What Game Gets Your Blood Boiling?


Jul 26, 2005
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What Game Gets Your Blood Boiling?

Single player? Multiplayer? Bugs?

I'd have to say mine is Smash Bros. That game makes you and your friends, scream and cuss at each other more than any other in my experience.
Worms has caused more than a few arguments at my house. One of my mates once kicked the PS in frustration and wiped a league that had been going on every thursday for years!
Wrestling games on my PS1, caused me and my friends to kick the shit out of eachother.

Fun times.
The maddest I ever got at a game was Super Street Fighter 2 on the SNES. I actually broke my controller pounding it in frustration. I have since learned to control myself better (i.e. it is my money now if I break anything so I take really good care not to be too crazy with anything). :E
UT2004 beyond anything.
CSS to an extent but not even in the same league.
Mario Kart (Double Dash, specifically). I swore myself off it for a while because I got so angry when I lost that it was scary and unnatural to people.
The maddest I ever got at a game was Super Street Fighter 2 on the SNES. I actually broke my controller pounding it in frustration. I have since learned to control myself better (i.e. it is my money now if I break anything so I take really good care not to be too crazy with anything). :E
I had the Megadrive version but I was the same, if not worse. I actually cracked the top of the game cartridge from smacking it so hard with the controller, but it continued to work. One time I gave it a huge wallop and I was treated to a screen full of code and numbers. From there pressing start would switch back and forth between that and a frozen gameplay image, and I could change the numbers on the code screen by pushing the D-pad. I'm still not entirely sure if I didn't discover some kind of hole in the universe, with my rage punching through into another dimension of pure arithmetic...

Also there was one time when I was very young, playing Sensible Soccer on the MegaCD. I got so infuriated with the computer cheating and scoring ludicrous goals that I went into the garden, retrieved a huge spade, and smashed the console with it. It fell onto the floor but survived. I also won the next game. HMMMMMMMMMM. Clearly violence solves everything.
Me and my house were taking it in turns to do the VR missions from Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. That got pretty frustrating fast.
Some parts of the original red faction were pretty annoying , but red faction 2 beats that by miles , damn little spider robot thingies.
God of war on the hardest setting. When you are defending your family from all the other Kratoses.


I broke a controller and a lid from my TV from that experiance. Great game.
I used to take Goldeneye a bit too seriously. After a particular loss I punched a hole through a closet door, broke a bone in my hand and then proceeded to break the controller by violently twisting it until it crunched inside. I don't know how many controllers I had to buy because of that damned game.

An older game called Star Control which had two people sharing a keyboard to play against each other back in the day. My friend and his brother had a Yehat vs. Yehat battle that lasted over an hour without anyone taking much damage until older brother cheap shotted the younger brother in the side of the head and a full scale fight broke out in the computer room at 2:30 am. Their parents were none too pleased when they were awoken to see many broken objects and two siblings full on fighting.
Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart 64.
Spore probably... I'm incredibly pissed how they could take such potential for a wonderful game, one of the most anticipated games of all time, and dumb it down to being almost a kiddy game.

When profits are more important than gameplay, games suck, and as Will Wright admitted, he wanted more sales than anything else.

It's not so much spore itself with me... It's spore as a placeholder to other games as well. The whole concept of dumbing down games to appeal to a wider base and retarding the game in the process to improve sales that drifts away from original design intentions.
Some parts of the original red faction were pretty annoying , but red faction 2 beats that by miles , damn little spider robot thingies.
That death ray gun (or whatever it's called) that can shoot through walls really got on my nerves. :frown:

EDIT> I think it was called a "rail driver".
Anyways, it's the most overpowered weapon in the history of FPSs.

