What does your gf/bfwife/husband/partner think of your gaming habit?

It was awhile ago, and it was actually feckin annoying at the time. Just nostalgia kicking in I guess :p
my gf actually likes playing mario on the DS. but she sucks. most people think it's nerdy and hate it. but then so do i, i just can't stop.
My other half is really cool with it. She knows how much I enjoy playing CSS etc so she will leave me to it. I always put 2/3 hours quality time in with her at night(watch a film, have food etc), so she isnt neglected. She actually asked to have a go at CSS the other day. 0_o . I was well amused!!!

All in all, she's quite content with it.
I haven't played video games in several years. Other than the odd game of space cadet pinball on internet risk.
which beggs the question: why are you on a gaming forum?

my girlfriend is fairly indifferent about it i guess, as long as it doesn't interfere with the attention i give her. i mean, i think they're fun, but i never play them when i'm with her. i mean c'mon, what would you prefer, to do that last level in half life, or do your girlfriend?
which beggs the question: why are you on a gaming forum?

my girlfriend is fairly indifferent about it i guess, as long as it doesn't interfere with the attention i give her. i mean, i think they're fun, but i never play them when i'm with her. i mean c'mon, what would you prefer, to do that last level in half life, or do your girlfriend?

This off-topic section rivals most regular discussion forums.
I read this thread and thought it said gambling habit.
If I had one ( D: ), I certainly wouldn't favor my games over doing something with her. Besides, I don't get on games that much, anyway.
which beggs the question: why are you on a gaming forum?

I joined the forum when I was interested in HL2 coming out when I played video games. I stayed for the mature atmosphere and deep introspection.
which beggs the question: why are you on a gaming forum?

my girlfriend is fairly indifferent about it i guess, as long as it doesn't interfere with the attention i give her. i mean, i think they're fun, but i never play them when i'm with her. i mean c'mon, what would you prefer, to do that last level in half life, or do your girlfriend?

I thought your girlfriend broke up with you and moved?
which beggs the question: why are you on a gaming forum?

Any law against it? I go on Subaru car sites yet I dont own one.

my girlfriend is fairly indifferent about it i guess, as long as it doesn't interfere with the attention i give her.

Nothing should interfere with your private life, as games for me are an escape from reality. At this moment, my reality is pretty sweet. Have a toffee for that answer >(0)<

what would you prefer, to do that last level in half life, or do your girlfriend?

You dont "Do" your girlfriend. You make love to her. Well my fiance said to me yesterday "Give me 12 inches and make it hurt" so I f*cked her twice then punched her in the mouth :p:p
Some people wouldnt realise this is a joke so I will say it here. JOKE!

Bear in mind rambler this isnt having a go at you, thats just the way I think. Read my sig to find out more.

I think its very nice when partners try to get into your hobby and learn more about it. How many things have people done with thier partners no matter how boring to get to know more about thier hobbies etc? I have sat through a lot with my fiance and its good that she is trying to embrace my gaming habit.
No money to play games. I usually have a go on HL2, or some other old game to waste time for a few hours, but other than that I can't really afford anything new.

If I'm on the computer I'm in Hammer, which my mam complains about. All the time.
No money to play games. I usually have a go on HL2, or some other old game to waste time for a few hours, but other than that I can't really afford anything new.

If I'm on the computer I'm in Hammer, which my mam complains about. All the time.

Same here, pretty much.

I want to play EP1 but I can't afford it right now. Same with EP2 once it comes out.
Please stop posting.


Seconded qft

Bah. Anyways. My gf actually openly encourages and likes me playing games, she even gets into them herself! :LOL: Although if she is over my house or online I normally turn them off, because I never thought I'd say this but I have finally discovered something more interesting then video games... :O



EDIT: Hold on a sec... this thread died in August! Who bumped it? Ah, r3ghost :LOL:
I never thought I'd say this but I have finally discovered something more interesting then video games... :O

No you havent. Keep telling yourself that and it may become true. You dont decide on your interest on video games, they decide when you let them go.

Go on then, whats your new hobby. Dont say stamp collecting or something otherwise I will cover you in honey and kick you into lots and lots of bees!

Who bumped it? Ah, r3ghost :LOL:

Yes it was me mwhahaha. Dont you hate it when new members of websites bump old threads?

*Prepares to be hit with lead bars*
No money to play games. I usually have a go on HL2, or some other old game to waste time for a few hours, but other than that I can't really afford anything new.
Don't you get every Steam game free?
Go on then, whats your new hobby. Dont say stamp collecting or something otherwise I will cover you in honey and kick you into lots and lots of bees!

It is this crazy thing called 'socialising'. I never knew it existed before. :p
It is this crazy thing called 'socialising'. I never knew it existed before. :p

Sounds like fun mate. How do you start with this thing called socialising? :p

Seriously though good luck with it and have fun :D
I've got something worse for you!


Nah, this thread should be ok.

Perhaps we should right a whole new article and thesis on this new phenomanon of 'Self-Pwnage', then post it on Wikipedia for the masses to consume while they hail us as some form of internet god! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Or not, but it would be cool. No?

Lol, back on topic.
I've got something worse for you!


Heres me thinking we were getting along fine. Pfft!

Yeah thats what your mum said in bed last night.

If that was any sort of reletively good comeback, I would appluad it. The truth is though that it sucked ass and you should be thrown off a cliff for it. Even worse give him to Danimal, let him sort him out.