What do YOU think of microsoft????


the Specialist

Personnaly i think microsoft SUCKs!!!
Why: I have problems with my pc so i wanted to reinstall windows
==> I tried it 4 Times and still it doesn's work:
First time: Updates wouldn't install decently:angry:
Second Time:SP2 wouldn't install:angry:
Third Time: Problems with the installing cd:angry:
Fourth Time: Problems with IE: i couldn't activate nor use internet!!!:angry:

Conclusion: Microsoft SUCKS!:angry:
I think they make quality products and I have never really had any problems with them. Most people hate them because they think it is the cool thing to do.
All of my crashes are because of bad hardware, which I can't be bothered to replace.

My decent computer had no problems with XP, except slow startup sometimes.

But XP is great IMO.
The #1 problem with computers, is Human Error.

I personally, think microsoft rocks, and never had any problems with them.

It's a monumental challenge to make a stable operating system that can handle basically all third party hardware and software without making too much of a fuss, and I think XP handles this quite well. As for Microsoft the company, I don't know. Bill's very rich and that doesn't bother me - lots of people have orders of magnitude more money than me and that's fine. I don't know if they pollute or otherwise ruin the place that they are located. Some people say Seattle is a better place because of the huge influx of money, some people say it isn't. Is Bill practicing unfair business? Maybe, but I guarantee he's not alone. I think he's too easy to point a finger at for whatever ails people.
Foxtrot said:
I think they make quality products and I have never really had any problems with them. Most people hate them because they think it is the cool thing to do.

Ditto, I've never had any trouble with Microsoft
I'm a bit worried about their monopoly as a whole. They've literally dominated the entire operating system industry, there is zero room for competition.
Pesmerga said:
I'm a bit worried about their monopoly as a whole. They've literally dominated the entire operating system industry, there is zero room for competition.
OS have to be like that though, what if there wasn't a "monopoly"? There would be 50 OSs and developers would be ****ed for making programs.
I like the microsoft antispyware tool, it worked so great at work, that when I went back put in safe mode and ran adaware and spybot, they found more things. And the pc worked better.
Foxtrot said:
OS have to be like that though, what if there wasn't a "monopoly"? There would be 50 OSs and developers would be ****ed for making programs.

Ah, guess you're right. Although it might have put more pressure on developing compatibility software, which is a general push in technology, just in another direction.

Foxtrot is always right :<
I like 'em. Without them we would all be using some pewpy brand and Linux would be full of hackers. :)
I think Microsoft is the most influential corporation in the world... In the bad way.
I dont say that i like or dislike Microsoft, but think about it this way. Nothing can be totally perfect :p
I have absolutely no problems with Microsoft.
I like windows and what not but I'd have no problem using linux or another quality OS if one arose. Microsoft just kinda owns everything and it sucks, they just got a head start on everyone else and now look at today. With regular home users, they only know windows, and in AOL user cases, they only know AOL. They'll stick with what they know how to use, throw linux at them and ask them to install a printer and if they had to get their own drivers they'd be fux'd but mehhhh
Shamrock said:
I like 'em. Without them we would all be using some pewpy brand and Linux would be full of hackers. :)

Are you saying that Linux has security flaws, or would have without microsoft?

Personally, I just don't like Windows design, Not the actual UI, just that XP pro, isn't, its not professional and I find a lot of compatibility issues, as well as poor security.
Microsoft is fine.

Specialist, how do you know if Microsoft was the cause of your problems?
the Specialist said:
Personnaly i think microsoft SUCKs!!!
Why: I have problems with my pc so i wanted to reinstall windows
==> I tried it 4 Times and still it doesn's work:
First time: Updates wouldn't install decently:angry:
Second Time:SP2 wouldn't install:angry:
Third Time: Problems with the installing cd:angry:
Fourth Time: Problems with IE: i couldn't activate nor use internet!!!:angry:

Conclusion: Microsoft SUCKS!:angry:
If you've reinstalled Windows 4 times and you're still having problems then I'd consider that it might be your computer and not Microsoft that's causing the problem.

