What do you think of the Update?



I got the first ever Stun Stick kill :afro: !!! The new map is neat and the new weapons add a little variety, now there is a sexy melee weapon to pummel chumps with as they reload! How does everyone feel about the update?
It was good, I liked the valves that you would turn on and make the room blow up :)
IS there SLAMs in dm_overwatch and dm_lockdown!?!?
Are the new weapons also put into half life 2 single player?
how the hell do you get the crowbar and stunstick in DM?????? how do you get the console up and what do you put in it
head_crabs said:
how the hell do you get the crowbar and stunstick in DM?????? how do you get the console up and what do you put in it

make sure you enable updates, it should download the new stuff automatically.
head_crabs you start with either weapon depending on your model.

If you're a combine model then you start with the Stunstick. If you're the human model you start with the crowbar. Just select it from the list using your scroll mouse button or by pressing 1 on your keyboard.

It's not difficult :p
Quit steam and run it again, it should start updating DM then...

edit: holy **** 3 posts at once ... :dork:
They must be, they are for everyone else. You have updated the game by restarting Steam, right?
did they remove the icons with the weapons? because now it makes it harder for me to change weapons.
ok never mind ill check and they will show up i guess. ok cooooooooooooool ppl by by
Slik said:
did they remove the icons with the weapons? because now it makes it harder for me to change weapons.

It default to enable fast switch, uncheck it again ;-)
Not a huge fan of tripmines in general but it seems like you're usually able to see them before they get you. The melee weapons are a nice alternative when you're out of grenades to gravgun around.
I love the SLAMs

on steamlabs in a 6 player server I got 60+ more kills than anyone else simply because i kept placing those little buggers around corners, in stairwells, in front of the suit charger. Everywhere.

someguy even typed something like "Flyingdefag yuo are a big n3rd!!!" because of the tripwire mania i was producing.
I've just notice that grenades and the like don't blow the red barrels, or I'm I alone in this or slow?
i think this update is ****ing gay. it created a tremendous amount of lag for one thing. what good is the stun stick when you can't even catch up to your opponents? if they're going to put in melee, they should be smart enough to add longer sprint time. basically only way you can kill with melee is if you are right next to someone who just spawned or if you use some weird hopping glitch that makes you leap like 30 feet forward in a split second like some dude was doing in the server i was in. if someone 5 feet in front of you has their back turned, it's impossible to kill em cuz you run out of sprint when you're halfway to him then he starts walking and you realize the melee is worthless.i haven't used slam but i bet it's gay as well. i can imagine people spamming it to death. gj valve :thumbs: .
The stunstick and crowbar are freaking melee weapons. What did you expect? To magically be able to always be right next to people when you had them out?

They're there for when the enemy already is close to you. You whip it out and start beating on his head.
No, I don't think he was being sarcastic, he's just a tosspot.

I would like to see a slightly longer sprint limit, right now it is a bit short. But they're melee weapons, and if anything, they're even more useful than they were in HL1 and no one complained about them then.

As for needing to be next to someone when they spawn - whatever, it's very common that you get into a small area and have someone follow you or you decide to back-track and run into someone as you go around a corner, the melee weapons can work perfectly in those situations.
I saw someone use a SLAM in lockdown. Don't have any idea where he found them at because I could never find them....

This update has caused my computer to lock up twice already (never happened before) and seems a bit laggy to me.... ;(
I hated the update...
I was yelling at steam telling it to forget about the update and let me get on with playing CS:S......Reason:I don't play the game :S
Lanthanide said:
No, I don't think he was being sarcastic, he's just a tosspot.

I would like to see a slightly longer sprint limit, right now it is a bit short. But they're melee weapons, and if anything, they're even more useful than they were in HL1 and no one complained about them then.

As for needing to be next to someone when they spawn - whatever, it's very common that you get into a small area and have someone follow you or you decide to back-track and run into someone as you go around a corner, the melee weapons can work perfectly in those situations.
lol "tosspot". shut up fag. if someone's following you and you are able to turn around, run to them, and kill them with melee then they just suck. if someone sees you with melee, all they have to do is walk backwards and you'll never get close enough to kill them with melee.
DrunkPanda said:
lol "tosspot". shut up fag. if someone's following you and you are able to turn around, run to them, and kill them with melee then they just suck. if someone sees you with melee, all they have to do is walk backwards and you'll never get close enough to kill them with melee.

Don't project your suckiness onto others, we can kill with melee, that you can't, says more about yourself than about the game. Killing with especially the crowbar is easy.

But you really are a twat. Always were. But yes, everone's a "fag" and HL2 is "gay". Don't know what it has to do with homosexuality, but hey, sounding like a 14 year old counter-striker isn't a bad thing!

OT: Love the update, nice looking remake of a good map. SLAM is nice too, but does it explode on contact too when you throw it at others? It seemed like that to me. It works like the satchel charge, tripmine and maybe also like a proximity mine?
i've never hit someone directly with it. I think it only works as a satchel and a tripmine.

as for melee weapons, you can't just run up to someone who's aware of you unless you have them cornered or are at 100/200. I've seen people get beatdowned and have been beatdowned myself. The idea is to find someone who hasn't noticed you and just get all up on that person and swing like a maniac. It takes about 3 or 4 clubbings to take someone down. Also getting conked on the head deals tremendous damage.
What does the SLAM do when you just toss it on the floor? Does it still blow up when someone goes near it? 'Cause I think I had someone walk right over one and it didn't explode. ;(
you have to alt fire to blow it up. Toss it on the ground and its a remote detonated explosive. place it against a surface and its a tripmine
I had a few times that I threw a SLAM at someone, then he killed me, and the SLAM blew up killing him. I figure that it could also explode on contact, but it could also have been that when you die, the SLAMs you've placed are destroyed.
Zeus said:
Lagging like a mofo :p
Same. It's so much fun, but now it's lagging really really horribly. And I'm on fast servers with a ping of about 70ish which is hardly bad, and besides, it was fine before. As such the weapons are really unresponsive which makes me an irritable panda. And say rude things to my computer screen.
The stunstick (or crowbar) takes the gravity gun's place as The Weapon of Choice for Gentlemen. En garde, motherf*cker...
However, after running out of ammo on some weapons it switches back to the stunstick - not so useful in an intense firefight when I've got a shotgun in my pocket...
Now all the models make the same death noise which is a shame.

Oh and most annoying - quite a few of my kills simply don't register on the board... ARGH!

Overall - some nice additions, but very irritating.
The update is awesome :D Crowbar/stunstickfights are great fun. And the SLAM, something HL2DM really needed. But one thing, they REALLY need to disable that stupid red light from it. You cant really hide it anywhere because of it. It´d be so fun to toss it among other trash, and when one mistakens it for a empty can - bam. <3
Do you spawn with SLAMs or are they dispersed throughout the level? Greedy mofos must be taking them all... :cheese: