what does Vivendi really do?

Publishes and advertises HL2. They handle product manufacturing, distrobution, etc.
Shuzer said:
Publishes and advertises HL2. They handle product manufacturing, distrobution, etc.

Vivendi is also the owner of Sierra now I think. Publishers of HL1
Vivendi is the game's publisher - they are responsible for the marketing and distribution of the finished product.
pays for the game to be copyied, boxed and shipped to stores and allows the game to come out. also advertising, and funding for valve
so why're we waiting for Vivendi? they just copy the game a gazillion times right?
Steven Q Urkle said:
pays for the game to be copyied, boxed and shipped to stores and allows the game to come out. also advertising, and funding for valve

HL2's development is completely funded by Valve with the money they made off of HL1. Everything else is true.
cadaveca said:
they are responsible for having some sort of money scandal, firing all their head people, and half the rest of the staff.
personally, it's vivendi that cause the HL2 delay...not valve


No, not really. If the game isn't done that is on Valve's shoulders, not Vivendi's. After the game goes gold, the time it takes for the game to be out on the shelves is up to Vivendi.
are vivendi on the recieving end of the sales., like there the first to manage the money intake ?.
notice the june 2004 srticle...vivendi is in crap up to their shoulders.
i'm pretty sure that the game cannot be released because of the current arguments as to who rightfully should get the money from any profits of vivendi, due to the false stock price increase.
this sort of stuff just got martha stewart in jail, and do you think the courts care about the release of a video game?
clarky003 said:
are vivendi on the recieving end of the sales., like there the first to manage the money intake ?.

From what I understand, any HL2 copies purchased through Steam gives Valve 2.5x more money than if it were purchased through a retail outlet. Considering that the price of HL2 may be lower through Steam, it kinda gets me wondering how much money grabbing Vivendi is trying to pull out of this deal......

I don't think that answers your question...but....meh
Bait said:
From what I understand, any HL2 copies purchased through Steam gives Valve 2.5x more money than if it were purchased through a retail outlet. Considering that the price of HL2 may be lower through Steam, it kinda gets me wondering how much money grabbing Vivendi is trying to pull out of this deal......

I don't think that answers your question...but....meh

its good enough :)
hey can anyone find a site or a pic of the factory that copies them, man i just wanna see theose 1million burners......
ELIXIR said:
hey can anyone find a site or a pic of the factory that copies them, man i just wanna see theose 1million burners......

....I don't think it works like that exactly.
cadaveca said:
it's vivendi that cause the HL2 delay...not valve

Youre pretty wrong there.

Why in the name of christ would Vivendi delay the game?

they loose money every day and hour HL2 isnt on sale.

Plus valve would merely state that the game was finished and VU was holding it.
Bait said:
....I don't think it works like that exactly.
Don't they use the "Gold" disc to make metal plates to put in the CD presses?
I am a game tester for Vivendi here in L.A. and Vivendi is a french company which means that they pay american boys to do their jobs.
stigmata said:
Don't they use the "Gold" disc to make metal plates to put in the CD presses?

That's kinda what I was originally thinking, but I wasn't sure if such a thing was even possible.

Hmm....I wish I knew.
stigmata said:
Don't they use the "Gold" disc to make metal plates to put in the CD presses?

Well, they'll use the data on Gold CD to make the press, but not the actual gold CD. Probably. In this modern day and age, I'd imagine that they'll transfer the data digitally instead of sending off master CDs.
i saw the vivendi universal office one time when i was driving through LA on a road trip with my friend... i never knew it was down there..

Commercial CDs (ie, music or games, silver-backed) are produced via 'stamping' the pattern of ridges and valleys onto the surface of the disk. So a whole CD could be made in about 1-2 seconds.

CD-Rs etc work by having special dye in the CD, which the burner can change to be non-reflective (representing a valley) by applying a laser, or leaving it reflective by not applying the laser. This requires that every part of the CD be burnt in sequence, whereas with stamping the CD they can do all of it at once.

The term "going gold" means getting a perfect copy of the software on a special gold disk (which is tested to make sure there are no errors), which is then used to make 'stamper' copies which are used by the stamping machines to produce the CDs that we all end up with in our grubby little mitts.
Wow, CDs are stamped.

My entire worldview has just been completely shattered. The digital age is still dependent upon a press.

What's next, networking cards actually measure physical vibrations?
Well, I always found it funny that power generation nowadays is just simply finding cleaner and more efficient ways of boiling water.