What does USA think of the world?

As i was reading that, i thought you were going to say, drink beer until it gets warm...in your pants. Or something, basically i thought you were going to imply wetting yourself.

I can always dream.
It has to be snowy too.
Youv'e also got to say "eh" and make periodic migrations to warmer parts of the world.

Wetting myself? NO SIR. I don't want to even think of the consequences of the urine freezing in my pants while I still have them on. :eek:
I suspect there would be a retraction of the genital kind if your pants were to freeze :)

I want to visit canad some time. I want to go back to the USA too...In fact, i want to go around the world.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Why can't people be more like us Canadians. Just sit back, be friendly, watch hockey, and drink beer until it starts to get warm in the summer.

nice. i consider moving to canada... =)
the only difference to germany would be though we watch football and drink beer the whole year through..

what do canadians drink during the summer anyway? that's the best time to, imho..
Ah well i sit back in my igloo and then i send out my oldest son to hunt polar bear with his dog sled. I then proceed to send out my hunting dogs to follow the deer packs and attack them. there is snow year round here, and we use the metric system, cause were rebels. We all live in igloos, and we all command at least one team of dog sleds. In our spare time we will make renovations on our igloo or we will make new igloos. We will also play hockey and watch hockey.
In the summer we just sit outside and drink beer. But were kind of bored since there is no hockey in the summer.
Originally posted by Innervision961
the family guy summed it up best when peter was talking about the south...

"hey isn't that where the black guys are lazy and the white guys are just as lazy but hate the black guys for being so lazy" lol

[Off-topic family guy quote]

Chris: Hey meg whats a boy ever gotten you for a present?

Meg: Why uhhhh this golden tiara......this golden scepter........and this diamond necklace. (she starts laughing crazily, then slowly starts to cry and then runs out of the room).

stewie: She needs to get laid......big time

[/Off-topic family guy quote]
Anyway, back on topic. :cheers:

The funny part about the US is that the country is so big that it almost seems like it's own little world. If you go up north to washington everyone is pale from the lack of sun and it seems almost subdued and depressing in some places (where it always rains) but you head over to California and theres girls running around in bikinis (some boys too :dozey: ) head over to Louisiana and your going to find people who speak french. The US is full of so many diffrent cultures, languages, and religions that is a wonder we get along at all. However unlike what the international news says we aren't a bunch of evil cowboy hicks wanting to nuke the world. Although some of us do love to make a crater or two but we have 4th of July for that!

My opinion of the rest of the world is that they seem to be a little to politicaly correct but so is half of our nation too I suppose. I love Australia great country and if I had to live any other place it would be there or New Zealand. Britian looks like a fun place to visit, I would probably end up scary the populace with fireworks or those quirky things us Americans are known to do. Japan has a lot of respect from me and visiting there would be a awesome experience. I am not sure if I would visit Europe or not, seems like they all hate us.
What does that mean loshadka? just curios (the writing on the picture)
Originally posted by [CoHn]FuSeD
Well, we all know what most of the world thinks about the USA (and with jolly good reason too), but what do the USAnians think about the rest of the world?

Come on all USAnians on these forums, tell us what you think about Belgium and Australia and the rest of the world!


Originally posted by DeusEx2
Yes! And especially USAnians that are among the 10% that believe that Elvis is still alive, come on I'm dying for your opinion on The Netherlands

Thinnly Veiled Racism : Priceless.

I live in Ohio , and I feel I respect all cultures and all countries. The only country I dont 'like' is Vietnam , not because they were an enemy but because they tortured prisoners and got away with a 'victory' because of our timid politicians.

Dealing with ignorant anti-Americanism is annoying. Ignorant anti-Americanism is when people hate Amercia for no reason. Some examples are 'Lolerz Bush R sux' in every thread , regardless if it belongs (that happens here alot). 'Evil Bush , he were in on 911111' this is the most annoying because its so ignorant it just hurts your brain to try to prove that the idiot who said it is an idiot. And other comments of a similar nature.

I make it a point not to insult other countries if I have not been insulted , and no matter what I still show respect and dont stoop to the level of some America Bashers. Its annoying to me because I see MANY MANY people insult America first in threads and then later on try to point out that Americans are so hateful and instulting to other countries.

