what foods do YOU hate more than your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?


Dec 5, 2004
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i hate rice krispies, and i wanted to start a support group for people who hate specific foods for no apparent reason.

i hate rice krispies because they seem so angry.

they pop and crackle, like they're about to snap. i don't want a breakfast cereal with a felony on its record just because it couldn't get along with the milk.

also, now that i think of it, i don't like yogurt, because with a name like that, it sounds like its coming up again!

what foods do you hate the most?
Marmite, Raw Tomatoes, Sweetcorn, Butter, Mayonaise, Mushrooms, Cabbage, Cauliflour, Spinach, Brusell Sprouts, Pork (mostly)... lots basically. Not for funny reasons either... just simply because they taste like shit.
anything from the sea.

PS: not everyone hates their ex's
seaweed is good. Try living in Japan for a while. Personally I think no food is horrible, some of them just take a while to get used to. Although crustaceans make my face swell up.
Potatoes, spinach, tomatoes (just fresh ones, I dig 'em on my pizza/lasagna).
yeah, seafood is teh suck. the only 'tolerable' seafood i can eat is tuna fish, and it disgusts me. if i have something like shrimp or any other type of fish, i'd vomit.
Evil^Milk said:
yeah, seafood is teh suck. the only 'tolerable' seafood i can eat is tuna fish, and it disgusts me. if i have something like shrimp or any other type of fish, i'd vomit.
You people are crazy. I couldn't live without crawfish, shrimp, tilapia, or crabs.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
oh GOD, I had meringue on an airplane once and I can't think about it without gagging now. Same with coffee ice cream... UGGGGGH.
Bacon, Marmite, Sunday dinners, Christmas dinners. Kangaroo balls, by the looks of it from the other day. Mingin.
Freshmen at my school who smoke cigs and think it is cool

Kids around the 4th grade that swear constantly

Wangsters/Gangsters, and the whole gangster life that people have accepted as normal.

Modern rock music

Howard Stern

Poop that burns your hole

Dalamari said:
Freshmen at my school who smoke cigs and think it is cool

Kids around the 4th grade that swear constantly

Wangsters/Gangsters, and the whole gangster life that people have accepted as normal.

Modern rock music

Howard Stern

Poop that burns your hole


You eat all that shit? Some of that stuff isn't even TANGIBLE. You're a crazy. I'm staying away from you.
I hate: curry,rice,pasta,tomato,goats milk... anything health, mince, sprouts, spagetti bolognaise, any pizza apart from cheese and tomatoe, peppers, too much pickle in cheese and pickle sandwiches...... oh yeah I havent had a girlfriend before :p so ignore all that
Fat Tony! said:
I hate: curry,rice,pasta,tomato,goats milk... anything health, mince, sprouts, spagetti bolognaise, any pizza apart from cheese and tomatoe, peppers, too much pickle in cheese and pickle sandwiches...... oh yeah I havent had a girlfriend before :p so ignore all that
So...basically, you like ground beef and sugar. How do you survive?
I still love my ex's, but I hate Pork, any beef that's not steak, cheese :x Pasta to an extent, I can eat a lil bit, but if I eat too much it makes me feel sick. Last of all I HATE the chicken that hasn't been cut right, so that it still has chunks of fat clinging to it, UGH. Nothing ruins my appetite more than taking a big bit of what I think is chicken, and get a nasty mouthful of fat :: puke:: That's why I love seafood, no nasty fat chunks to worry about.
ive never tried any fish, except fish fingers, tuna, salmon, lol
I LOVE my GF/fiance

I hate Lima beans...anchovies on pizza, Uni (Sea Urchin Sushi)...Uni is the worst of the three though. Its like liquid cardboard with a fishy aftertaste...
Lucky charms,
I could make a better cereal if i took altoids(as opposed to marshmellows) and mixed them with dried sewage flakes(as opposed to the current dried sewage flakes).
Dalamari said:
Howard Stern

Poop that burns your hole

HAHAHA!!! your stupid a** eats Howard Stern (like a cell mate) and poop that burns your cornhole. Well if thats all my diet consisted of, i'd be as mad about everything as you.
Lol, I forgot to say that I was going to make a general hate post, although sometimes the peanuts get stuck in my teeth :(
u shud make another post about stuff u like eating more than ur current girl friend

that came out wrong ..umm...k
MarcoPolo said:
What are boudin balls? like mazza balls?
Oops...sorry. I forgot that I'm the only one from southern Louisiana.

It's our little secret, but they're good. If you ever visit down here, I suggest you try them.

...and just in case you're wondering, it's pronounced "BOO-dan".