What does USA think of the world?

Originally posted by CyberSh33p

ah, sweden, I want to go there one day. it seems so magical.

Just a load of Blonde tall people, quite frankly, theres enough blonde people around here, and no they aren't all fake. :) (I live in northwest England by the way.)
that's gross dfc. the biggest school i ever went to was westview with 2600 students. you had the dumbasses in their groupies blocking the halls so i was almost always late for class. the school i went to most recently had probably ~1550. my political sciences class had the most students in it. 63 or 64. there were never enough desks.

on topic, i really like germany. i was born in heidelberg and lived in siegelbach for about a year, and plan to go back some day :)
Originally posted by pHATE1982
So i can put you in my pocket and bring you home with all the bostonians?

Unfortuantly I don't like american beer :P It's too sweet for my liking, so i'll bring a crate of beligian or french larger over :cheese:

Dude thats ok, we usually don't drink american beer that often, we usually drink hard liquor... There is this sweet german restaraunt we go to that has over 1000 imported beers in their selection, heheh its sweet! German beer is the best imo ooh belgium or french lager eh? I would love to try some of that :cheers:

(hehe the key to world peace is good bear my friends!)
Originally posted by Sparky the Fox
that's gross dfc. the biggest school i ever went to was westview with 2600 students. you had the dumbasses in their groupies blocking the halls so i was almost always late for class. the school i went to most recently had probably ~1550. my political sciences class had the most students in it. 63 or 64. there were never enough desks.

what's so gross about it? that the population of my school is larger than the populations of some small towns? lol. class sizes are about 30. unless you're in a class that not many people take: my ap chem class has 19 people. we've got enough desks. each hall has about 60 to 70 classrooms so that makes... maybe 200 classrooms. we've got an insane number of clubs, it's probably above 50 now, might be around 100-- there's the language clubs.... the national honor societies... the "let's change the world" enviro and amnesty int'l clubs and "model UN"... then all sorts of weird clubs out of nowhere... like "yoga club".

and hall-blockers are annoying; everybody wants to shove them out of the way or "accidentally" bump into them but nobody does. yet i sometimes get shoved into when i'm waiting to get to my locker.

and to make this post somehow related to the original topic instead of school stuff:
the only countries outside the US that I've gone to are China and Vancouver. China was interesting, lots of history--the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, Shanghai, Hong Kong, etc. Pretty fun until I got sick there :(. Canada was nice but I only went to Vancouver for a few days. People there seemed pretty friendly.
Originally posted by Innervision961
hehehe. Hey you can come visit me here in kentucky

Where in Kentucky do you live? I'm in Louisville. With all this talk about our educations, I feel that I should at least say something about where I go to school.


Tomorrow night, we go up agains St. X in football( not the soccer kind of football ) and we're going to take the state championship again!!

have you ever heard of owensboro? Well thats where i live i think its 3 largest city in ky, not sure though, I like louisville been there a few times its pretty cool (lots of bars lol)
Oh yeah! I used to live in Evansville, IN; but that was before I started at Trinity. I've only been to Owensboro twice though.....
Originally posted by pHATE1982
This is not a direct dig at all americans, most I've met are very nice friendly people... but when i visited I was suprised at differences between peoples attitudes in different cities.

Me and my g/f visted her gay godparent in Texas, and he had a little rainbow sticker on his car window. One day we went to the shops and when we came out his tyres had been slashed and a large group of white trash were all shouting at him... Scarey indeed. As this was within my first few days of ever visiting america it did not portray americans in the best light...

Then after visiting a few more cities came to Boston, where everyone is great and i wanted to put them in my pocket and carry them home :o

Anyway, on with my main point...

I live in edinburgh (tourist capital of the UK), and after working in various tourist shops I have a fair idea of what some american people think of the UK... i'll do this by giving u some questions/statements I've heard.

"Do you know the queen?" - Yeah, you'll see her around.
"My friend Jimmy lives in Scotland, do you know him?" - Which jimmy?
"Where can I change my currency? I've only got english money!" - ?
"Say something Scottish" - No...
"You sell american food, is that for the tourists?" -It's Coca Cola
"Have you seen Braveheart?" - I got this all the time, god knows why.
"I like the Scottish" - Actually i'm english
"Do they let the english work here?" - In response to previous answer.
"Where's your bottle of whisky? HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH..." - Indeed, where's your burger fat man?