Alot of people also say they think for example Americans have to carry guns EVERY place we go simply because we have Ammendment 2. This is so ignorant , its pretty obviously that but still many people insist on using it as an argument. They think of America as a violent and hateful place for some reason. Its not like that at all , Its just as good as an European country. I look upon European countries (western , eastern is till heavily Russian influenced) as almost our brothers. Ideals of freedom and the rights of the people so it annoys me that our alliances are falling apart. I have a problem with Germanies leader a little bit , but I can understand why they are anti-war because due to unfortunate circumstances (they could have won both WW easily) wars havent worked out for them , the last one was especially bad.

I do have a problem with France though , thats the only country. The French were so opposed to the war , even after we tried to compromise. So we had to go unilaterally , then they call us on that too. The French Govt was opposed to the war because they sold TONS of equipment to Iraq. Surface-to-Air missles , Mirage fighters , Oil equipment , Nuclear equipment, anything they could. But noone in the media points this out , its always "Americas Greed". So America gets called on an 'economic war' and France just lays back blocking our way but now asking for reconstruction contracts :rolleyes:.

My step-brother is in Iraq , and let me tell you thats very weird to see raids and such on TV and think 'my brother has DONE that'. I envy him , if it wasnt for my health problems I would have been a soldier. Not because I like to kill , but because I "enjoy" the excitement and the skill of combat. And I want to help peoples , to have what I have , the freedom , to not be oppressed. Maybe that wasnt why my govt went to Iraq to begin. But to believe that those people in charge dont feel anything for those people is foolish. I am proud to be bringing democracy to an entire region that is oppressed. I want to help , and so do alot of other Americans

Also , this is really long. But Id like to read what other people have to say about the US from other countries too :)
belgium makes waffles

australians talk funny.

french people are teh bad

british boil meat(nuff saidz0r lol)

russians are red bastards

chinese are also reds but they make cheap toys so they're ok

japan is just like china, because they're both asian

middle easterns are sand monkeys who must be destroyed
Originally posted by [CoHn]FuSeD
Well, we all know what most of the world thinks about the USA (and with jolly good reason too), but what do the USAnians think about the rest of the world?

Come on all USAnians on these forums, tell us what you think about Belgium and Australia and the rest of the world!


I love Belgium and Australia! If I were to take vacation outside of the USA, I'd go to Ireland, Scotland, or Austrilia!
Ireland - Heritage/Beautiful
Scotland - Heritage/Beautiful
Australia - Wonderful Nation/Beautiful
Originally posted by Cooper
The funny part about the US is that the country is so big that it almost seems like it's own little world. If you go up north to washington everyone is pale from the lack of sun and it seems almost subdued and depressing in some places (where it always rains) but you head over to California and theres girls running around in bikinis (some boys too :dozey: ) head over to Louisiana and your going to find people who speak french. The US is full of so many diffrent cultures, languages, and religions that is a wonder we get along at all. However unlike what the international news says we aren't a bunch of evil cowboy hicks wanting to nuke the world. Although some of us do love to make a crater or two but we have 4th of July for that!

very true; there's regional differences with the way we talk/how we say words. and then there's stereotypes of regional differences. i'm in texas and, well, we're not all cowboys and we don't talk with a slow southern drawl (fortunately). we've also got a really diverse population--hispanics, african americans, whites, asians.

and in reply to the question about paying for education:
it's free through high school. here in houston independent school district we have a lot of public schools so we don't have to go to the school we're "zoned" to-- we can basically apply to a school outside our zone to try to get in somewhere else. the school i go to is pretty good-- kids are pretty nice; not much violence or hate; although the different schools have different qualities of education. my school probably offers a lot more advanced placement classes than most others in the area, and the top 10% in our school has a gpa like 1 point higher than the top 10% in other schools since kids here are freakishly competitive. which kinda brings me to colleges-- in texas, there's a "top 10% rule"-- basically kids in the top 10% of the graduating class for each school is guaranteed acceptance into any state college in texas. which is now causing some problems since people say "well the top 10% in this school is better than the top 10% in that school" so if you're in top 15% in a competitive school you might be more qualified than a top 10% kid in a different school but not get the advantage of automatic acceptance into state college.

how's education in Europe? i heard that you test into schools and based on how you do on the exams you're placed into a certain type of school... ?
one of the best places to live in southern cali, 45 mins from beach 45 mins from moutains and about an hour for desert. and donest rain that much. nice place to visit if your close to beach.

and anti-americanism is just dumb i hope u die.

lol: "only two thinks come from texas..." u know the rest :P
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
belgium makes waffles

australians talk funny.
Really? I have been there, but never noticed that.

