige äter man inte köttbullar hela tiden, varför tror alla det. :x

Anyways, I was just sayin' that just because we live in sweden doesn't mean we always eat meatballs :p

Myself rather eat pizza or hamburger(lol)

Take care.
they say that they have the constitutional right to own a gun, but if I remember the constitution right, it say that you can own a gun to form a "weel-organized" miltia. I don't think every gun-owning American is in the milita, or are they?
Originally posted by h00dlum
I dont hate America, what i do is that i think America is a little weird. Why can almost anyone in America own a gun? Dosent that contribute to americas super high criminal level? Why does America play world dominators and risk their young boys/and girls lives to liberate a shitty country like Iraq? I dont think Iraq was a threat to America. But on the other hand it was good that the asshole Saddam got ******!

I wanna go to USA on vacation or something..cuz its do damn much to see and do there, but i dont think i want to live there..seems to dangerous...wars everyother week, criminals everywhere, bums, drugdealers,drive by´s..comercial every 5 minutes on the TV :]and alots of people who dont speak english!

and hmmm i think almost anyone who move to america can be an american..there are no special race for americans..america is just a country europeans stole from the real americans (indians) and a country that people from all over the world imigrate too..

if u think im wrong plz correct me :] no "FuXx0r U ****1ng sw3de3"
Yeah, and WTF is with the law against putting coins in your ear on Hawaii!? You cant do anything there then! Americans I tell you... :D
Jag älskar köttbullar, makaroner och brunsås eller vafan det heter... Finns fan inget godare!

Anyway, how can you in USA think that you should lead the world... i Mean go in and kill alot of ppl in Iraq and so on...Sure saddam was ****ed up.... but anyway... And all your wars why should you care, would you think it would be fun if someone taked over USA and so on...?
Originally posted by medic
Anyway, how can you in USA think that you should lead the world... i Mean go in and kill alot of ppl in Iraq and so on...Sure saddam was ****ed up.... but anyway... And all your wars why should you care, would you think it would be fun if someone taked over USA and so on...?
Well life sucks buddy.I don't care if we killed anyone in iraq.War is hell and there will always be some sort of civilian casualties.When will you euro bastards understand that?Doesn't matter if it was 1 civilian killed or 100,000 killed, every war will have some civilian casualties.And you shouldn't say anything, if it wasn't for us you would be speaking german right now and saluting Hitler.And on a last note I don't see anyone in the entire world that would dare try to take over the US.Well theres my 2 cents.
Originally posted by medic

Anyway, how can you in USA think that you should lead the world... i Mean go in and kill alot of ppl in Iraq and so on...Sure saddam was ****ed up.... but anyway... And all your wars why should you care, would you think it would be fun if someone taked over USA and so on...?

No one would dare even attempt take over the U.S. not even N Korea or Russia. They would be nuked in 3.5 miliseconds.
allmighty monkey wrench is a swedish invention

never heard of that? :0
Originally posted by Tr0n
Well life sucks buddy.I don't care if we killed anyone in iraq.War is hell and there will always be some sort of civilian casualties.When will you euro bastards understand that?Doesn't matter if it was 1 civilian killed or 100,000 killed, every war will have some civilian casualties.And you shouldn't say anything, if it wasn't for us you would be speaking german right now and saluting Hitler.And on a last note I don't see anyone in the entire world that would dare try to take over the US.Well theres my 2 cents.
Euro bastards? Doesnt matter if 100,000 killed?
European lives lost: ~25 million (maybe half was civilians)
American lives lost: 450,000 (of which nearly nothing is civilians)
Dont even go there with Europeans.
Everyone owning a gun in america doesn't contribute to the criminal level actually as much as it keeps it in check. It's a well proven fact that most gang members or anything else get their weapons illegally, you cannot without special permits own automatic weapons, just things like rifles and pistols and most of times those things aren't used in criminal activities. Personally in my household their is a beretta, a muzzleloader, a few shotguns, four rifles or so, two compound bows... on a less serious note two pellet guns, three paintball guns, a screamer gun (kinda like a flare gun just makes really loud noises), I have a blowdart gun as well. =)! Anyway trust me the world would not be as it was today if we didn't keep everyone in check, I mean you say we "take over" all these countries, in every war we fought, we refused to take money out of the countries we've defeated, we've spent money helping them, while britain extracts money out of them forcing people to starve. We never take over anyone's natural resources and still haven't, we haven't taken over any land since like french and indian war type of things but most of that was when britain was controlling us. We allow them to maintain their own governments to an extent even though we set them up for them to set precedents cause they have in most cases proven that they are incapable of that themselves, and what the hell do we get for it? We get countries hating us calling us a bitch making up shit about we eat children and saying were all evil in general, burning our flag. I mean personally I am glad we beat saddam's ass, I am glad we hit a few civilians on the way cause that will teach their families what the hell happens when you do that. =)! Actually the criminal activity isn't as bad as it seems, I've never had anything stolen from me, and I mean you hear about a murder once a day or so but being we have like millions people I mean c'mon you have better chances of winning the lotto then being stabbed. Chances increase if you go into a city area or get involved with gangs, rofl. But thats only logical, I've lived in Japan for 5 years and it's really not that different in criminal activity, its just their police suck and don't want to report that they can't find anything, =O! We'll thats all for now.
Originally posted by dawdler
Euro bastards? Doesnt matter if 100,000 killed?
European lives lost: ~25 million (maybe half was civilians)
American lives lost: 450,000 (of which nearly nothing is civilians)
Dont even go there with Europeans.
And what was your point here?
Aethaecyn: I still think your wrong that you think you are the earths police... Accept that other countrys and kultures is different, and you´r not always right.
Originally posted by Tr0n
And what was your point here?
That Americans have never experienced a world in ruins (the civil war was fairly civilised). 911 is a drop in the ocean, though I have read of several people that got their eyes open as a result. Stuff like that stick for generations to come. I have walked in the concentration camps and seen bombed out churches and buildings and mass graveyards with crosses as far as the eye can see. Many americans have too, and I can bet you they DO care. Well most of them, there are exceptions that end up in the warmongering department anyway. Why do you think Sweden turned away from war after being 100 times worse than the US?
Though I would suggest discontinuing...