Basically some of them think we are a backwards race, just crawled out of the sea and living around camp fires with our spears. But the rest are cool... It's always seems to be the unintelligent parts of society that give nations a bad name i.e Bush :cheese:

Heavens, I know what that's like... well, my Uncle (who lived in America for several years) does, and he told me:

"Do you have a pet Kangaroo?" - The most common question.
"Are you sure you don't have a pet Kangaroo?" -The second most common question.
"Could you say 'Fish and Chips'?" - Question from those Americans who insist on getting us Aussies mixed up with New Zealanders.
"Do you know Paul Hogan?"- This one is just annoying.
"Nah nah nah nah 'Shrimp on the Barby!' nah nah" - Something along these lines always comes up. We don't even eat shrimps, it's PRAWNS!
"How did you guys feel when you country got annexed?" - From an American who insisted on thinking my Uncle was from Austria.
"Can I see your boomerang?" - No comment.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Cept Britain

How dare you insult our authoritar!! :P

Is that really how you see us as though, stuck up nonses!

damn it!!

Well, I'm pretty tired of seeing your disgusting nose hairs.
i moved from usa to costa rica

it is so bitchin down here

we are all like all hangin out all the time with my people


ahh cool im a zombie finaaly
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
From wartime enemies who did not respect our soldiers the way we more or less respected theirs, from their you somehow assume that I feel the same way if anything is different from the US. But you know what if you dont want to believe that an American can not hate everyone , then go ahead. Because you took that statement to mean what it in no way meant , so I doubt I could reason you out of stupidity.

No, I'm not assuming anything. I'm pointing out that if you dis'like' Vietnam because they tortured American prisoners you should hate half the world. This isn't unique you know. And again, I'm not saying that americans can hate everyone, I say that YOU should hate everyone if you are completely behind your statement. But apparently you are not, I misquoted you or you wrote something down that you regret.
Originally posted by Innervision961
Dude thats ok, we usually don't drink american beer that often, we usually drink hard liquor... There is this sweet german restaraunt we go to that has over 1000 imported beers in their selection, heheh its sweet! German beer is the best imo ooh belgium or french lager eh? I would love to try some of that :cheers:

(hehe the key to world peace is good bear my friends!)

You've never had Stella Artois or Kronenburg 1664? Mmmm, tastey beers.
German beer is good too :-) In fact most of Europe has good beer, apart from Britain where they don't even try and compete with the largers out of Europe so specialise in bitter, or budget larger... yuck!

Spirits/liquor is good too. I like scottish malts if i can afford them, otherwise a nice bottle of Jack Daniels, or Jim Beam.

And the key to peace is a good bear? Like a big fluffy one who goes around hugging people and helping people out? Sweet... I want one!!!

Alternativey the key to peace could be good beer :cheers:
Originally posted by pHATE1982
This is not a direct dig at all americans, most I've met are very nice friendly people... but when i visited I was suprised at differences between peoples attitudes in different cities.

Me and my g/f visted her gay godparent in Texas, and he had a little rainbow sticker on his car window. One day we went to the shops and when we came out his tyres had been slashed and a large group of white trash were all shouting at him... Scarey indeed. As this was within my first few days of ever visiting america it did not portray americans in the best light...

Then after visiting a few more cities came to Boston, where everyone is great and i wanted to put them in my pocket and carry them home :o

Anyway, on with my main point...

I live in edinburgh (tourist capital of the UK), and after working in various tourist shops I have a fair idea of what some american people think of the UK... i'll do this by giving u some questions/statements I've heard.

"Do you know the queen?" - Yeah, you'll see her around.
"My friend Jimmy lives in Scotland, do you know him?" - Which jimmy?
"Where can I change my currency? I've only got english money!" - ?
"Say something Scottish" - No...
"You sell american food, is that for the tourists?" -It's Coca Cola
"Have you seen Braveheart?" - I got this all the time, god knows why.
"I like the Scottish" - Actually i'm english
"Do they let the english work here?" - In response to previous answer.
"Where's your bottle of whisky? HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH..." - Indeed, where's your burger fat man?

Basically some of them think we are a backwards race, just crawled out of the sea and living around camp fires with our spears. But the rest are cool... It's always seems to be the unintelligent parts of society that give nations a bad name i.e Bush :cheese:

very true....... the attitude in america varys widley depending on what region/state/city your in..........

the deep south/southwest has an overabundance racist/ignorant/rightwing/overly religious people

in the northeast everyone is always in a hurry........and will run you over or shoot you if look at them wrong......
Originally posted by Maskirovka
nobody finds my picture hillarious?

Heh it always makes me smile. I'm avoiding this thread as it's another nation bashing powder Keg.