What does people have against 13 year olds?

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Originally posted by LoneDeranger
So you can probably imagine my surprise when I added up all the money I had in various accounts and came out at over $20,000. My parents quickly came up with an idea to commandeer the money and use it to buy a house. I said no.

Now I'm gona use the money to buy a car. Some money that's left over I can lend to my parents to subsidize the rent. And the rest -- I dunno.

Yeah I'm lost. This just shows you don't need to be in debt to financially irresponsible.
How about you give me $200 bucks out of that $20,000 so I can buy me a new graphics card.You gotta help a poor kid out. :)
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden

I was like that when I was young. Now,I understand that I can't get everything.

How young, a fetus?
Yes you can, It seems you forgot about sperm, but lets not get into that.
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
I mean around 9 to 11 years.

I wasn't stupid doing those years.


How can you change you're whole way of thinking in one year?!
I'm in Gifted this year. And around 8,9,and 10 I was a complete idiot of myself! I was even posting on the 3DR forums when I was 9! :eek:
I think the title of this thread explains why i dont like 13 year olds.
Yes, I know, I wasn't thinking properly and made a mistake. So what? That's why pencils have erasers and forums have moderators.
The fact the title makes no sence doesn't help.

Edit woops, didn't notice crabs....
Wow, I didn't know hl2.net was frequented by so many sociological scholars.
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
10-13 year olds are arrogant these days, they talk shit to you an then expect you not to do anythin. usually they are imature too. Tredo dont take this the wrong way, as i know you are 13 or whatever. most of the kids ive seen act the way i mentioned above tho, so far i dont have a problem with you.

Couldn't agree with you more there man. :cheese:

My 16 year old cousin is in an on-line relationship with a 12 year old from Arizona..... Make your own conclusions...:dozey:
Originally posted by RabidMeatloaf
Couldn't agree with you more there man. :cheese:

My 16 year old cousin is in an on-line relationship with a 12 year old from Arizona..... Make your own conclusions...:dozey:

Shes friggin weird and likes small children?
Forgot to mention he's MALE :p Still I wonder about him sometimes, seems like the only one he can bear to focus on is her, doesn't seem to care about anyone else.:x

Ah well, sh*t happens....
Originally posted by RabidMeatloaf
Forgot to mention he's MALE :p Still I wonder about him sometimes, seems like the only one he can bear to focus on is her, doesn't seem to care about anyone else.:x

Ah well, sh*t happens....

Oh, well then.

Hes a pedophile.
Wouldn't say that so much.....he had a very "rough" childhood..... Parents both drink and smoke...the usual........

Makes me roll my eyes... Hope he'll get past this stage....
I know some 13 yr olds that are pretty darn annoying, however, most of the time you CAN get them to calm down...

Immature is the word that comes to mind...
Correct Grammar for one, good job on the title too! ;)
People, I told you! I made one mistake! Why can't a moderator just change it to: What is does people has against 13 year olds?
Title: What do people have against 13 year olds?
Now stop bugging me about the title. SpuD, ur a mod aren't u?
I agree with Tred, it's just a simple typing error. Now no one here can tell me truthfully that they have never made one. And from some of your responses it sounds like you are trying to state that only 13 year olds make typing/spelling mistakes. ( no I am not 13, I am 16)
Well, uh, Im 14 (15 in 4 months), and I know an 11 year old whos more mature than most 20 year olds.
At 12 and 13 children still have an introverted aspect of the world. They think everything revolves around them, and if they don't get their way they throw ****ing tissy fit. I will never have kids, as I can't even stand to be around other peoples kids standing in line at the grocery store. I also can't stand the psycho soccer mom screaming at her children 2 feet away from me. I almost wanna throw my groceries at her and yell,"SHUT UP BITCH, AND TEACH YOUR DEMON SPAWN TO BEHAVE! DON'T BRING THE VERMIN WITH IF YOU CAN'T CONTROL THEM! DO YOU SEE ME BRINGING MY DUMB DOG IN HER YOU UGLY HOE!@"

Then the other voice tells me to kill.......

I love the other voice..

I need to go now.............
Originally posted by Woggy
Well, uh, Im 14 (15 in 4 months), and I know an 11 year old whos more mature than most 20 year olds.

So this 11 year old lives on his own too? What no? I thought so.
So this 11 year old lives on his own too? What no? I thought so.
Right. Whats your point? You dont need to live by yourself to be mature. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Woggy
Right. Whats your point? You dont need to live by yourself to be mature. :rolleyes:

No but it helps alot to show you are mature enough.
Sure it helps, but your first post still doesnt make sense. Oh well.
What does people have against 13 year olds?
It's hilarious to see kids acting as if they have more experience in life than a grown-up person.

If you want me to take you seriously than you shouldn't make irresponsible and insulting statements towards a grown-up.

Remember, it's as easy for me to ignore you, as it is for you to take advantage of the relative anonymity and safety of the Internet. Behave as if you would do in real life and you may learn something along the way.
Slap the little wascals, teach'em some respect.

That's how the German school masters did it.
Not a resident, just stopping in.

Say how many Germans keeled over in this year's heat wave.
My friends from Germany say it was 30+ for like two months straight.
Ah! Not you two starting that old thingy whatsit up again (I'm an oldbie, so it's ok to forget things :p)
13 year olds should be outside playing with friends.

Tennis, road hockey, MANHUNT, riding bikes, etc...

Not inside making cyber-buddies in online games
Originally posted by Xtasy0
the fact that they suck.

"mouses" "MICE" obviously schools have failed our youth, your generation is ****ed.

Schools have failed our youth in more ways than that. It is a corrupter of our youth and a propogator of liberalism.
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