They also make damn good firearms(Glock, Fabric National).
Probably the Rascist answer he was looking for is Americans have opinions we call sterotypes Which are the following:
British people are cocky tea sucking homo's with stupid currency and stupid queen
Germany is full of a bunch of damn crazy nazi's
Africa couldn't get any worse
Austrilia's people are all dingo love kangaroo humping croc' hunters with bad habbits and worse looking women
Mexicans steal things from us and lower our property value
Southern people are all red neck rascist bastard KKK f*cks
Chinese are sneaky and we never know what they are up too, damn commies
Japanese all eat out pets and have cool pr0n and cartoons. Also Shifty
Canadians are the bane of America, eh? Wacko bastards
French suck. (Need i say more?)
Spanish are poor and also stupid like mexicans
Iran's population is all inbred and thats why they are all insane along with the rest of the middle east.
Russians are Red coated communist bastards
Scotland are Drunk kilt wearing Fairies
Irish people are drunk but are also Spud masters
Belgium = teh sweet waffles, those guys pwn
I dont accualty believe what is above but I thought it might have been what the topic was looking for :P I mean common! This is a flame fest waiting to happen
Unfortunatelly, I have bad news for the rest of the world. Your culture is doomed. With the internet and satellite TV becoming more widespread it's only a matter of time. Forget the military, this is definatelly the most powerful force the US has. I know, I witnessed it firsthand.

I'm not saying US culture is bad (well some of it is, but lets not get into that). But we can't do anything to stop this from happening, its only natural. And unfortunatelly some people get pissed off when their cultures are destroyed and will hate and strike back at the US.
its only natural cultures blend with today's media and whatnot. Not a bad thing, diversity is good for a species.

Americans aren't that different than europeans, especially geeky ones. Geeks are more universal I would venture to say, not much differenc ebetween a nerd from sacramento and a nerd from sweden as I have experienced personally.

ah, sweden, I want to go there one day. it seems so magical.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Education in the US is free until the end of high school. After that you have to pay for college, and the quality of education there depends entirely on where you go. Education in the lower schools (k-12) is very good where I am. (Connecticut.)
I know of the Netherlands as the scourge of my existence, in that they make bad software, sends it to my firm, who then make me use it. Bastards.:devil:
Racism around here in the northeast is minimal, and the vast majority of people are just ordinary folks.

education is by no means free k-12......

.....if you pay taxes......

I grew up in connecticut myself.....best public shools i ever went to.

I currently live in tennessee......its like night and day....as far as tolerance,ignorance,racism...education goes.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Thinnly Veiled Racism : Priceless.

I live in Ohio , and I feel I respect all cultures and all countries. The only country I dont 'like' is Vietnam , not because they were an enemy but because they tortured prisoners and got away with a 'victory' because of our timid politicians.:)

Wow, I have never been accused of being racist... Yayyy!! My First time :dozey:

Next time I'll post something like that, I will add a ;) to avoid confusion mmmk? You didn't actually think that I believe that only 10% of the americans still believe that Elvis is alive? It has to be far more!! Okay, here it comes: ;) ;) got it????

As for the 2nd part of the quote, no offense, but if that's your opinion, you should hate half the world, including the US. Racism is all about projecting behaviour of individual opinions/acts to larger groups. Vietcong tortured prisoners huh? Well then all those d*mn gooks in 'Nam must be the same. Soft drugs in Holland is tolerated? Well then all Dutch people must be wooden-shoe wearing pot smoking red light district cruisin' windmillf**ers right?
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Onya DeusEx2.

uhhh.. I'm stoopid, but what does that mean?

edit: nevermind

... Onya means Well Done, a shortened form of Good On You. The best "Aussieism"
in my opinion.

I live in America, but I don't consider myself American. Though I don't tell people that in real life, well not often, and when I do tell them I get looks from them like I have shit all over my face. Then they ask why. And the answer sounds so stupid too, "think of countries as clubs, you know like country clubs, err... anyways, now when it comes to clubs there are two kinds of people. those who join clubs and those who dont. I dont join clubs."

