What do you think about Bush?

Ah yes, so being an able speaker automatically make him suspicious? I mean, there's just no way he could still be more able as president. (Not that I'm such a big fan of Clinton's)

The fact that he was a good public speaker is not the reason why I do not trust him. He cannot even admit that he has had sexual relations with an intern, that is what makes me not trust him.

Yeah, **** all! No bloody liberal measured response! Thats for weenies. Never mind that level-minded people worldwide might actually find these actions so outrageous that they turn on him.

See my example.

Becuse of his actions?

You damn moron. Didnt I say it was because of his actions? Did you even read my post at all??? HE MADE THE U.N LOOK BAD BY TAKING ACTION.

Jeeebuz, what neither Bush nor you or people like you understand is that by going about things as he does, he manages to infuriate, as it now seems, a majority of the world.

Let me give an example. I know this will be hard to comprehend, as you're obviously nicely brain washed, but try.

Many people now (not evil moslems or members of radical islamic military factions) now perceive president Bush as the single biggest threat to world peace. Let's say all those people gathered and voted to let the EU invade the US to liberate them from the this threat to world peace. I'm sure everyone in the US would be really happy about that?

That was a rhethorical question. No, of course they wouldn't. Even the people in the US who were against Bush would rally round him. (In fact this kind of national sentiment is exactly what Bush has used to keep his popularity up. When people perceive an attack on their motherland (9/11 anyone), the the people unite. It's a well proven strategy and its used all the time in third world countries, too bad so few recognize it when its close to home)

Oh yeah, and the goal of the UN is to keep Saddam in power... jeez

You sound like a broken record. I even stated that many countries in the world hate us, and still I dont understand? Again I ask you if you even read my post.

The definition of peace is the absence of war, so in a way you are right. But if you think of it that way many countries that are having petty fights and revolutions and all these terrorist attacks is a threat to world peace. What makes them and the war in Iraq different is that Bush is waging this war to make the world a safer and terror-free place in the long run.

And BTW I never said that the goal of the U.N was to keep Saddam in power. You made that up yourself. If you read my post you would realized that I said that the U.N is all talk and little action. But you wouldent want to read too much into the truth I've posted now would you? I might make you feel uneasy about your sheepish beliefs.

You have to be ****ing kidding me! Of course many people in Iraq are happy to be rid of Saddam, but not at any price. Especially not at the price of US soldiers shooting innocents every day. These people have relatives, just as the US soldiers KIA in Iraq have relatives and loved ones.

U.S soldiers shooting innocents everyday? Where did you get that from? You make it sound like our troops are plundering their towns and raping their women. Obviously you have been brainwashed by the liberal media.

Oh, if you seriously can't find anything wrong with his actions, you're just completely and utterly brainwashed and beyond any rescue. Of course, if you turn a blind eye to all evidence to the contrary, nothing will stick.

Take a look around you boy, the evidence is there. Of course it's up to you how to interpret it, after all, most of the people here are residents of a democracy.

Oh yeah, I am looking around.... no evidence is there. What is this evidence you speak of? If it is so obvious I should have heard about it by now. Please enlighten me.

Your arguements are about as sturdy as a house made of cards. Come back when you have something intelligently stimulating to say.

"Cokelite out."
Where does one find this "liberal media" I would like to see it :)
On another note, the innocent Iraqi body count since the war began is somewhere near 10,000 dead, not even counting Afghanistan, this is three times the number of innocent lives lost compared to the world trade center attack. Does that make us even then? No because Saddam and Iraq in general had nothing to do with 9/11, CIA and FBI alike, agree there is no connection between the two. And guess what, we still haven't found osama bin laden so i have quite a big reason for not approving of Bush's job thus far, and how can you say Gore would be worse? Truth is no one really knows but, if you look at recent events he really couldn't do any worse than Bush, hell doing absolutly nothing would still save more lifes that what Bush has done.

His foreign policy is appauling, his tax cuts are dangerous to an already failing economy, and the unemployment rate thanks to this administration has went from all time highs (clinton) to all time lows (bush)
Bush started office with a 400 billion dollar surplus, three years later, bush has us at around a 500 billion dollar DEFICIT.
The only good thing i can say about bush is that he sure is ripe for parody. :cheers:
Ok, I was going to continue this but no, comments like the one below just don't justify further discussion.

Originally posted by CokeLite
You damn moron.

Anyway, CokeLite, it's obvious that you and I have a difference of opinion. No need for name calling. I trust that this was written in anger and frustration.

See you around
sorry bout that. I got confused with another post and thought you were insulting me. Problems with multitasking :)
No problem. Still not going to continue the debate though :)

Just a suggestion though, try watching the BBC or other reasonably unbiased non-US news channels. Of course, you should also watch domestic channels. There are different ways of interpreting the world.

Not trying to bash your beliefs, just trying to make you expand them. Anyway, glad this was resolved peacefully; I'm really not in the business of making enemies (even though I may be a liberal in many senses of the word:)
I dont think bush is as bad as the left-wing people make him out to be.

I also dont think hes as good as the right-wing people make him out to be. He is not a better president than clinton by any standard.

