What does your start menu look like?

712 said:
Which program did you use to alter your shell?
Which theme did you use?
Where can I find it?

1. Its just a normal VS, you can find loads on: themexp.org, make sure you have the hacked uxtheme.dll
2. Its called Ashen
3. #1

edit: oh, goto www.guiolympics.com if you want go get Windowblinds, they have some awsome themes there :)
/me watches 712's desk.
Gah. Can't. Take. My. Eyes. Of. It.
/me spends the entire night watching 712's desk closely.
Well, it was just me playing with photoshop, but you guys gave me the ideer of making it to the desk, and it was great. Thanks!

(you can see that I have photoshop open, and there are no desktop icons)

But that's all change now, thanks to you!

click again. if you dare.
I used to have my Startmenu organized, but I had to format so.. there ya go.

I feel like a big fat ogre compared to you guys! :O
You people keep a lot of stuff in your start menu, and it's pretty useless: it takes the same amount of clicks to launch the programs through win+E.
CrazyHarij said:

I've got you beat :P


I don't use the start menu, I use the search menu lol.

I download tons of freeware/open source programs that look useful when I see them just in case I ever might need them.
That launch is the... winamp skin installer. :D

C'mon, it's not bad if you're still gonna buy it. If I don't buy it then I hold all responsibility if VALVe sues me. Besides, it just isn't the same if you pirate HL2 because...

1.) It would take like 2 days to dl it cuz it's so big.
2.) The pirated version would prolly be missing things and would come out atleast a week after the retail version comes out(I plan on getting it the day it's out).
3.) Multiplayer wouldn't work (because of Steam, thank God).
4.) I'd feel guilty.
5.) I'd be discluded from the community. (If not already, because it seems everyone hates me)