Its a wierd idea I admit, you rarely see anyone nowadays who isnt affiliated with some sort of country. I mean people talk about this magic future one day where country lines wont exist and people will live in harmony. Me personally, I think its a level of maturity and control. Like Henry David Thoreau said "I heartily accept the motto, - "That government is best which governs least;" and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which I also believe, - "That government is best which governs not at all;" and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. "

While I do participate in the country, I do so only because otherwise even the most menial of tasks would become an effort I have neither the desire or time to deal with. And when I say participate I basically mean use the roadways, use the currency, have a SSN#, the norms. I figure while I am in someone elses house I should follow house rules, no biggy.

I would like to move out some day, when I save up enough to afford such a thing.

And it's not that I hate America or anything, I just don't share the majorities particular views. It has solved almost all my problems that I had with America, instead of having inklings of ownership in this mock democracy I obsolve my shares and therefore care not for its current state of disaray.

First it is “Americans” you dim wit. Second, you all suck.

Ok, I’m kidding.

The news media likes to f*** thinks up. The news media is so arrogant, and proclaims it’s own ideas as those of the vast majority of the American public. The news media doesn’t really care about the truth, but they sensation. They want ratings, and masses are sensational.

Real Americans have little against other nations unless other nations actually do something to the USA. Japan, China, Cuba, Syria, Iran, etc… most people don’t really care that much. Most Americans just want to enjoy their lives, and don’t really have any big ideas which should cause others to hate them.

The USA has made a number large decisions as of the last few years, but it seems most non-Americans have forgotten the massive attack on civilians that occurred on September 11th.

Well, to generalize other countries…
1. British think they’re something special, high-class. Doesn’t really bother Americans at all, just gives them a reason to laugh. Also what do the Catholics and protestants have against each-other that they have to be so vicious? We get along just fin in the USA.
2. French are ornery. They have large mouths that speak like their bathing habits. They are whimps though. They back out of everything like little ****ies.
3. Middle Eastern Arab countries. Some support terrorists who like to attack the USA and Israel, and (I think) some do not. That is the only think I or practically any other American has against them. We’d love to be great friends and try to be all the time.
4. Bosnia, Yugoslavia & surrounding area. Why don’t you guys just settle down. In the end you’ll be more prosperous.
5. Africa: Disease ridden and poor.
6. Russia: Well, we’re cool with them. Feelings are still hurt, but the threat of either of us nuking each other is practically non-existent. Russia still has it’s own agenda, but tries to play along enough to avoid war.
7. China: They treat their population like shi*. They’re overcrowded, and like to steal American technology.
8. Japan: They’re cool.
9. Germany: They’re kind of in their own limbo right now. They do & don’t have any power.

Now honestly, if /when someone approaches me, and I learned they were from one of these countries, I have nothing against them. To me it is neutral, and they have a right to define themselves. Most of the descriptions above were primarily centered around their governments or obvious flaws that affect certain sectors, but aren’t conclusive to most who live there.

Overall, I think people need to shut it. The generalization and “I’m better than you” crap doesn’t help. Look in any history book, and you’ll see that much
Originally posted by Santa
The news media doesn’t really care about the truth, but they sensation.

Most Americans just want to enjoy their lives, and don’t really have any big ideas which should cause others to hate them.

Now honestly, if /when someone approaches me, and I learned they were from one of these countries, I have nothing against them. To me it is neutral, and they have a right to define themselves. Most of the descriptions above were primarily centered around their governments or obvious flaws that affect certain sectors, but aren’t conclusive to most who live there.

Overall, I think people need to shut it. The generalization and “I’m better than you” crap doesn’t help. Look in any history book, and you’ll see that much

that's a pretty good explanation of how most rational americans feel.

when most people say, "what'd we do to provoke this?" when referring to 9/11, I can understand the frustration of the rest of the world and the feeling that america is arrogant.

