What does people have against 13 year olds?

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10-13 year olds are arrogant these days, they talk shit to you an then expect you not to do anythin. usually they are imature too. Tredo dont take this the wrong way, as i know you are 13 or whatever. most of the kids ive seen act the way i mentioned above tho, so far i dont have a problem with you.
Only problem I have with kids, they get exited WAY to easily about anything, be it delay rumor or something else. But kids are kids, we all were like that, so I don’t hate 13 years old in anyway.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Honestly, What do you have against 12/13 year olds?

Originally posted by Tredoslop
I had a weird dream where I was being chased by a tiger around a tree and my dad was reading the newspaper not doing anything and eventually, the tiger caught my jumped me(OWNED?) and I splatted an turned into a chinese symbol made out of blood...

Originally posted by Tredoslop
I had this REALLY!!!!!!!! wierd dream where CliffyB and I were ****ing Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on a plane's wing.WTF?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

Originally posted by Tredoslop
Another wierd dream: I was on the computer and a pixel-ated character poped up on my monitor and gave me the finger and jumped out of my screen and stabbed me in the balls with a not-so-pixel-ated knife.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
At 13 you think you know it all and shit, but you don't.

Quoted for dearly truth. Problem is, this thing stays with you even when you are teenager in high school. When you pushed into real world, and you are by yourself, no parents to help you, reality hits, and it hits hard. Suddenly it feels like you are small piece of nothing in the big world of people who always hurry somewhere. I felt like that when I moved to the San Francisco, first time in my life I parted with my parents. It was chaos; everything I thought I knew didn’t work in real world at all.
I'm a bit guilty of that myself. Really for the past couple of years I was oblivious to everything that was going on. Then I realized I'm gona be 20 soon and my life has not really changed since I was 16. I'm trying to act more mature now but it's hard. It's like going from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds.

The girl I'm seeing (yes she changed me) acts so much mature even though she's just 21. I feel like a total goofball when I'm around her.
the fact that they suck.

"mouses" "MICE" obviously schools have failed our youth, your generation is ****ed.
I remember what I was like at 13 :D Wait a few years and you'll know what we're on about.

Edit - Lone, I'm feelin ya man. I'm about to turn 18 and at this stage I'm completely derailed as far as 'life' goes. But I'll get there, and so will you :) Unless you die in your sleep :|
I try to be more rational than 'normal' people my age(15). I don't pretend I know everything, though I look down at my less evolved brethren around me at school(yes, I talk like this all the time). At 13 I was annoyingly cynical and I realize it now. Its like trying too hard.

I passed that phase, and see just how annoying I was since meeting a 14 year old online who acts all high and mighty and is far too cynical than necessary, and thinks all humans are stupid, and bases all her opinions and philosophy on the Hitchhikers Guide. Even though that book rocked, I'm not gonna treat it as god. That position is shared by Gabe Newell and Conan O'Brien :)

anyhow, sorry for ranting, yeah, thats me. relatively rational and all better now.
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
I try to be more rational than 'normal' people my age(15). I don't pretend I know everything, though I look down at my less evolved brethren around me at school(yes, I talk like this all the time). At 13 I was annoyingly cynical and I realize it now. Its like trying too hard.

I passed that phase, and see just how annoying I was since meeting a 14 year old online who acts all high and mighty and is far too cynical than necessary, and thinks all humans are stupid, and bases all her opinions and philosophy on the Hitchhikers Guide. Even though that book rocked, I'm not gonna treat it as god. That position is shared by Gabe Newell and Conan O'Brien :)

anyhow, sorry for ranting, yeah, thats me. relatively rational and all better now.



