What does your gf/bfwife/husband/partner think of your gaming habit?

JNightshade, can you can see how I would come to this conclusion now?
Alien cancer owns your nastyass hair.

I do. I definately do.

Dalamari, you are so retarded it boggles the mind.

EDIT: This was written in a rare moment of overwhelming stress. Sorry.
Shut your god damn face you noob bitch.
If your gf doesn't mind, your next step is to get her to go a lan place or a lan party, I'm going to attempt it this friday, so there will be either 2 threads, 1 being I'm single and the other that I have the best gf, ever.

LOL haha that made my night.
i never play games while my girlfriend is around. not because she has any problem with it (well, she does, but thats beside the point) i dont play when she is around because its rude. in fact i only play games when i am on my own. i have never been a social gamer. and it is very awkward being in the same room as someone who is engrossed in a game.
Well, speaking from a girlfriend point of view...I would have to say I dont mind it. I would rather Ikerous be playing games then cheating on me. I am happy he found an addiction to where he is not breaking the law, and it doesnt necessarly come in to play when I am around. Sometimes yes, but he knows when it is not ok to ignor me and when it is. Like if One Tree Hill is on, he can play away.

BTW...He says he is sry to everyone for not posting, He is still having trouble with his computer.
Yeah well its better that way. He can spend all his money on me now. LOL
Yeah well its better that way. He can spend all his money on me now. LOL
Lol, you two must get on great.
I wouldn't dare let a girlfreind of mine onto this forum, or even tell her. Hard to find someone you get on that well with.

Say hi to ikky for me.
If you truely loved each other, then she would not mind your gaming habit. That simple.

I would tell the girl to **** off if she did not like/want me to play any games or play around with other hobbies as well.
I would rather Ikerous be playing games then cheating on me.
Haha, that's an odd point to make. I can just imagine some kind of study about this...

"Study confirms - gaming lowers odds of infidelity in games friendly environment." See what Mr. Thompson has to say about that :D

Jokes aside though, you should be monitoring all his The Sims games. He might be using it for cheating practice :|
Lol, you two must get on great.
I wouldn't dare let a girlfreind of mine onto this forum, or even tell her. Hard to find someone you get on that well with.

Say hi to ikky for me.

Yeah we do. We are planning on getting married. Which should be fun. I love him to death and I am sure that nothing he posts here will surpise me. I have known him for 5 years. He says Hi back.

Haha, that's an odd point to make. I can just imagine some kind of study about this...

"Study confirms - gaming lowers odds of infidelity in games friendly environment." See what Mr. Thompson has to say about that :D

Jokes aside though, you should be monitoring all his The Sims games. He might be using it for cheating practice :|

No...if I know ikerous its safer for me to keep him away from the farm games. LOL. I can hear my self now, "No charles you can dont make your cow do that!"
And I always thought iccy was a pedo...

....wait, you're not 13 are you?
ROLF....No, I am gonna be 20 in Oct. But I am about 5'1" so i am about the size as a 13 year old. LOL
No...if I know ikerous its safer for me to keep him away from the farm games. LOL. I can hear my self now, "No charles you can dont make your cow do that!"
Heh, and now I'm going over every possible implication or innuendo of "Harvest Moon" in my head...

Out of curiosity, Ikky didn't win you over by speaking in haikus, did he?
I can see why ikky likes you ;)

Only joking :p

Its ok. He told me that was one of the reason why he does. "I like you cuz you are tinny, like a 13 yr old." I believe that is what he said. Something alone those lines.

Heh, and now I'm going over every possible implication or innuendo of "Harvest Moon" in my head...

Out of curiosity, Ikky didn't win you over by speaking in haikus, did he?

NO, I am not sure how he did it, but it happen and I could not be happier. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him. *scary isnt it*
Its ok. He told me that was one of the reason why he does. "I like you cuz you are tinny, like a 13 yr old." I believe that is what he said. Something alone those lines.

NO, I am not sure how he did it, but it happen and I could not be happier. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him. *scary isnt it*

Post Lovemaking pix, I'm sure ikerous would want you too, and If you don't have any I'm sure you can find some on ikkys commy ^^
if only his computer was not broken. Thats why he has not been on latly. He needs some kind of disk and some other stuff. But it fried. I have a camara i can just take some more. LOL
A sort of peom, if i remember correctly from that time when i was sleeping during english class.
oh...i knew it was a type of poem style but i was not sure if thats what you were talking about.

He will be back before next week. We start school so he has to have his computer up and running. So he will be back. I promise.
Chuck used to write like that? That must've been before I joined, otherwise I'dve shunned him like the plague, even despite the buttsechs.
Chuck....that's iccys name? Chuck?

Like Chuck Norris? Beef Chuck?