It's not like our government and armed forces are just sitting at home minding our own business...we've got our hands greased in everything.

most people just want to maintain the status quo...keep things the same. what they don't realize is how much maintaining america's status quo affects other countries around the world...and what lengths our government will go to in order to maintain our "status"

no matter what, nobody can convince me that we're really concerned with the Iraqi people. I mean, of course that's the hat we put on when we're over in the middle east defeating the evil saddam hussein.

but let's get real. there are plenty of evil african leaders and bad things happening there, but you don't see our military "helping" africans, do you? no, we just send them money and supplies to fight AIDS.

nope, there's no oil in africa! and you'd better believe that if they found some gigantic oil reserve somewhere in africa tomorrow, we'd be ****ing around with our military there in about 6 months.
Originally posted by dfc05
how's education in Europe? i heard that you test into schools and based on how you do on the exams you're placed into a certain type of school... ?

Im 16 years old and im in the 11 grade, i dont know what its called in the US. I got 3 years left before i can go to a university.

I go in a private school, i think its much better. Its much smaller and the people are so much nicer :) Anyways, we get food for ~5$ a day, we got our own laptops for about 20k$, we got our own projector and everything in our classroom. I study Digital Prodution. The school is located in the center (almost) of Gothenburg (Swedens second largest city).

The best thing is that we learn like 4 different coding languages... sweet :)

You can see my school on this pic (top right corner)


You can go to a university if you got the will and grades :) Im not sure how many years... but i think its about 3-5 years (depending on the programme) And its free to (you even get payed on some schools)

I love it here, I think its great!

I want to visit Japan someday... mmm :)
Originally posted by DeusEx2
Wow, I have never been accused of being racist... Yayyy!! My First time :dozey:

Next time I'll post something like that, I will add a ;) to avoid confusion mmmk? You didn't actually think that I believe that only 10% of the americans still believe that Elvis is alive? It has to be far more!! Okay, here it comes: ;) ;) got it????

As for the 2nd part of the quote, no offense, but if that's your opinion, you should hate half the world, including the US. Racism is all about projecting behaviour of individual opinions/acts to larger groups. Vietcong tortured prisoners huh? Well then all those d*mn gooks in 'Nam must be the same. Soft drugs in Holland is tolerated? Well then all Dutch people must be wooden-shoe wearing pot smoking red light district cruisin' windmillf**ers right?

From wartime enemies who did not respect our soldiers the way we more or less respected theirs, from their you somehow assume that I feel the same way if anything is different from the US. But you know what if you dont want to believe that an American can not hate everyone , then go ahead. Because you took that statement to mean what it in no way meant , so I doubt I could reason you out of stupidity.
Originally posted by Santa

Well, to generalize other countries…
1. British think they’re something special, high-class. Doesn’t really bother Americans at all, just gives them a reason to laugh. Also what do the Catholics and protestants have against each-other that they have to be so vicious? We get along just fin in the USA.
2. French are ornery. They have large mouths that speak like their bathing habits. They are whimps though. They back out of everything like little ****ies.
3. Middle Eastern Arab countries. Some support terrorists who like to attack the USA and Israel, and (I think) some do not. That is the only think I or practically any other American has against them. We’d love to be great friends and try to be all the time.
4. Bosnia, Yugoslavia & surrounding area. Why don’t you guys just settle down. In the end you’ll be more prosperous.
5. Africa: Disease ridden and poor.
6. Russia: Well, we’re cool with them. Feelings are still hurt, but the threat of either of us nuking each other is practically non-existent. Russia still has it’s own agenda, but tries to play along enough to avoid war.
7. China: They treat their population like shi*. They’re overcrowded, and like to steal American technology.
8. Japan: They’re cool.
9. Germany: They’re kind of in their own limbo right now. They do & don’t have any power.

10. USA: They think there all high and mighty, enough to slag off every other place in the world, and also are ****wits :cheers:

Nah just kidding.. think whatever you like about other places
Cept Britain

How dare you insult our authoritar!! :P

Is that really how you see us as though, stuck up nonses!

damn it!!

Oh and the catholic/protastant crap is well.... Crap. They have different opinions on some matters but doesnt everyone :P Only in ireland will they fight over it as far as I have seen. And even then I think most people over there don't like the fighting anyway.....
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Im 16 years old and im in the 11 grade, i dont know what its called in the US. I got 3 years left before i can go to a university.

I go in a private school, i think its much better. Its much smaller and the people are so much nicer :) Anyways, we get food for ~5$ a day, we got our own laptops for about 20k$, we got our own projector and everything in our classroom. I study Digital Prodution. The school is located in the center (almost) of Gothenburg (Swedens second largest city).

