What does HL2.net want for Christmas?

Because she's getting me something and I don't want to look like a cheapskate/douche. D:
But you don't want to look like a fag who gets random girls presents.

Here's what you do... get her a present but only give it to her about 5 hours after she gives you hers, she'll think you went shopping real quick and hurriedly got her something and she'll think it's sweet.

But yeah get her like some candy or a porn mag.
i just want someone to bash my dad with a banjo then rape my cat while i watch Roseanne

I curse this thread for telling me that jewellery is a bad idea for a Christmas present to a girl.

I curse chains also.

Alright hl2.net, I need ideas for girly presesnt. Hint: I'm not trying to get into her pants

You could get some make-up. Pick a nice brand like Maybelline or Bourjois which is fairly dear but not overly expensive. Just pick the type of colours that she usually wears.
Either that or a handbag of some sort. You can find nice bags in Topshop. Most women love getting a new hand bag (I say most because that excludes me. I'm really not into that type of thing.).
Oh yes, get her make-up, tell her you think she's beautiful but could look a little better if she covered up her face with something.

Also, don't get her a hand bag. Man, you really are bad at this Iron Kat. Seriously, candy, chocolates, bubble bath, candles... basically anything that smells or tastes good or is shiny.

A tennis bracelet is a good idea, too, but kind of pricey.
Oh yes, your gift ideas are so much better than mine. Chocolates and stuff like that are overrated and cliched.
I'm only going on what the majority of girls like. If I were to advise from personal preference I'd say books, CDs, DVDs, but not every girl likes that. Otherwise I think jewellery is a safe bet. You don't have to get her a necklace or pendant, you could get her some earrings or a charm bracelet.
He doesn't want to get into her pants but he doesn't want to piss her off- chocolates is pretty ideal. Cliche is the very nature of Christmas, and getting a woman make-up or a hand bag is pretty much the gayest gift a guy can give a girl. She'll probably think he's a serial killer.
Well it was only a suggestion, he didn't need to take my advice, I'm sure other people can give their ideas. Besides, you didn't have to reply. My comment wasn't directed towards you so needn't have responded.
This isn't helping, but I lol'd.

You know, it's probably better that I just ask her.
I just bought my two brothers a polo shirt each, and my sister and mom some stupid bath salts/oils. And my grandma some slippers.

I spent over $120.


[edit] I guess this makes up for me not being able to afford to get them anything for like five years previous.
I spent prolly $500 on gifts all together, gift cards for my parents, got some cigars for one mate, guitar strings for another, s-video cable to another, and my other best mate got a pair of sunglasses
All that money spent and you guys didn't buy me anything!?

Bah Humbug!
What I had planned to get my family:

Mum - cuddly Eeyore
Dad - a Dexter book
Brother - Far Cry 2

What I actually bought them:

Mum - cuddly Eeyore
Dad - the Hellboy 2 novelisation
Brother - the Doom 3 novelisation
I got a laptop!
Freakin' yay.
On it right now.
I just got my package from the SomethingAwful Secret Santa I participated in:


P. ****ing sweet.
I just got my package from the SomethingAwful Secret Santa I participated in:


P. ****ing sweet.

Goony goony goon! I wonder how many other Halflife2.netters lead an alternate life on SA too.

I did secret santa for a community last year and qckbeam sent me an RC helicopter. Rad.
I know of atleast one other member who does.

Pretty good start for christmas with though. Kind of impatient now for tomorrow morning to come.
I spent probaby $50 on presents. Actually, present. My family sucks at gifting so we resolved to just get one big-ish present each (secret santa type dealie) instead of a bunch of small crap we didn't want. Worked out pretty well.

Fun fact: I actually spotted Adrik on SA a while back, I think he must've posted something similar to a post he made on here, but I've since forgotten his name over there. I have an account there but I mostly just lurk.
Fun fact: I actually spotted Adrik on SA a while back, I think he must've posted something similar to a post he made on here, but I've since forgotten his name over there. I have an account there but I mostly just lurk.

If it was in the Vidya Games Forum, or Cinema Discusso then it was definitely me. Infact if anyone here read the Diablo 3 thread here, and the one over on SA when it was announced you probably could've spotted me real quick.