What does people have against 13 year olds?

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If you think you are mature chances are that you are wrong, I'm 16 and I know I'm immature and am enjoying it, and in my whole class, 2006, I would say that about 10% of them are mature and about 98% think they are, well **** them while they try to act mature when they arnt even close to it, I'll have fun without them and start dealing with maturity shit when I'm a senior or so. Heh, just my 2 cents.
Ensgilh 101

Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen't mttaer, the olny thnig thta's iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat Ltteer of eevry word is in the crcreot ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld and one is stlil able to raed the txet wiohtut dclftfuiiy.
That's freaky!

Anyway, my personal vendetta against 13 year olds is mainly due to their general attitude. This excludes the precious few that actually take the time and energy to form complete sentences and can take criticism without spouting out streams of 'fag' 'loser' and 'you're gay'. On a side note, a pet peeve of mine is anyone who feels the need to abbreviate words like 'you're' with 'ur' and 'you' with 'u'. Back on the subject, I definitely agree with some of the others in this thread about kids being spoiled. I'm 17, and I never had the latest Playstation, Game Cube, Nintendo with all the games. I don't eat out every night. I don't get any new computer part or toy I want. I was blessed to be able to get an Alienware by digging into my college fund, and that's about the largest 'gift' I've ever received.

So many 'American' children these days are reaping the 'benefits' of their parents' 'SUV, Million-Dollar-House' lifestyle. Being intellectual, not even nerdy, but just bearing common sense and the ability to think for yourself is becoming less important in our youth. We watch MTV, go to Spring Break, listen to crumby Rap and buy the latest and most expensive clothing branded with the name of some rich designer f**k.

The popular clique is becoming more and more a lifestyle in reality. Now there's ways for useless individuals who spend their time burning money and putting down others in High School to go out and make a living. Often even making more money than the intellectual, or hard working people of America. The mainstream media is corrupting our country and our children, and ruining the fundamental principals of the capitalist system.

You 12 and 13 year olds log onto your private computer, which you often can't find your way around (aside from the big Counter-Strike logo on the desktop, or your favorites list full of forums and porn sites). You log on and come spread the filth of your media corrupted brains onto the rest of us. We have to attempt to make serious conversations inbetween spouts of flames and insults. I'm not a very big poster on most forums simply because of you. You create your communities, and post your spam, and act like your 'Combine' status means you can put down every 'Headcrab'. Or you act like Joe New-User shouldn't be able to post thoughtful comments in your discussion because he hasn't been on daily to devote hours of his life to a forum. This even applies to a lot more than the immature 13 year olds of this world, but I digress.

I guess all I can say is: F**k it. I'm moving to Canada.
Originally posted by mrchimp
that made me ill.

Although TBH I'm supprised nobody has accused me of being 13 yet:

1) I can't spell

2) I say some rediculess shit

3) I like swearing

4) My avatar and signature

There's some other stuff but i CBF.

Your sig is how I feel about all the delay threads.....

As for #1 and #2, I think that can also be said for many people on these forums...
Originally posted by bUsh[ES]
That's freaky!

Anyway, my personal vendetta against 13 year olds is mainly due to their general attitude. This excludes the precious few that actually take the time and energy to form complete sentences and can take criticism without spouting out streams of 'fag' 'loser' and 'you're gay'. On a side note, a pet peeve of mine is anyone who feels the need to abbreviate words like 'you're' with 'ur' and 'you' with 'u'. Back on the subject, I definitely agree with some of the others in this thread about kids being spoiled. I'm 17, and I never had the latest Playstation, Game Cube, Nintendo with all the games. I don't eat out every night. I don't get any new computer part or toy I want. I was blessed to be able to get an Alienware by digging into my college fund, and that's about the largest 'gift' I've ever received.

So many 'American' children these days are reaping the 'benefits' of their parents' 'SUV, Million-Dollar-House' lifestyle. Being intellectual, not even nerdy, but just bearing common sense and the ability to think for yourself is becoming less important in our youth. We watch MTV, go to Spring Break, listen to crumby Rap and buy the latest and most expensive clothing branded with the name of some rich designer f**k.

The popular clique is becoming more and more a lifestyle in reality. Now there's ways for useless individuals who spend their time burning money and putting down others in High School to go out and make a living. Often even making more money than the intellectual, or hard working people of America. The mainstream media is corrupting our country and our children, and ruining the fundamental principals of the capitalist system.

You 12 and 13 year olds log onto your private computer, which you often can't find your way around (aside from the big Counter-Strike logo on the desktop, or your favorites list full of forums and porn sites). You log on and come spread the filth of your media corrupted brains onto the rest of us. We have to attempt to make serious conversations inbetween spouts of flames and insults. I'm not a very big poster on most forums simply because of you. You create your communities, and post your spam, and act like your 'Combine' status means you can put down every 'Headcrab'. Or you act like Joe New-User shouldn't be able to post thoughtful comments in your discussion because he hasn't been on daily to devote hours of his life to a forum. This even applies to a lot more than the immature 13 year olds of this world, but I digress.