The best thing is that we learn like 4 different coding languages... sweet :)

wow. that class sounds really neat. i'm 16 too, 11th grade but 1 and a half years til university. over here (well my school at least, public school, i'm not sure about private schools or other public schools in the US) you could never take a class that specialized til college. everybody takes the standard course-- english, foreign language, science, math, social sciences, and then your choice of electives, academic (advanced classes) or fine arts (art/sculpture/photography/orchestra/band/choir). so basically the only thing we can choose is electives and these aren't even specifically career-oriented electives--just adv. bio/chem/math. basically the academic electives are advanced placement courses... so you take them so you can take the ap test, and maybe the ib test, at the end of the year so, if you pass, you don't have to take the course in college. my teacher was saying that we used to have classes for agriculture/ environmental or resource management/ autoshop because, well, not everybody's going to have a career where they'll be using english/biology stuff. but now all those classes are pretty much dead and everybody's expected to go into standard courses. that really sucks because 1) a bunch of people are packed in these standard classes that they'll never use again; 2) there's special courses that people want to take but because of crazy gpa people and dying classes we can't take them--like i would love to take the enviro science class if they offered it advanced, but the one they actually have is basically what you take if you can't pass chemistry...

You can go to a university if you got the will and grades :) Im not sure how many years... but i think its about 3-5 years (depending on the programme) And its free to (you even get payed on some schools)

over here it's not free unless you either go into a less popular college that desperately wants people with high grades so they offer you scholarships/fully paid tuition; or if you go into a program that's less popular, like if the school wants more kids in geography or something like that so they're willing to offer scholarships for you.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Okay US people.... i got a question.

How is the school in the US? Do you need to pay much for it? How is the quality of the schools? Do you learn much? :D


well, the schools around here aren't that great, i.e. horrible. let's set the tone: five years ago. you have the average schools, which are horribly underfunded by mismanagement of administration funds. ~35 students per class. you have the waay underachieving schools, caused mostly by apathetic students, and a horrible lack of funding causing underpaid, overworked and stressed teachers. ~40 students per class. then you have the rich, private schools, where tuition is ~$7000 a year, and you can usually only get in if you're either christian, catholic, or mormon, depending on the area. now, we come to today. the quality "no child left behind act" has left the low-income area schools overstaffed, since most students transferred to average or high achieving schools. classes are now, on average, 50-65 (no shit) students. desks are now a rarity. the underachieving schools are now ridiculously overstaffed, as less than 1/5th of the students now go there. the learning environment in the average schools is now greatly worsened, teachers have less time for individual students, and they also become overworked and hugely stressed. most teachers no longer have the option of staying after school to help students, as they have to grade several assignments for each student in their monumental classes. the average school is now becoming the underachieving school, as it's the students, and most often not the teachers, who are the reason for the low average state scores and such. so, the city has a vote. they decide to ask for a $300 million budget deficit fix ($1-$3/month average tax increase for one year), which would help fund more books, teachers, supplies, and janitorial workers. the measure fails by 70% to 30%. administrators continue to get paid ~8-10x more than the average teachers. class materials become outdated, and janitorial staff become 1 or 2 for an entire school. the school is now messy, the lunch periods containing 600-800 students (two periods here), and things in general begin to get shitty.

luckily for me, i dropped out, got my GED, and am going to attend college in january.
This is not a direct dig at all americans, most I've met are very nice friendly people... but when i visited I was suprised at differences between peoples attitudes in different cities.

Me and my g/f visted her gay godparent in Texas, and he had a little rainbow sticker on his car window. One day we went to the shops and when we came out his tyres had been slashed and a large group of white trash were all shouting at him... Scarey indeed. As this was within my first few days of ever visiting america it did not portray americans in the best light...

Then after visiting a few more cities came to Boston, where everyone is great and i wanted to put them in my pocket and carry them home :o

Anyway, on with my main point...

I live in edinburgh (tourist capital of the UK), and after working in various tourist shops I have a fair idea of what some american people think of the UK... i'll do this by giving u some questions/statements I've heard.