Fun fact (the third I think): just after WW2 there a few years with thousands of reports of "ghost rockets" over scandiania and sweden in particular, UFO's in the sky.
Originally posted by dawdler
That Americans have never experienced a world in ruins (the civil war was fairly civilised). 911 is a drop in the ocean, though I have read of several people that got their eyes open as a result. Stuff like that stick for generations to come. I have walked in the concentration camps and seen bombed out churches and buildings and mass graveyards with crosses as far as the eye can see. Many americans have too, and I can bet you they DO care. Well most of them, there are exceptions that end up in the warmongering department anyway. Why do you think Sweden turned away from war after being 100 times worse than the US?
Though I would suggest discontinuing...

Fun fact (the third I think): just after WW2 there a few years with thousands of reports of "ghost rockets" over scandiania and sweden in particular, UFO's in the sky.
The reason why we have never experienced a world in ruins is because we can actually defend ourselves.And am I supposed to be impressed by you saying Sweden is 100 times worse than the US????Yea 911 did open our eyes but it made use stronger as a country.And what does that "Fun Fact" have to do with the argument at hand????
Originally posted by Tr0n
The reason why we have never experienced a world in ruins is because we can actually defend ourselves.And am I supposed to be impressed by you saying Sweden is 100 times worse than the US????Yea 911 did open our eyes but it made use stronger as a country.And what does that "Fun Fact" have to do with the argument at hand????
What, you never read the thread title? And why on earth would I want to impress YOU? I said that Sweden WAS 100 times worse, not IS.
The argument at hand is "What do you know about Sweden?" FYI.
I can't believe people are proud of the fact that they live in a country that would go to war for no apparent reason. And to say "war is hell, there will be civilian casualties" brings up the question "why go to war in the first place if it is hell".

On a more official note, I will close this thread if it does not take a very sudden turn for the better.
Originally posted by Zerimski
I can't believe people are proud of the fact that they live in a country that would go to war for no apparent reason. And to say "war is hell, there will be civilian casualties" brings up the question "why go to war in the first place if it is hell".

EDIT: Opps I made a political post. Deleted, so it wont anger people.
I was just about reply as well ;) Anyway, thanks for trying to get this back on topic.

Sweden? Never been there myself but I hear it's a very nice country.
Originally posted by Zerimski
I can't believe people are proud of the fact that they live in a country that would go to war for no apparent reason. And to say "war is hell, there will be civilian casualties" brings up the question "why go to war in the first place if it is hell".

On a more official note, I will close this thread if it does not take a very sudden turn for the better.

Ok, I will get back on subject, but despite the fact that you are an admin, and I don't mean to anger you, but don't say that we go to war for no apparant reason, my dad is a veteren, as is my grandpa, they've had to kill people in war, my dad had to bury people alive in the first operation against iraq.. People my dad has known and I've known through him have died, don't say its for no apparant reason, sorry but just don't. We acknowledge war is hell, we acknowledge it is not good and fun, it is illogical to assume you shouldn't do so then in that manner, What you should NOT do is go to war if you cannot understand that it is hell, and in spite of that we acknowledge it we still do it.. that is more honorable and thought thru in my opinion... despite whether or not europeans think its cool to do the whole F the po-lice thing and say that we shouldn't make the world a safer place to live in generally.

Also what do I know about sweden? They raise goats in the hills, make watches and export sub-par porno videos, except for some of the hot swedish chicks.. then again who will logically criticize a porno's plotline. =). That's about all I know about it, hrm can't remember its capital either, I'm thinking brussels but thats belgium I think.