What do you think about the Manipulator Gun?

They should have changed the skin of that weapon to Gordon's hands.... that would be so much coooler, you are like picking up barrels, blocking bullets, throwing stuff,.....
I think it's a pretty cool idea. Maybe a bit gimmicky, but it's certainly very original. I can just imagine Dr. Kleiner saying, "Here, Gordan. I've been working on this. I call it the Manipulator. Perhaps you'll find it useful."
Originally posted by 82ross
The fishing pole one isnt that much of a weapon. It would be a clumsy weapon as alls you can do it pick something up and move it around, trying to swing a box at a combine solider? Cant see that happening.

It would actually be like putting a brick on a fishing rod and running after someone with it. You wouldnt have much control over it.

It would make it easier to block passage ways and create debris fields to block enemies , I guarentee it would have its use and it would add alot to the fun and uniqness factor of HL2 , i for one can wait to use the manipulator.
I'd at least like to see the blue manipulator gun in the tech demo level from the e3 video, assuming it ever gets released.

Or have it just be the secondary fire for the manipulator gun.

I'd think it'd be really cool if the gun could stop bullets and then shoot then back at the enemy. Replace the gun model with a hand in the 'stop' gesture and you've logged into the matrix :)
too bad bullets aren't actually part of the engine.

that would work in doom3, but sorry, not hl2.
Quote from Half life 2 central:

The manipulator/anti-gravity gun

A yet unnamed weapon, confusing to some there have been 2 versions of manipulator. In part of the e3 video we see the demonstrator using a weapon with a blue beam to move mattresses, tables and bodies. This weapon was for demonstrational and testing purposes only, it will not feature in the full game. The yellow equivalent (see screenshot) however will. This weapon sparks curiosity in the minds of many fans. The weapon features two main functions, these are to pick up (manipulate) objects and to project them. In the e3 video we see a prime example of the capabilities of such a device and Gordon rips a radiator out the wall to use as a shield and later projects it killing his victim. The prongs on the Manipulator will open up when pointed at an object that is able to be picked up, and Valve has told us that there is a weight limit to how much you can manipulate.
maybe you will be able to change it in a console command or something. "sv_manipulatorlimit x":bounce:
Three words: Manipulator Dwarf Tossing

I think in the e3 demo the manipulator was a bit overpowered. By that I mean it shouldn't shoot objects so powerfully. I think that it should be in the game, but it shouldn't be powerful enough to replace an actual weapon.
mang i want to have the blue manipulator 2

just think about it wouldn't it be cool 2 pick a dead body and use it 2 knock some combine soldiers of their feet
I think in the e3 demo the manipulator was a bit overpowered. By that I mean it shouldn't shoot objects so powerfully. I think that it should be in the game, but it shouldn't be powerful enough to replace an actual weapon.

we don't even know at what point in the game you will get the manipulator gun... besides, if you're talking multiple combine soldiers against you, then it may be tricky to take them all out without taking a lot of damage yourself; damn it's hard waiting for HL2....
Think about it this way, what kind of cool/unique/interesting puzzles has Valve been able to put in the game that use the manipulator gun. That would be the biggest reason to have it in hl2.

And also, I have to say that a "Manipulator Wars" multiplayer mod would be awesome.

And also, I have to say that a "Manipulator Wars" multiplayer mod would be awesome.


hey, you could make a map specifically for the manipulator gun and place couches, refrigerators, car engines, tires, oil barrels, etc. throughout the level and kill each other with whatever you've got, sounds like funnn... man, those items that come off that weapon travel fast.. like the metal heater in the staircase, must've been going 150mph+ :p
I'd love to try it in multiplayer. What if 2 players got each other with the manipulator? If one moves, that would move the other as well. Pretty strange situation if you ask me. I'd love for it to have a console weight limit change. I'm gonna have a blast with it. One thing I wanna do, is if a combine soldier throws a grenade, I wanna catch it, and drop it right next to him :)

Wait, that just sparked a question, do you think that the primary fire is just to pick it up, then the secondary fire is to shoot the object? And if so, can you just shoot objects that are just chillin' there on the ground?


Is the primary fire the whole thing. You click and hold, when you release it shoots? Then what would be the secondary fire?

I'm betting my $$$ on the first option.

Another thing I'm wondering, is if I pick up a soldier, say by the head, and jerk him around, will he be just fine if I let go of him? Or would he be dizzy? Will he be dead because his neck is broken? Who knows....anyways, lots of fun will be had :)
The manipulator's primary fire will be to pick something up and the secondary will be to throw it. but you can only throw something once you have picked it up. so if you're not holding anything then the secondary won't do anything.
"What if 2 players got each other with the manipulator? If one moves, that would move the other as well. Pretty strange situation if you ask me."

Apparently you wont be able to move living creatures/people in the game release, however it is possible in the source engine and could make an interesting mod...