I guess all I can say is: F**k it. I'm moving to Canada.

i usually don't quote entire posts like that, but this was the best post i've read in a looong time. apart from the moving to canada part, i totally agree. i'd rather try to stay here and change the status quo than leave and say **** it.

even if the attempt is futile, it's striving for our goals that makes us great

...yes i made that up...if i quoted someone i did it unknowingly.
Originally posted by machima
I'm 14, I prefer to keep quiet in games and not sput out stuff like "lol yuo gh3y" constantly like so many others do. I look out for my team and I don't whine when I die. I try to use the best grammar that is possible when posting on forums and communicating in real life.

I play copious amounts of games and spend way too much time on the computer, but I try to keep as best a social life as possible via School. I get good grades at school and respect whoever respects me (In exception of a few teachers that have 0 respect for me for god knows what reason). And I don't talk crap to elders who don't talk crap to me.

I, as myself feel that i'm not one of these "immature kiddies" that you older players describe. Though at times I do act quite childish, but who doesn't.

thanks for existing and not being stupid :D
bUsh[ES] made some excellent points. (Can I print off your thread and post it on my wall?) I'm 16, and I go to school and see spoiled kids every day "spewing" attitude wherever they go. Even at my age, the immaturity and laziness that I see astounds me. A teacher will give us an assignment and make it due on X day, when that day rolls around 1/3rd of the class hands it in. This is grade 11, two years from graduation. These people don't seem to give 2 sh**s about their future. This isn't a problem with the occational bad apple, it's the majority of western society's children.
Originally posted by DigitalAssassin
bUsh[ES] made some excellent points. (Can I print off your thread and post it on my wall?) I'm 16, and I go to school and see spoiled kids every day "spewing" attitude wherever they go. Even at my age, the immaturity and laziness that I see astounds me. A teacher will give us an assignment and make it due on X day, when that day rolls around 1/3rd of the class hands it in. This is grade 11, two years from graduation. These people don't seem to give 2 sh**s about their future. This isn't a problem with the occational bad apple, it's the majority of western society's children.

its the children of people who dont believe in traditional punishment. Damn hippies ****ed up their kids.
Originally posted by Homer
its the children of people who dont believe in traditional punishment. Damn hippies ****ed up their kids.

you seem to have problems with "hollywood types"(another thread) and "Hippies"

form some of your own ideas, because clearly you're labeling everyone and slopping them into groups. not everyone who doesn't "believe in traditional punishment" is a hippie...my parents weren't.

my father served in the military and is far from being a hippie and i was never given "traditional punishment"
I kinda skiped ahead so you guys may not be on the exact same topic...but after I got my SEGA for x-mas when i was like...9 or somthing...that was the last large amount of money my perants spent on me (entertainment wise) After that I bought with my own money (which was always saved up from x-mas and birthdaymoney from my family) Ps1 the 5 games i had for it, N64 probably about 20 games, not to mention the renting of games i did for years. Then there is my pc, that wiped out my bank acount, then i saved up a ton and bought a freakn' kick ass digital camera...and again wiped out my bank acount. And there was the ps2 and the game cube and the Sega Dreamcast too.....My perants tought me that if i want something really bad......I gotta get it on my own. To bad they couldnt get me to like somthing more productive than video games...........oh well.
Yep, you're all right. Every one of you-all correct. How old am I? Go on. Guess. Or look back through this thread a bit.
Originally posted by Homer
its the children of people who dont believe in traditional punishment. Damn hippies ****ed up their kids.

idiot. Really, I mean, I turned out ok, and I wasn't punished.. ever.
I don't have anything against 13 year olds because they are 13. I only hold people's personal actions and things they can control against them. As a rule, though, people in this age group tend to do a lot more things that annoy me than others.

After running a couple of CS/HL servers and the associated website/forums for a locally based gaming groups for a few years, I've been exposed to pretty much every single annoying thing an immature 13 year old can do. The only time I've ever wanted to go find someone's house in real life and physically beat the crap out of them because of things done on the Internet was while running this site.

Kids in this age group tend to think they know a lot more than they do, and think that what they do is a lot more mature than it really is, and they so desperately want people to think that they're older or more mature than they are. This brings a lot of problems around when they don't have the good sense to keep their mouths shut and listen/learn from the older people around them (like I have done for most of my life, and still do now, even though I'm 21).

I can't tell you how many times I got into arguments over one thing or another with the servers or website, and even though myself or other administrators would present arguments that made a lot of sense, the kids would respond with nothing more than flame bait and completely ignore all logic. That was the most annoying part of it.

On a side note, a pet peeve of mine is anyone who feels the need to abbreviate words like 'you're' with 'ur' and 'you' with 'u'.

I hate this, too, and I think the fact that trends like that are becoming more and more acceptable is part of the irritation.