Hey, I sound like a 13 year old with to much time. And its spam. Damn! :dork:
The thing I hated about 13 year olds, was the annoying spamming insults etc., however that doesn't apply to all of them of course. For example, when I was playing the planetside beta, someone on the planetside boards posted a message, quite maturely, saying how 13 year olds used to message him when he got killed saying 'fu' or other such stuff. Then in reply to that message, I saw someone saying, 'hey i'm thirteen' then at the end something along the lines of, 'I HPE YOU DIE VIRGIN OR IF YOU AREN'T A VIRGIN I HOPE GOD MAKES YOU BECOME A VIRGIN RIGHT BEFORE YOU DIE' or some poopy like that. It just made me sit there and think, doesn't he get it, that's the reason why people get pissed off? Anyway enough of my babble.
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
And what do you hate about me?
Your non saying avatar? The underscore in the nick? The short post? The fact that you ask? So many things, so many possibilities :)
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
Non-saying avatar? What's bad about Squall?
He's Squall. That's whats bad. He isnt evil. That's whats... Umm... wait, that's not bad. That's good. Or bad. Maybe neutral. Damn your neutral avatar!!!!
I'd like to quote a certain Murphy: "I love to go to malls and watch moms lose it and beat the shit out of their kids!"

Kids these days are all about "f4g" this and "phag" that, or "this is g4y!" or "Stfu n00B k thx"... No respect at all, they can't understand that being anonymous doesn't necessarily give you the right to act like a total a-hole. If they behaved like this in front of their parents they'd get a nice pop in the mouth.
once your about 16 you will realise. then when your 18 you will hate 16 year olds, ect ect.
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden

Pfft. I spit in the face of that. I'm not like that at ALL

I hope that was some poor attempt at sarcasm, as you have just proven your exactly like he depicted 12 year olds to be.
do you not find spitting in ones face to be offensive and disrespectful? especially when he was commenting on children in general, more of how society online is.. he didnt mention you at all to my recollection.

anyway I have nothing against kids, I do however despise thier mentality. in other words I dislike anyone who is offensive without cause, thinks they are above others, makes up their own lingo on the internet, call themselves thugs or gangsters... on a forum... well I guess your an E-gangsta *shrugs* and if thats the case very non-threatening, although entertaining. I hate this "oh yeah man we **cked some bitchez and smoked some weed and drank hella" who cares, learn a more extensive vocabulary, and find other ways to express and validate your existence other than making up / posting useless drivvel on sites like this that have no interest in you personally.
I dislike the fact that they dont understand that cheating is wrong, and whats worse is they brag about their skill while updating their OGC hacks. I despise the 13 year old mentality because they have selective reading skills, they pick out things and take a stance on it, an emotional whole hearted stance on something they have no idea about (read anti-steam petitions)
I hate them because they use the word "noob" "lamer" and "gay" so freely, I hate their attitude, that everything should be presented to them on a silver platter.

"hey model this for me yeah, can you get it done in 3 days? k thnx"
"do this" I love how they dont read manuals, and get offended when they are told to read them.

bah I could go on and on
but I tire of this and have work soon
Tredoslop owns.

But almost every other 13-year-old sucks balls.

Ditto Mr. Redundant.
Yep 13 year olds are a-holes. And im 16... but i wasent like that when i was 13.... ok i was a bit annoying but not like certain people...
"You'r a stupid kid, you dont know s**t about s**t."

----Dennis Leary.

That pretty much sums it up. Stupid kids dont know how much the dont know and it gets annoying hearing them talk s**t. Most kids in thier early teens need to be shown the business end of a belt a little more often than they are.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
At 13 you think you know it all and shit, but you don't.
That is true till you are about 24, assuming you grow up by 24, though some people delay it till late 20's, other 30's, some 40s now.
It is pretty sad.

The arrogance you see in teens is full blown by 16-20.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Honestly, What do you have against 12/13 year olds?

When kids turn 13 they think they're grown up and are ready to face the real world, but the way they see the real world is not right.
The real way: School, work, money problems
Funny that so many of the things people are saying about 13 year olds, is what most people say about 15-23 year olds...party, know-it-all

I just dealt with my neiece who is a spoiled selfish, using bitch who needs to be kicked to the curb cause she is too lazy and screwed up to do anything but use everyone around her.

