What do your parents/guardians think about HL?

What do your parents think about HL?

  • They think it's too violent

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • They don't care one way or another

    Votes: 50 60.2%
  • They think it improves hand-eye coordination

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't live with them

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • I was birthed from a pod out of the ground, and as such, don't have parents

    Votes: 13 15.7%

  • Total voters


Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
Mine don't really pay attention to what I'm playing, but recently my mom was watching me play through the part of ep 1 with the hospital and started questioning whether playing "such violent games" was healthy. Probably not, but at least I'll be happy while attempting to kill people with saw blades!
My Grandad LOVES the game! He got me into Half Life in the first place! But my Granma couldn't hate it more if she tried. 'Too violent' apparently she doesn't see the great storyline...
My parents stopped caring that I was playing violent games a long time ago. They weren't really all that concerned that I'd turn into a homicidal maniac even back then, and I guess after a year or two of observations they firmly concluded that since I hadn't started torturing small animals or writing bad emo poetry, they were in the clear. I doubt they're even aware of what half-life is.
My parrents arent paying attention to any game i play whether its violent or not!! they stopped beeing so yelling parrents since i entered the adult age
They weren't really all that concerned that I'd turn into a homicidal maniac even back then, and I guess after a year or two of observations they firmly concluded that since I hadn't started torturing small animals or writing bad emo poetry, they were in the clear.
I had written bad emo poetry before I started playing violent video games.

My father doesn't really bother, excepts he doesn't like science-fiction.

My mother complains a lot, mostly about TF2 for some reason.
they dont give two shits. Im 17 years old and have been playing M games since i was 7. They never cared, and ya dont see me shooting up kids at my school now do ya?

But just for the hell of it, i showed my older sis one time while i was playing HL1, the part in Office complex where the 2 scientists crawl into the vent and then get eatin and their guts fly out of the vents... she couldnt stop laughing, it was hilarious...
All my family members know about Gordon Freeman, and his adventures.
I was introduced to HL by my mother, actually.
I don't think my dad really cares.
My parents know of the name, probably through the website and when I'm on the phone to staff talking about things. They probably understand it's a game, but they wouldn't know the difference between minesweeper and Half-life...
My dad saw part of Highway 17 and asked if it was GTA.
My Grandad LOVES the game! He got me into Half Life in the first place!
I was introduced to HL by my mother, actually.
I don't think my dad really cares.
Your nearest relations rock.
[Emo Poetry is] Worse than becoming a homicidal maniac, IMO
Yeah, if you're going to become a total nut-job, don't take it out on the rest of us.

I doubt my parents know a thing about it. Even when I lived with them they'd probably have been able to generally recognise it as a game I played a lot, but I doubt they'd have been able to tell it apart from any of the other FPS games. I think Half-Life 2 got a 'what movie are you watching?' reaction once, but I didn't get too excited. I bamboozled my mother by using the word 'animation' once.
My parents don't know what HL is, and I don't live with them.
I doubt my parents know what it is other than that one of those shooty games I play.
My parents don't usually watch me, unless they are doing something in the same room. They don't really care about it but they've noticed it occasionally and asked about some stuff.
my mum thinks it is 'terrible' that my idea of fun is killing people in a game.

my dad cares less about the violence and more about the amount of time i spend on the PC.

but tbh they don't bother me that much about it
I'm 21, so my parents are hardly a factor.

However, I bought the orange box for my just-turned-13 sister, so they're certainly bound to form opinions on *her* playing it.

The verdict: Mom really doesn't care. Dad sometimes watches and appears to enjoy it, though he doesn't really play video games nowadays. He specifically wants to watch a play-through of Portal, except that my sister is not actually very good at that game, so I'd have to do it.

Dad used to be something of a sort-of-gamer (Civilisation, Alpha Centauri, Heroes IV, the Myst series, and various old-timey games like Diamonds 3D) so I have a feeling he's going to try playing Portal when he's supposed to be doing taxes.
my mom doesn't mind me playing them, but if I do something wrong or get a bad grade in German class, then she grounds me, taking away my computer game rights. Of course, it not the game's fault, I just don't like German class. But she does it anyways. :|
Funnily enough, my parents are more concerned about graphic violence in film than in games. I guess they think it's different, somehow. In a way I do too. For me, the really gruesome scenes in some movies are cringe-worthy in a way even the worst games never are.

Anyway, I grew up on old school FPS games, and both of my parents have spent hours playing them at some point or other, from the well known (Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem 3D) to the not so well known (Blake Stone, Rise of the Triad).

Nowadays my dad's interest in games is limited to the occasional game of GTA Vice City. My mother and sister spend more time gaming, but they're not real big FPS fans and they steer clear of the Half-Life series because it's too scary for them. I think if they gave it a chance they'd enjoy it, but I haven't been able to get them to do so yet. >_>

But, they do join me in coop games of Operation Flashpoint, which is awesome.
My parents just don't like the idea of beating things to death with a crowbar.
Heh, my dad was the one who introduced me to Half-Life (and FPS/PC gaming). He's kind've drifted away from the series now, we just have highly different taste for games. My mom thinks that pretty much all games are stupid.
My parents know of the name, probably through the website and when I'm on the phone to staff talking about things. They probably understand it's a game, but they wouldn't know the difference between minesweeper and Half-life...


Also, you never call me. :(
Well I started playing HL2 when my dads friend gave my dad a copy of HL2 back in 04 and we both thought it was an awesome game!
I started playing HL when I was 13 or so, and my parents didn't mind so much. My mom actually thought the game was cool.
my dad said "TURN IT DOWN!!" and then i put headphones on
I used to play the games so loud but thank god his hearing is getting worse.
yeah sometimes I'd play with the windows open till the neighbors would complain - nothing better than having the sounds of headcrabs getting smacked by a crowbar echoing off the neighbor's house
yeah sometimes I'd play with the windows open till the neighbors would complain - nothing better than having the sounds of headcrabs getting smacked by a crowbar echoing off the neighbor's house

my neighbors live at least 200 feet from my house, so i could murder someone and no one would even know :naughty:
My parents complained a little when i started playing shooters, like duke nukem 3d.
Sometimes they want me to stay home though. So I play games, sometimes for a long time, then they complain.
But there's nothing else to do around the house :(
I'm at that age where I can go get drunk and go to a strip club and stumble home from the stag-night around 6am without asking my parents permission, so I doubt I would care if I even bothered to seek their thoughts on an insignificant forum I post in to pass some time, and once in a blue moon flame a topic I rarely get the opportunity to flame in real life.
All my family members know about Gordon Freeman, and his adventures.
This. My mom recognizes the G-man more than she does Gordon Freeman, though.

She's also played TFC and TF2.

I don't think my dad cares too much.
My dad just asked why I was shooting Michelin men.


I replied with "Wouldn't you want to kill mechanics?"
I'm at that age where I can go get drunk and go to a strip club and stumble home from the stag-night around 6am without asking my parents permission, so I doubt I would care if I even bothered to seek their thoughts on an insignificant forum I post in to pass some time, and once in a blue moon flame a topic I rarely get the opportunity to flame in real life.

God you're cool~