What does ravinholm mean?


Apr 3, 2005
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I think somthing like Raven's nest or somthing near that
The verb raven means to devour greedily,despoil,prowl for food, etc. Ravening is what zombies do. Guess what is in Ravenholm?

Holm is a small inshore island or inland. This would most likely be refering to the fact that revenholm was/is secluded from the rest of city17.

Put the two together. There you go.

(A zombie infested inland secluded.)
thats pretty cool that there really is some meaning in the name, i would of never thought that to even look it up, that is unless u just knew what raven and holm ment ehe
Haven't you heard of Stockholm?

Its just a name.
Shodan said:
Haven't you heard of Stockholm?

Its just a name.

Err, no, I think Stockholm is one word. Otherwise, people would refer to the Swedish capital as a shop's supply on an island.

Shodan, what does your sig look like on a PC that doesn't have Japanese installed? I bet it looks like crap.
Foebane said:
Err, no, I think Stockholm is one word. Otherwise, people would refer to the Swedish capital as a shop's supply on an island.

Shodan, what does your sig look like on a PC that doesn't have Japanese installed? I bet it looks like crap.

Ravenholm is one word aswell!

You can just see it in the bottom of this screenshot.


A PC that doesn't have japanese? I bet I don't care.

Edits: I can't believe I have to change my sig because your PCs suck it.

More Edit: Done.
I always thought Ravenholm was just a cool name they thought up out of thin air. Or some other correct form of the saying.

And shodan's sig looks like a bunch of boxes. And yet, I too do no care.
1. ra·ven Pronunciation Key (rvn)

A large bird (Corvus corax) having black plumage and a croaking cry.

2. holm Pronunciation Key (hm, hlm)
n. Chiefly British

An island in a river.
I always thought that Ravenholm means a secluded small village where birds that inhabit it are only crows. And indeed, there are a lot of crows since the beginning... But there are way more zombies so "Zombie infested secluded village" sounds better...
It's synomynous with "grab a big ass saw blade and chuck it" :E
I also thought of Ravenholm as a freaky name: Raven = A bird associated with scary things. Holm = The end of a city name.
The result: A scary city name!
I thought it was just some random name that valve made up.