I do believe parents take a lot of blame for kids being the way they are. I'm always flabbergasted when parents come to me asking how to know what their kids are doing online. The first thing I ask is, is the computer in their bedroom where they can have total privacy? The answer is almost always yes...or in a basement where no adult wants to be. The very fact that the goal of the average parent is to give every child their own bedroom, with their own TV, their own radio, boombox, cell phone, xbox, walkman, beeper, dvd player, personally picked out bedroom furniture, even mini fridge (college student can't live without a mini-fridge or microwave right?). They set their kids up with mini-apartments and buy them tons of crap. And it starts early with parents buying little kids sheets and curtains, backpacks, and toys every other month from the latest kiddie movie. LIttle timmy will be emotionally scarred if he isn't sleeping in his Hulk jammies and Nemo bedsheets, and don't forget the Spiderman backpack for school tomorrow.Then when their older they buy them new cars, pay their gas and their insurance, and pay for nice college dorms at expensive schools. I can say first hand that many waste their parent's money in college.

I've had friends who say I worked for everything I ever had, yet I know that their parents cosigned loans in order for them to buy cars cause they couldn't afford it on their own. Their parents carried their insurance cause that little sports car carried $8,000/year insurance for a 22 yr old. That everytime they went for gas they stopped at the same Mobil station cause their father had an account there so the gas was virtually free. And their parents paid for college, and they never paid their parents rent, even when they lived there for the first four years after they got married.

Yes they paid their own way...

Meanwhile, I shared a room till I was 25. My parents were too poor to send any kids to college. I started paying $20 a week in rent to them when I was 17. I put myself through college, paid for every book, bus, meal. My parents COULDN'T help me except to keep a roof over my head and food in the fridge. I got my first car because my father died. I'm still living with old used furniture that ranges from 10-20 years old. Last year I just got rid of my old(20+yr) TV that had only knobs (before remotes). When they don't serve their purpose then they need replacing. I live without debt. Others around me are drowning in debt, couples were both have to work to make ends meet.

When you do without and really have to work to have each thing in your life you develop very different perspectives about life, people, the value of "stuff". In my mind it is a general respect for all things not YOU. Teens have always been self-centered...it is a natural stage psychologically. Unfortunately our culture seems to pander and enhance this more and more and teens/college age are becoming
Oh man i had to live with my twin brother in the same room for 17 years, now i have my sisters room since she moved out. I dont mind the purple walls or pink carpet. 13 year olds get away with alot of crap from parents and DO act like they know it all. My friends 13 year old sister took their car out and his some mailboxes etc etc and she got a friggin slap on the wrist.
Im 17 now almost 18 and i have a computer, tv, xbox in my room BUT i had to pay for the Xbox, part of the tv and the computer is an old Dell i got for christmas. When im 18 i have to pay rent, yeah it rough. I have to pay 250$/month rent too btw.
When i was 13 i ran away from home for a few hours, when i got home i
was absolutely pasted by me mum 'n dad.

I never did anything like that again. :cheese:
The fact that your title doesn't even have proper grammar...
Right now I pay for all my expenses except food and shelter.

When I was 13-17 I was probably the only kid in school who didn't have a SNES, Playstation or any other gaming console when they came out. I didn't have a car. Really the only big ticket item my parents ever bought for me was my 1st PC.

Did it make me a better person? Probably not. All the money I earned while working at a part time job went down a deep dark hole called a savings account. I didn't really care about money. I just enjoyed my job (you might even say I was a workoholic or something). Bonuses, raises, promotions. I didn't care, it all just passed by me via the wondeful direct deposit feature. And all the bills were paid using auto withdrawal.

So you can probably imagine my surprise when I added up all the money I had in various accounts and came out at over $20,000. My parents quickly came up with an idea to commandeer the money and use it to buy a house. I said no.

Now I'm gona use the money to buy a car. Some money that's left over I can lend to my parents to subsidize the rent. And the rest -- I dunno.

Yeah I'm lost. This just shows you don't need to be in debt to financially irresponsible.
RoyalEF I know exactly what you mean and these spoiled brats don't have a clue how lucky they are.

Mom Dad!? Can I have the P4 3.06 with a R9800 pro? please? all my friends have one!

I was like that when I was young. Now,I understand that I can't get everything.
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