When you're reinstalling Windows are you deleting and recreating the partition and then formatting it?
in terms of other big business Microsoft is a great company

- gives large sums of money to charity (has own massive charity)
- Gates giving all money away at death, no trust fund babies
- fairly ethical practice/labor
- donates to public institutions
the list goes on..

Microsoft is a fairly tame next to big bad business.
Ennui is faithfully waiting for google to announce the GoogleOS.
Ennui said:
Ennui is faithfully waiting for google to announce the GoogleOS.

pfft forget that, i'l pass.. that will put them into control of EVERYTHING.. they will send all my file actions to HQ for some "impersonal" advertising and "surveying"

Not that longhorn is looking any better at this point.. but Google just doesn't seem fit to make an OS to me. I'l pass.
A lot of the time people hate windows xp is because they have a illegal copy and it isnt working for them ;)
I have nothing against Microsoft and am perfectly happy with Windows, but I find their recent ad campaign for Windows XP saying "Its your choice" a bit... ironic?
Foxtrot said:
I think they make quality products and I have never really had any problems with them. Most people hate them because they think it is the cool thing to do.

No, the reason I hate them is Games run slower on Windows O/S.

Its true! If you still remember the age of Dos O/S, the games that were compatible with both usually ran faster on Dos, I hope that Microsoft actually makes games run faster on LongHorn, I heard they have made LongHorn that has special programming that optimizes games and running speed. Its about time, considering consoles can run games about the same speed, or faster (culprit would be Halo, runs slightly slower than Xbox version on my Comp, even though its 3x more powerful).

They put remarkeable things on office sofware these days, even if your most likely not going to use it, but they still price the latest version (because no retailers have older versions) at £129. I only use Spreadsheet and Microsoft office, and even then I use the basic features which are most likely worth £29 (i.e. what a student can program).

Microsoft is a multi-million dollar coorporation and yet they are not very impulsive with using that money in creating tried and tested schemes
Shodan said:
Are you saying that Linux has security flaws, or would have without microsoft?

Personally, I just don't like Windows design, Not the actual UI, just that XP pro, isn't, its not professional and I find a lot of compatibility issues, as well as poor security.
I am saying without Microsoft, everyone would gang up on Linux and hack them finding and creating security flaws. Notice how everyone uses Microsoft, therefore its easier to hack. While only a slight few are using Linux. I am just making this up, but it seems like this, about 1 out of 15 people use Linux give or take a few.
I (mostly) like Microsoft's products, but I don't like the fact that they're pretty much a monopoly. Competition between companies = better products and services for the customer.
So basically you think Microsoft suck because your crap at computers :D
Shamrock said:
I am saying without Microsoft, everyone would gang up on Linux and hack them finding and creating security flaws. Notice how everyone uses Microsoft, therefore its easier to hack. While only a slight few are using Linux. I am just making this up, but it seems like this, about 1 out of 15 people use Linux give or take a few.

Thats quite true really, whatever OS the majority of people use, is going to be more concentrated on, for attacks, flaws etc.
I don't like the Office software prices

Otherwise :D

Specially since I've been given a legit free copy of Longhorn.. pity it's in Dutch :(
How did you get a free copy of Longhorn? I want..
Yeah but you must have had a look at the layout and stuff right?
It was at WinHEC a few weeks ago or so. I dunno how you can get a legit copy but unfortunately it was leaked so it is out there on the warez sites.
Fat Tony! said:
Yeah but you must have had a look at the layout and stuff right?
I didn't look at it.

My boss decided to send it back :)

[I work for a computer shop :) - not a shitty one like PC world]

(We also get WinXP keys for £10 :D )
Hehe, I like microsoft really....

Well its more about respect really.

They have some of the smartest people on the planet working for them and they make very good software.

I like them for that...

I respect them because they manage to price them so outrageously lol!
From a computer hardware book that I've recently bought:

"the truth is that the vast majority of system crashes that are blamed on Windows are actually caused by marginal or failing hardware. (We just checked the uptime of our Windows NT 4 Server box, which has been running for 322 days without a reboot.)"

Bill Gates can be a baby sometimes, one time he freaked out on a couple of employees because they were using a copying machine, saying "this is the workplace of the future, we don't use paper" or something along th lines of that...