What do you want for the holidays?

This month what is it with this Bacons becides it being an utterly delicious treat?

We do not speak of those of which we do not speak of those of which we do not speak of those of which we do not speak of those of which we do not speak.

wtf is it with bacon? sure its a neat breakfast, but iiieee err idk. D:
Is there something I missed?
I want some clothes(shoes, some sports apperal), money, some movies, Orange Bowl tickets (GO CARDS), other things I can't think of.

Also, I want the HL Black Box and bacon. But I'm not getting one of thoes this Christmas (Gabe's late, not unusual) ,so it must be becon time!


Must be some sort of updated CS terms.

(I don't know wtf is bacons, must be some sort of leet speak terms)

Behold the sacred Brotherhood.

Really, I want to wake up Christmas morning with a hooker in my bed. That would be a great gift. Then I could tell her to gtfo.
The brotherhood of TF2?

Can some one PM me on this, I am just so confused; Having obligations at School & all...guess I missed a whole lot.
Why are we speaking of this on the forum?! :shh:

I want a nice, long, pleasent christmas day... that would be cool. :P
One of the best Christmas presents I could get?
Christmas Day with my ex GF
We're........kinda back together
zombie survival guide
clip for my berretta m92 (airsoft)
leg holster
haha yea my friend got it ans he said its amazing. Must have on my list