I doubt he will be relected ....witch is a good thing...
No it will not.

He has a speech impediment that embarrasses us globally. He is hated by the most European countries (ever) and feared by them as the most significant threat (more than the Middle East). He has dissolved our surplus into insolvency, worsening the fluctuating situation by turning a blind eye towards corporate crime, unemployment, and investing in a trillion dollar war against terrorism. The Iraqi war is NOT over despite his formal declaration almost five months ago. If not for his otherwise superior Cabinet, Bush would've gone under a LONG time ago.
Bush is a moronic slimebag. But at least he does his slithering out in the open, unlike Clinton.

Bush does make rather good entertainment, though.
Y'know, it's occurred to me that the only reason John Howard and George Bush get along so well is because they both possess an uncanny resemblance to a chimpanzee.

My apologies to any chimps out there in forumland.
Originally posted by CokeLite
Clinton seemed so smart when he spoke because he is a professional speaker. Hell even the biggest idiot in the world that is good at professional speaking sounds smart.

You know why Clinton is a professional speaker? Cause he has been serious about politics his entire life. He didn't wake up one day (or rather have his father wake him up) from a coke and booze binge with a moment of a clarity thinking: "Hey, I want to be president!" Proffesional speaking isn't a genetic trait, it's an acquired skill that any serious politician should at least attempt to acquire, instead of butchering a langauge that's already going to hell.
So, George Bush meets The Queen, and he turns round and says: "As I'm the President, I'm thinking of changing how the country is referred to, and I'm thinking that it should be a Kingdom".

To which the Queen replies, "I'm sorry Mr Bush, but to be a Kingdom, you have to have a King in charge - and you're not a King."

George Bush thought a while and then said: "How about a Principality then?", to which the Queen replied "Again, to be a Principality you have to be a Prince - and you're not a Prince, Mr Bush".

Bush thought long and hard and came up with "How about an Empire then?" The Queen, getting a little T'ed off by now replied " Sorry again, Mr Bush, but to be an Empire you must have an Emperor in charge - and you are not an Emperor."

Before George Bush could utter another word, The Queen added: "I think you're doing quite nicely as a Country".
he is a fool!

"more and more of our imports come from overseas"

i have formed my opinion based on what he says and the decisions he makes, not other peoples, if we have a common idea then whatever.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
What do you guys think of Ralph Nader?

Nader was a knucklehead who should have pulled out of the elections way in advance and thrown his support to a candidate that had even a prayer of winning. I hate these unrealistic independents who throw off presidential elections just to attain some sort of personal satisfaction.
You F*&^ing liberals are in your own goddamn bind. do you idiots remeber world war 2? Liberals were the pussies that kept us out of the war at first, hell i bet they were reluctant to go even after half our navy was destroyed. As for this stupid argument that "We are killing innocent civilians" did you ever think how many more people would have been killed by saddamn? Your pussy liberal attitude is what makes the world so bad! quit trying to make excuses to not help people, liberals are the epidomy of selfish, and only care about whats good for themselves, suck it up bush has done the right thing for our country. Our economy is higher than was predicted, and the occupation of iraq is going smoothly imo. BTW bush hasnt lied, it hasnt been proven yet nor will it. Clinton on the other hand is a proven lier that should have been impeached once we found out about his treachery. All you liberals just got F*&^ing OWNED! go hug a tree or something we dont want to hear your bitching
What really makes ME mad, is the fact that no matter WHAT a republican was doing, liberal democrats would be bitch-bitch-bitching about it. The economy at the onset of enduring freedom was poor. Liberals called that. Then it increased 7.2%. It was a "jobless" recovery. Now its a "lack of good job" recovery. These people will complain about ANYTHING.

people like ted kennedy, possibly the worst policition ever, have the nerve to call call bush's (read:minority) judicial nominees "neanderthals", and that they were "just latinos". Imagine what would happen if a republican said that. the double standards here are incredible.

then theres our piss poor "liberal-because-its-popular" media, who claim thousands are in protest in britain, that the streets are full of raging hippies on war-crack. my friend (who lives there) scoured london trying to find these ilusive hippies, but to his dismay he only found around 200. everyone is against bush because its POPULAR get your own damn opinion, folks.
Heres that quote for you guys

After Democrats prevailed in their judicial filibuster standoff against Republican senators on Friday, Kennedy boasted, "What has not ended is the resolution and the determination of the members of the United States Senate to continue to resist any Neanderthal that is nominated by this president of the United States for any court, federal court in the United States."

Originally posted by Brian Damage
Y'know, it's occurred to me that the only reason John Howard and George Bush get along so well is because they both possess an uncanny resemblance to a chimpanzee.

My apologies to any chimps out there in forumland.

I'll have you know that Bush was kicked out of the chimperandium confederation for being an embarrassment, unfortunately that now means there are only two members left. ;(

BTW if anyone thinks I'm left winger they can **** off.
you don't have to be a liberal to realize that bush is a train-wreck.
Originally posted by gh0st
What really makes ME mad, is the fact that no matter WHAT a republican was doing, liberal democrats would be bitch-bitch-bitching about it. The economy at the onset of enduring freedom was poor. Liberals called that. Then it increased 7.2%. It was a "jobless" recovery. Now its a "lack of good job" recovery. These people will complain about ANYTHING.