The thing that's funny is just recently I realized that I hadn't had any problems like this for a long time, and I was really enjoying being involved in said community. Why? Because all of the people that caused these problems are turning the age of ~18-20 now... people are starting to mature.
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
Yeah Tredoslop that means you!

Nah treds... pretty mature... he can get a bit excited and be all over the place, but he's right minded
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Quoted for dearly truth. Problem is, this thing stays with you even when you are teenager in high school. When you pushed into real world, and you are by yourself, no parents to help you, reality hits, and it hits hard. Suddenly it feels like you are small piece of nothing in the big world of people who always hurry somewhere. I felt like that when I moved to the San Francisco, first time in my life I parted with my parents. It was chaos; everything I thought I knew didn’t work in real world at all.

I'm 15, somehow when I tell other teens this, it makes no sense.

I'm not mature, but I'm not immature either. I can't help it if I seem braggy, because I love telling people what I have (all teens do), but I don't say "Heh, yah well, I have a HUGE monitor, bet you don't have that, and it was FREE, HAHA! BEAT THAT!". I don't talk back, and I don't argue with adults when told to do something. Teens think they all know everything, that school is useless, and in the real world someone will be watching them, caring for them. The fact is, NO ONE WILL CARE. ;)

I don't like teens who think they know all and they EXPECT THE DAMN WORLD TO CONFORM TO THEIR TASTES, I HATE THOSE PEOPLE.

I don't talk "lik diz" and I can form real sentences. It may be "cool" to know 1337 but in civil conversation, I hate it. That's why I hang at adult (not adult as in "explicit") forums. Because I can talk to intelligent people who form normal sentences.

If you don't want people to hate you, talk normal, be polite, and don't appear arrogant. And MOST OF ALL, be FRIENDLY. Make jokes. People know good members, you become recognized. ;) And most of all, remember it doesn't take long to use correct grammar and punctuation (just try it to the best of your abilities...)
A teacher will give us an assignment and make it due on X day, when that day rolls around 1/3rd of the class hands it in.

I hate that too, except it gets worse in my school since everybody is so competitive. That's when people start cheating; then your teacher catches kids cheating on simple extra credit that consists of defining vocabulary terms, and she has resort to accepting only hand-written work to discourage cheating. Some kids get really stupid when they cheat too; one girl actually left the email information at the top of the paper, and kids think that by changing the font or the first word of every sentence, they can actually fool the teacher. Then they start cheating on the finals. Somebody actually has the time to make a website posting the answers for other students to see; the teacher catches them and changes portions of the test for the other classes and considers denying the curve to kids who had nothing to do with the cheating. It's so unfair that it's sick.

Originally posted by SubKamran
I don't talk back, and I don't argue with adults when told to do something.

I also hate when my classmates start talking back to teachers. It gets very annoying, especially in the middle of class. That seemed to happen a lot in chemistry; kids (15-16 year olds) would actually insult my teacher's teaching to his face. They also argued about his grading. Of course, he ended up getting mad and yelling "Shut up" at everyone, which always made me feel really uncomfortable, especially since I was sitting right in front of him and I was always the quiet one in the class. Similar things also happened in English class. My teacher was reprimanding girls for dress code violations, and they would say some mean and immature things about him outside of class.
Originally posted by SubKamran
I'm 15, somehow when I tell other teens this, it makes no sense.

I'm not mature, but I'm not immature either. I can't help it if I seem braggy, because I love telling people what I have (all teens do), but I don't say "Heh, yah well, I have a HUGE monitor, bet you don't have that, and it was FREE, HAHA! BEAT THAT!". I don't talk back, and I don't argue with adults when told to do something. Teens think they all know everything, that school is useless, and in the real world someone will be watching them, caring for them. The fact is, NO ONE WILL CARE. ;)

I don't like teens who think they know all and they EXPECT THE DAMN WORLD TO CONFORM TO THEIR TASTES, I HATE THOSE PEOPLE.

I don't talk "lik diz" and I can form real sentences. It may be "cool" to know 1337 but in civil conversation, I hate it. That's why I hang at adult (not adult as in "explicit") forums. Because I can talk to intelligent people who form normal sentences.

If you don't want people to hate you, talk normal, be polite, and don't appear arrogant. And MOST OF ALL, be FRIENDLY. Make jokes. People know good members, you become recognized. ;) And most of all, remember it doesn't take long to use correct grammar and punctuation (just try it to the best of your abilities...)

I agree with most of that. I really dislike all those people who just follow the trends and have zero respect for anyone. It just seems like they're wasting their childhood acting like tards and trying to fit in. Because once they leave school they will know how much it really doesn't matter.
Originally posted by SubKamran
I don't talk back, and I don't argue with adults when told to do something.

That's something I don't do. I don't argue with my teachers,because I know I'll lose the arguement.

To some of you that think we have no skills when it comes to games,think again. We have some far skills that none of you possess! Some of you might have a reaction time higher then mine,cause it's .534 seconds! And lower too!
"The i'net was never designed for kids"

and if it was i'm sure it would look a bit like AOL :D
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