What do you want from Valve?

What do you want most from Valve?

  • Game information

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Lotsa screenshots

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Video

    Votes: 7 10.8%
  • Release date

    Votes: 38 58.5%
  • Benchmark

    Votes: 14 21.5%

  • Total voters


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
What do you want most out of Valve now? I want the release date.
Come on people atleast vote, don't gimme that crap.
You didn't have the poll up at first, give them a break :)
I didn't? Oh, I was talking to you that's why! Jeese leave me alone! :p
Benchmark. Give up they will never tell us the release date...:(
Sadly, I think I'd be happier knowing another release date than having some more information...
Benchmark , want to know whats needed to get this game to run like it should.
I want the game itself

But out of stuff on the poll, i would say videos, cause that would mean proof that they actually still exist and are working on us, and would feed my excitement. I dont want a release date, because at this point I wouldnt believe it.
panaticus said:
Benchmark , want to know whats needed to get this game to run like it should.
It's supposed to run on just about anything... all the way back to TNT2 cards and such... :|
Well, what I meant by release date, was, the ACTUAL release date, meaning it WILL come out that date, even though that would be impossible to predict, I am just saying.
I think maybe you should add 'A good Game' onto that list, it's what I'd vote for :D
Release date... but i want a benchmark too lol :smoking:
The release date (Iknow)
Benchmark (Iknow the scores already)
I want a new video display the latest technologies they got upto this second.
What I really want from Valve is info on CS2! But I'll take a release date any day.
G0rgon said:
The release date (Iknow)

Wow, you're the only one in the WORLD who knows the release date! Bravo! No, seriously, what'd you mean by that? lol, or are you just assuming April?
Exactly Shuzer, :) April is the release month, xx/04/04. :)
G0rgon said:
Exactly Shuzer, :) April is the release month, xx/04/04. :)

Ah, okay :) Well, here's to hoping you're right :cheers: Especially after hearing Far Cry looks to be a disappointment.. =/
They don't need to give me anything else until they say "Hey -- it went gold."

Guess that's sorta a release date vote?
I chose release date, but could easily have swung to videos or screenshots.
Can I tell you what I don't want? No more silent treatment, no more missed release dates, no unncessary and buggy content distribution systems we never asked for called Steam, no more platinum editions, no more delays for games based on 5-year-old tech, and finally, no more excuses.
Nice post Jet Jaguar. But they had to make Steam because they were breakig up with WON for some reason. And I am pretty satysfied with it now. Just give us some news, Valve!
If they told me - «Half - life 2 will only come out in December» and then «But we'll release a video every month» I would be pretty satisfied.
i voted for video...

w/ release date, eh them telling me the date wouldn't change anything, other than "okay it'll be out then, i'll just do what i've been doing all this time, sitting on my ass," and it'd be a cool little surprise if it were like "hl2 has gone gold"... but with a video i could be like "whoa look at that, wow that's a neat effect, wowie wowowowow " etc... screenshots could be okay but eh a video is like... lots and lots of screenshots all put together... i think a video would be best for hype ... but that's just me
I want the SDK. The part of me that's a coder wants to play with stuff.

BTW, Steam does not exist because they're breaking up with WON. Heck, WON ceased to exist long ago and the auth servers were brought in house. Steam is not a WON replacement, the point of it really is content delievery, both patches, full games, videos, whatever. It's a way for Valve (or whoever licenses it) to get stuff from them to us efficiently. It was also a good excuse to add a bunch more features like VGUI2 and with that Friends and the Server Browser and whatever and really give the HL engine one last overhaul.

Steam is a pretty brave idea, and I really hope that Valve can get it to work as it should, with proper support for offline play and everything. Once it's perfect, a system like Steam could really change the way things happen in the gaming world for the better. More money for developers, less for the suits at the publishers. More self-financed indie games. And Steam broadband game delievery actually works too, it's possible to download a game and be in it in minutes rather than hours.

Woah. That one line answer got expanded a bit.
->No more silent treatment,
Being hacked by "fans" tends to do that. So will whiners like... well, like you.

->no more missed release dates,
Better stop playing games.

->no unncessary and buggy content distribution systems we never asked for called Steam,
You do realize that won died long ago and that it's be run by a separate entity?

->no more platinum editions,
Don't want it, don't buy it. This adds nothing to dev cycle.

->no more delays for games based on 5-year-old tech,
Game is all-new tech based on a 5-year-old game.

->and finally, no more excuses.
I thought you didn't want silent treatment? How are they supposed to answer questions if everything they say is labeled an excuse?
Game information:
We have plenty of that...

Lotsa screenshots:
Weve seen plenty of that from the bink vids *kinda* and other stuff *ahem*

Definetly seen plenty of those so Im ok there though

Release date:
Weve had that once before too, it didnt work out. Id have trouble REALLY beliving in it.

Ofcourse I do want all of above but a benchmark just gets my heart beating faster 8) I guess they need the engine perfectly in tact to make one so, as they said, it wont come out untill the game does..

Oh yeah and ofcourse my top choice would be... *Can we have a drum roll please*: THE GAME! But it wasnt on the list so I voted Benchmark :)
i want the release date so i can plan on which days and how many days strait im going to play it :E :cheers:
Ahnteis said:
->No more silent treatment,
Being hacked by "fans" tends to do that. So will whiners like... well, like you.

->no more missed release dates,
Better stop playing games.

->no unncessary and buggy content distribution systems we never asked for called Steam,
You do realize that won died long ago and that it's be run by a separate entity?

->no more platinum editions,
Don't want it, don't buy it. This adds nothing to dev cycle.

->no more delays for games based on 5-year-old tech,
Game is all-new tech based on a 5-year-old game.

->and finally, no more excuses.
I thought you didn't want silent treatment? How are they supposed to answer questions if everything they say is labeled an excuse?

Hey retard, Valve started the silent treatment when they decided to go underground with TF2 in 2000. 2 0 0 0. They weren't hacked. They just decided all those people that started TF2 fansites weren't worth the effort of a simple friggin explanation.

With regard to missed release dates, maybe Gabe shouldn't make grandiose statements like 'HL2 is looking good for 9/30/03' until he has all his eggs accounted for...namely Steam. For those saying Steam isn't the reason for HL2's delay then why the heck is CS:CZ still being held up even though they held the release party in December? Yeah, yeah, I heard Vivendi's holding it up...riiight. Mark my words, once Steam shows itself to be a reliable and relatively trouble-free, HL2 and CS:CZ will magically be released within weeks if not days. If Steam is still not commercially viable when April rolls around, HL2 won't be released. Steam is too important a money maker for Valve. I'm talking about a 300% profit over retail($25 profit/unit sold via Steam vs. $7-8 profit/unit sold via retail).

The 5-year technology I was referring to was CS:CZ, not HL2. I'm not the only person utterly perplexed as to why CS:CZ's developement has been as troubled and delayed as it has been.

Look, I love HL and think it's one of the best games ever made. I also like the fact that Valve supported independent mod developers by opening HL and it's toolkits for everyone to use, but as much good as Valve has done in the past, they're doing an awful lot of bad to tick so many people off as well. After HL2 is released Gabe should seriously sit down and have a frank discussion about what went right and what went wrong during the past 5 years at Valve. If he's honest and up front people will respect that, if he's coy and secretive then he shouldn't even bother.
Jet. CZ was supposed to come out, and it got reviewed by a few mags, it got an average score. Valve decided this wasn't good enough, and it got re-developed.
Not to mention the huge Ritual Entertainment and Valve arguement over CS:CZ