That's bullshit, I'm a democratic New Yorker and I loved Guiliani (even before 9/11). I just call them like I see 'em. You ignorant conservatives would just like to think that's the way it is.
Originally posted by iamironsam
You ignorant conservatives would just like to think that's the way it is.

it requires a lot less use of the brain if you can pigeonhole people into sterotypes. be careful.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
it requires a lot less use of the brain if you can pigeonhole people into sterotypes. be careful.

You're right, I had a good point going till I dropped down to gh0st's level. I should have said "Your ignorant conservative ass...".
Originally posted by gh0st
everyone is against bush because its POPULAR get your own damn opinion, folks.

You're right, I hate Bush because John Steward on the Daily Show says he an idiot...

No dude, there's a reason it's POPULAR to hate Bush, because the general POPULOUS didn't vote for the scumbag!
umm, i think you traitorous democrats are forgetting about the headlines:

"Special operations teams of the U.S. military have secured a secret Iraqi base where thousands of liters of liquid anthrax were being loaded into artillery shells for use against British forces attacking Um Qasar."

"In a mad dash into the Iraqi desert, units of U.S. Marines have overrun an Iraq facility where botulinum toxin was found in tanks on Iraqi unmanned drones preparing for flights to release the poison over Kuwait City."

"Green Berets parachuted just hours ago into an Iraqi laboratory where uranium enrichment equipment for producing material for nuclear bombs was being stored. The soldiers destroyed aluminum tubes they found that were being used for the processing of uranium. Secretary of State Powell had revealed the existence of the equipment at the U.N. in February."

"Using data obtained from spy satellites, an Iraqi cache of illegal Scud missiles near Baghdad was destroyed last night by stealth bombers. The Bush and Blair administrations have said for months that they knew that Iraq had not disarmed itself of these weapons and that intelligence had confirmed their existence."

"Just minutes away from launch, sarin-armed Al Samoud missiles were shelled and destroyed by advancing British military forces. "They could have been in the air in minutes," said Sergeant Smith. "But we knew they had these weapons of mass destruction and we got to them in time." Prime Minister Blair said the action proved his contention that Saddam's banned weapons were just 45 minutes away from when he gave the order for their use to deployment on the battlefield."

"Based on information provided by Iraqi defectors, agents of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency moved today into Iraqi government bunkers in Karbala and took possession of two suitcase-size nuclear devices, proving the Bush administration's contention that Saddam Hussein posed a direct threat to the United States."

oh wait...
Haha, nice Timmy. This is the one situation where it would be nice to see headlines like that.
heres where the liberals show thier true colors, cant defend shit can you :)
Originally posted by waedoe
heres where the liberals show thier true colors, cant defend shit can you :)
Well, you can't expect a serious response when you write such a crazy post. "The occupation of Iraq is going smoothly" ROFL
Originally posted by gh0st

then theres our piss poor "liberal-because-its-popular" media, who claim thousands are in protest in britain, that the streets are full of raging hippies on war-crack. my friend (who lives there) scoured london trying to find these ilusive hippies, but to his dismay he only found around 200. everyone is against bush because its POPULAR get your own damn opinion, folks.

hehe....thats funny stuff.

now reinsert your head into your asshole like most other hardcore republicans(and plenty of democrats to) and close your eyes.....theres no reason to open them now.....
Originally posted by crabcakes66
hehe....thats funny stuff.

now reinsert your head into your asshole like most other hardcore republicans(and plenty of democrats to) and close your eyes.....theres no reason to open them now.....

hey chump change:

how about you actually make an argument instead of pulling train-wreck insults out of your juvie-rammed ass. :dozey:
Originally posted by iamironsam
You're right, I hate Bush because John Steward on the Daily Show says he an idiot...

No dude, there's a reason it's POPULAR to hate Bush, because the general POPULOUS didn't vote for the scumbag!

sorry forgot about this one

according to cnn,

50,996,116 48 % 21 266
50,456,169 48 % 30 271
3,874,040 4 % 0 0

those are the election results. thats hardly a majority. thats another thing, people keep whiiiining about the election. sorry, the founding fathers made sure morons wouldent make bad presidents win, thus the electoral college. thank god for them. for some more fun with numbers, 73% of americans are for this war, and a staggering 23% are not, once again from cnn, and once again leaving your shit in complete ruins.


keep crying liberals ;(
Originally posted by gh0st

those are the election results. thats hardly a majority. thats another thing, people keep whiiiining about the election. sorry, the founding fathers made sure morons wouldent make bad presidents win, thus the electoral college. thank god for them. for some more fun with numbers, 73% of americans are for this war, and a staggering 23% are not, once again from cnn, and once again leaving your shit in complete ruins.


keep crying liberals ;(

by morons you mean right-wing republicans right? i thought so.
wtf how does that make sense. it doesnt? ok thought so.