"Do you know the queen?" - Yeah, you'll see her around.
"My friend Jimmy lives in Scotland, do you know him?" - Which jimmy?
"Where can I change my currency? I've only got english money!" - ?
"Say something Scottish" - No...
"You sell american food, is that for the tourists?" -It's Coca Cola
"Have you seen Braveheart?" - I got this all the time, god knows why.
"I like the Scottish" - Actually i'm english
"Do they let the english work here?" - In response to previous answer.
"Where's your bottle of whisky? HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH..." - Indeed, where's your burger fat man?

Basically some of them think we are a backwards race, just crawled out of the sea and living around camp fires with our spears. But the rest are cool... It's always seems to be the unintelligent parts of society that give nations a bad name i.e Bush :cheese:
hehehe. Hey you can come visit me here in kentucky phate, we'll go to my friends cabin (which is really freaking sweet 2 story big loft ) and party like we do every weekend, good food, good women, good friends, good beer hehehe its lots of fun, the best part is, most everyone here is super nice, and all the people i hang out with are open minded about stuff lol but nah i agree with what your saying, and i understand why most places have this out look on us americans, hell when i went to florida for the first time i hated it, so i guess it all depends on where you go and who you talk to
Originally posted by Sparky the Fox
the school is now messy, the lunch periods containing 600-800 students (two periods here), and things in general begin to get shitty.

my school has 3000-4000 students. starts out with over 1000 kids in 9th grade, 12th grade's got about 700-800, 10th & 11th somewhere in between. we fit on three floorseach with one long "old" hallway; one short hallway that was added on perpendicular to that; two other short hallways parallel to the old one.
we all eat lunch within the same one-hour period. when the bell rings the halls are packed. so is the courtyard (but at least they finished construction/repairs so there's only maybe three classes still in the temporary buildings outside). but the worst thing is the stairs--it doesn't take that long to get through the hall (unless there's those annoying people that stand right in the middle of a busy intersection point just talking, arghhhh move out of the way you idiots!!!) but it takes forever to make it up or down the stairs.
lol there wasn't even a thousand kids total in my school when i graduated, my senior class had under 100 students total
Originally posted by Innervision961
hehehe. Hey you can come visit me here in kentucky phate, we'll go to my friends cabin (which is really freaking sweet 2 story big loft ) and party like we do every weekend, good food, good women, good friends, good beer hehehe its lots of fun, the best part is, most everyone here is super nice, and all the people i hang out with are open minded about stuff lol but nah i agree with what your saying, and i understand why most places have this out look on us americans, hell when i went to florida for the first time i hated it, so i guess it all depends on where you go and who you talk to

So i can put you in my pocket and bring you home with all the bostonians?

Unfortuantly I don't like american beer :P It's too sweet for my liking, so i'll bring a crate of beligian or french larger over :cheese:
Originally posted by pHATE1982
This is not a direct dig at all americans, most I've met are very nice friendly people... but when i visited I was suprised at differences between peoples attitudes in different cities.

Me and my g/f visted her gay godparent in Texas, and he had a little rainbow sticker on his car window. One day we went to the shops and when we came out his tyres had been slashed and a large group of white trash were all shouting at him... Scarey indeed. As this was within my first few days of ever visiting america it did not portray americans in the best light...

Then after visiting a few more cities came to Boston, where everyone is great and i wanted to put them in my pocket and carry them home :o

The US has some really different cities. I'm in Houston--very diverse culturally. And then I went on a trip to Salt Lake City. Well, it's mostly all white. And lots of Mormons. They sold Mormon bible sticker reading schedule things... in the grocery store :| (no offense to any Mormons in these forums if by some chance there are any...). Seriously I bet some people there have never seen a lot of non-white people. The group I was walking around with had... let's see... someone from Bangladesh, some Asian, some blacks, some Arabic, Pakistani, and whites all walking around together.... and people stared, which was kinda interesting. Of course we did see a punk goth girl walking around there... lol.
And then we went to Wyoming. I can't believe I actually ate Chinese food in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming.
Originally posted by Innervision961
lol there wasn't even a thousand kids total in my school when i graduated, my senior class had under 100 students total

heh most middle schools here have over 100 students per grade level, maybe around 300. luckily my middle school was small, less than 100 kids per grade so you actually knew everybody.
big classes aren't that bad. you actually see a lot of people you know in the hall through that mass of thousands of people... and there's a ton of people you don't know. it does suck if you've gotta attend graduation. listening to them read almost 800 names... ugh.