What do you think about Commies?

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Commies are evil!
Although, people who are in communist countries aren't necessarily bad.. :)
*Drools....* uh...what was the question again?
oh yea...they ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!.....

and cookies are good too...but commies....*tsk tsk*


They generally arent bad people. But in the current form , especially in America I dislike them. They tend to just be totally anti-establishment people , I mean to the point of being whacked out conspiracy mongers. Anyway Communism breeds the abuse of power (see USSR)
YEA shuzer...dont degradedeffd the forums!!!...commies only...i mean...evil commies. or eh er..i just plain out think reds are bad...

but anyways ditri has good points...ill have to agree
I hate communists.
One idiot on this forum said that was one stupid thing to say.

MrBager(MOD) is the "site communist"
But Russia's economy was way better when the communists ruled:x
Communists are the largest threat to freedom abroad.

EDIT: Badger is what I call a "psuedo-marxist."
He isn't flat out Communist, in fact; He opposes Communism in Govt., and recognizes that it's a bad idea.

Of course their economy was good. If you didn't work, you were killed.
Communism and Socialism go hand in hand. Thats why I hate Liberals.

Vote Republican
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Anyway Communism breeds the abuse of power (see USSR)

Having power breeds the abuse of power (see USA) :O
Originally posted by CokeLite
Communism and Socialism go hand in hand. Thats why I hate Liberals.

Vote Republican

Hate and facism go hand and hand. Don't spoil this thread.
There were some good parts to it. For example, I really enjoyed all the parades and ceremonial stuff as a kid. And wearing uniform to school ...
and other stuff I can't quite remember now, but it felt good.

Maybe it's just nostalgia...
Communism would work, and work well, since ideally it would end unemployment and classicism. Except that it relies on a few dumb parts.

For example, it assumes that people wouldn't mind living in a society with almost no promotion or social advancement.
They didn't take the "american dream" into account which, in my opinion, is a major oversight on thier part.
"All people are equal, but some are more equal than others."

I really enjoy communism as a part of our popular culture though. I think that many aspects of it are funny to the max, and make for good humour. :)
Communism is good. People don't get overloaded with stuff that they don't realy need. Everithing is dicide for them by the govenement, so people can focus on more spiritual and intellectual things.

Of coursce what was in the Soviet Union was complete delirium - none of the nation's chiefs(that's how the dictators called themselves) had at least a univercity degry, the food industry was unprofitable. They didn't even produce toilet paper where I lived(Simferopol') so my father, each time he went to a professional business trip brought us toilet paper from Moscow or India. And so on...

Yes, communism is good, capitalism - utopia!
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
communism is good on paper, just doesn't work though.
No, it didn't work only because of the dumb ass soviet liders.
Originally posted by Murray_H
Having power breeds the abuse of power (see USA) :O

Give me a call when you see power being seriously abused and going unpunished in the US , until then stfu.
Originally posted by Loshadka
No, it didn't work only because of the dumb ass soviet liders.

you try leading a communist nation. go on. do it. I dare you.
Communism is good in theory, and I'm an idealist, so I tentatively support communism, but I don't think it will ever be successful (in it's purest form) in real life. Most communist countries now are communist dictatorships, which I do not like.
rainbow six gives me a woody. time to listen to some freebird, lynyrd skynryd rocks! this buds for you, by mennen!
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I hate communists.
One idiot on this forum said that was one stupid thing to say.

MrBager(MOD) is the "site communist"
But Russia's economy was way better when the communists ruled:x

are you talking about me? Cause I didnt say I hated them, I called them stupid. If your talking about me.
hehe nice drawings Will, i wonder what the reds would have, to say.. lol

hmm.. as far as the general discussion goes.. i usually stay out of these kinda threads.. and the ones involving relegion and god.. they tend to get too serious and there comes a point where one poster makes a snide mark and others feel offended. just hate that..

anyway im really adding much to the discussion but the purest form of any type of gov't doesn't run a country like a well oiled machine.. a balance of all types may not hurt tho..
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Give me a call when you see power being seriously abused and going unpunished in the US , until then stfu.


the kennedy assassination
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Give me a call when you see power being seriously abused and going unpunished in the US , until then stfu.

the bush administration.

hey look, i got inspired too.
I didn't say you could draw pics of me, Lil' Timmy!!!;)

Tak: /me lowers and shakes head.
If only you knew what you were saying...
lmao...sean hannity...what a ...i almost typed jackass but then i had to look again and see what you called him in your drawing...

all the cable news channels are crap though...you have to watch all of them and also get some news from the BBC in order to have any shred of an unbiased presentation of world news.
yeah, bbc world is pretty good.. but fox news corp is substantially worse than cnn or msnbc. and sean hannity is just such a comic figure (i was going to put o'reilly in there, but he's actually somewhat respectable).

oh, haha, i just noticed, the guy i drew is getting fnc on rabbit-ears.. woops.. oh well.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
yeah, bbc world is pretty good.. but fox news corp is substantially worse than cnn or msnbc. and sean hannity is just such a comic figure (i was going to put o'reilly in there, but he's actually somewhat respectable).

somewhat being the key here...

i respect that he asks tough questions and demands answers to them in a forceful way...too many anchors are worthless in this regard and let people slip away from questions.

but sometimes he goes overboard and just basically yells at the person...it's like..jeez let the them say what they have to say before you interrupt him/her.

anyway...didn't mean to hijack :\
why hate commies? i dont understand it, the way they've been bashed, sure communism never worked out, but honestly, was it such a horrible belief to think people might thrive if all treated equal? now i'm not a commie but i think the idea is well founded, having everyone treated equally, but i guess we now know that aint gonna work. Not how the world spins, and another big flaw is an abusive leader. Who cares if someone thinks differently than u politically. We've all got our freedom of opinion. So whats wrong if they believe in that system. I'm not an expert or anywhere near it for that matter on communism so maybe i'm just babbling on about something i dont know. Oh well lol
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