Shoot through walls + nowhere to hide + instant death, meant constant trial-and-error deaths.
Gears of War. When I first got it, okay it had trashtalkers. With friends over okay, trashtalking whatever... but sometimes people will start fighting over that shit. It always starts from trashtalking, but once it gets to the player raping when the other is down oooh weee tempers burst.
Multiplayers games mostly, so Battlefields and CS:S.
Halo 3.
I really don't know, that game unleashes my inner Stalin, srsly.
When I play, for example, Team Fortress 2, I am really relaxed, it feels like such a laid back game. I don't even really care who wins, it's fun either way. Don't get me wrong, I try my best, but if we do lose I usually don't get very excited.
But Halo 3...oh my god. I haven't thrown my controller or anything like that yet, but jesus christ...it's not just the losing, too. If something slightly out of the ordinary happens with unfavorable outcomes for me, it sets me off into a violent rage comparable only to FPS Doug during lag.
hehe, it didnt anger me that much at all. It is hard on Legendary but damn dude, try UT2004.
Halo 2/3 or COD4 with a bunch of friends.

Yelling, screaming, insulting and taunting each other, and calling wtf's. Nothing better

Hmm, seems this thread has a negative vibe, disregard my post

Sometimes in the single player the other racers nudge you just enough to spin you out and total you. In multiplayer i hate it when you get noobs who intentionally go top speed into the first corner or just plain do not know how to take corners.


Sometimes in MP i just can't hit a good groove and end up getting frustrated do to me getting owned.


Getting frustrated on puzzles for like 15 mins before suddenly realizing what i was really supposed to be looking for/doing then feeling really stupid.
Mostly some games on the really old game systems The SNES was the last game system to make games that piss me off.

Like in a close match of Street Fighter II, in the last second, the computer would cheat in order to beat you.

Now games seem to let you win.

The main game I can remember to piss me off the most was Mortal Kombat 2 and 3. While we were pretty equal and we both had our winning streaks, sometimes my friend would get up to like 13 wins in a row, and he would get so hyper and talk so much shit.

"you're not very good at this game. ... yea. ... not very good at all. .. You kind of ... just.. suck, really ... well, that's understandable... I'm pretty much the best in the world...

he would get so cocky I was filled with HATE

and he would make up rules like "you have to beat me before we can smoke another bowl."

One time I got up like **** that. Smoke now. :angry:

Pissed me off then, but it makes me laugh to reminisce about it :laugh:
I remember there being a PS1 game once that had me break a see-through orange plastic controller. Can't for the life of me remember the game though, but I remember it was old, because it wasn't a dual-shock, and also I remember throwing it against walls and smacking it on the floor in frustration. That's about it, though.
Sometimes Counter-strike: Source pisses me off, but I just stop playing it for a while because I know it's the game being a little bitch.
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

hardest difficulty, and getting all those life-increasing things, just to get to an insanely hard boss (that I beat eventually)? Come on, Ubi...

It was pretty awesome though.
and he would make up rules like "you have to beat me before we can smoke another bowl."

One time I got up like **** that. Smoke now. :angry:
Well there's your problem. You couldn't win because obviously you missed the screens most arcade games were required to have that informed you "winners don't use drugs."

Anyway, there was a game a couple years back that frustrated me to no end, but I can't remember what it was. I kept throwing myself at some challenge in the game, but it was nigh-impossible. I mean it was NES Ducktales-level impossible. But I kept trying. I didn't give up, I didn't throw a controller at the wall, I didn't shut off the system in my rage, but I don't remember what happened. I know I never beat it. Whatever that game was it pissed me off to such a level my brain completely wiped all memory of it from my head, to prevent me from having blood vessels explode across my temples, and possibly going Super Saiyan.

Following that, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. What a rage-inducing piece of shit that was. Never have I witnessed a fighting game that requires such an abject lack of skill. Rise of the mother****ing Robots requires more skill than MKDA.
Oh, I forgot. BIONIC COMMANDO (both the original and the remake). These in my opinion are bitchin' hard and I still havent grasped the skills of swinging with perfect timing.
Following that, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. What a rage-inducing piece of shit that was. Never have I witnessed a fighting game that requires such an abject lack of skill. Rise of the mother****ing Robots requires more skill than MKDA.

Yeah, Deadly Alliance is the worst out off all MKs