What game or series do you want to see more of?


End of thread.


Damn i got pwned
With the recent CO-OP craze, i wouldn't mind seeing a fighting game ala Double Dragon, Fighting Force etc. I always had a soft spot for those kind of games. Final Fight, Streets of Rage and so on.
There was a fourth Streets of Rage in development. Sega canceled it because "nobody plays those kinds of games anymore."

How does that make you feel?
Didn't you hear? There was a new Shenmue game released, it was called Yakuza 3 for PS3.

But sorry, Japan only.

As for what I want:


And Street Fighter IV did reaaaaally well so maybe...
My internet is incredibly slow at the moment, so i'm hoping no one has beat me to the punch with this


Best space sim ever. Goddamn if i wasn't completely blown away by the demo for Freespace 2 when i first played it. Capital ships obliterating each other, flak flying every where, massive shockwaves, epic fights and always awesome background not to mention fights in nebulas. That game was the bomb.
A MMORPG Mass Effect, with ship to ship combat and virtual sex aids.
I want another chance to get back behind the controls of a TimberWolf and give the inner sphere a good kicking


Shogo 2, why did you never come out? We're still waiting (even me, and I usually hate jap style crap. But hey, it had MAC-10s, was in the future and had proper english!)


Made by the old team, with a good tactical system (turn based or otherwise, I don't care as long as its challenging and fun) and the right voice actors.


A Ground Control 3, like Ground Control 1 and distanced as far as possible from the disaster that was Ground Control 2. But it'll never happen, at least not the right way. Damn you Sierra!


Oh to lead my men in a new campagin across the World Wide War Web...
wargasm box image
I'd like a War of the Monsters 2. With a slightly more realisitc style, and huge detailed maps. Keeping split screen would be a must.
Star Control
Kings Quest/Space Quest/Police Quest

XWing vs Tie Fighter
Jedi Knight
I see a lot of Monolith titles in this thread. They went down the hill after NOLF2. Hopefully they'll get back to their original ips.
More Homeworld. Relic is supposedly working on it, but there has been no confirmation. I would really like another space rts that really plays in 3 dimensions. Maps like the ones in Nexus: The Jupiter Incident would result in creamed pants (and while we're talking Relic, CoH 2 would be awesome as well).


More Freelancer. Why Microsoft hasn't made a sequel is beyond me. It is about the only space 'sim' in the last 10 years that really sold well. It would be a definite buy for me.


Best of all though would be a new Outcast game. The first one was such a revolutionary game for its time. A huge world with loads of NPCs you could interact with. No voxels this time around though kthxbai.




Oh, and some Golden Sun as well.
More Homeworld. Relic is supposedly working on it, but there has been no confirmation. I would really like another space rts that really plays in 3 dimensions. Maps like the ones in Nexus: The Jupiter Incident would result in creamed pants (and while we're talking Relic, CoH 2 would be awesome as well).
Ain't gonna happen. At least, if it does, it'll suck.

Someone quoted Fahrenheit earlier. They're making the sequel.
I third freelancer. I just beat it for the third or fourth time a few days ago and I'm exploring the border systems now. So much fun.
I want From Software to go back to a decent Armoured Core game. It was all perfect with AC3, but then they went and released AC 4 and ruined everything. They made boosting less important (as you could do it forever practically), and made the entire gameplay system more arcadey. Sure they added a weighting system which was impressive, but dumbed everything else down.
What the series needs is more complexity, not less. The series needs to go back to its roots, and to think I was going to get a 360 just for my favourite series.

I'd also say Mass Effect, but that sequel is already coming, so it's all good.
... Wait... Either I've gone blind or we've got five pages in without anyone saying


I mean, page five is supposed to be the point where someones says

someone said:
halflife2.net no longer follows the blueprint and I have never been so scared in my life.

Other entires:
No, **** your storybook bunny-girl infested nintendo-friendly 'A' series. Awesome is a soldier going into a pub and ordering milk. I got a good feeling.
DS is the crystal skull of Mario.
Mostly because I'd like to see them dig themselves out of the hole they made with the last one's story.
I'm not anything more than a casual fan of it, but it never made a whole lot of sense for them not to make something related to this.
It's hardly like he's living in Sonic the Hedgehog's shadow right now. (Heh. Sonic. Shadow.) Also, did the story from 'Miracle World' ever actually resolve? I thought his dad was still missing or something... I need closure. It was released the year I was born.
Ah... this is turning into a favorite old games list, but whatever. This game had a feel to it, that isn't dissimilar to what 'indie' style developers are churning out. Just an HD remake alone and it'd still feel relevant.
Real Bout Fatal Fury

Come on, the last game was in like 1998. As Street Fighter 4 has proven, this type of game can be very successful. Just imagine a modern version.

The last 3 games, Real Bout Fatal Fury/Special/2 were so good, and Online Tournaments would be awesome.



I don't want another Real Bout, I want another Garou. What happened to Rock after he began training with Kain? Did he meet his mother? What about Geese's will? There needs to be another Garou. I want to know more about the son of the lone wolf killer.

Also, another series we need more of:

What what!

Master of Orion (let's just pretend there never was a third sequel)
Space Rangers
homeworld 3, Tie Fighter 2, Faxanadu 2, TMNT Back in Time 2 would be nice
My internet is incredibly slow at the moment, so i'm hoping no one has beat me to the punch with this


Best space sim ever. Goddamn if i wasn't completely blown away by the demo for Freespace 2 when i first played it. Capital ships obliterating each other, flak flying every where, massive shockwaves, epic fights and always awesome background not to mention fights in nebulas. That game was the bomb.

... Wait... Either I've gone blind or we've got five pages in without anyone saying


Only hope for the industry.

Oh, and Deus Ex. Because, of course, there never was a sequel to that game. NEVER WAS.
I don't want another Real Bout, I want another Garou. What happened to Rock after he began training with Kain? Did he meet his mother? What about Geese's will? There needs to be another Garou. I want to know more about the son of the lone wolf killer.

I knew putting an SNK game up here would summon you. It's like the bat signal. :P

Real Bout is the greatest, but I would be pretty happy with King of Fighters, if done right.

Mark of the Wolves? I can't even remember why I don't like that game, maybe I should give it another go.

Last Blade would make a sweet return too.


Is SNK even still in business? What have they been up to?
... Wait... Either I've gone blind or we've got five pages in without anyone saying


**** no. Unless it's done by Looking Glass survivours, everyone even considering making a sequel should **** off and die immediately.
Maaan, I loved watching the Fatal Fury Series, so this game should be fun :)
**** no. Unless it's done by Looking Glass survivours, everyone even considering making a sequel should **** off and die immediately.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Setting Looking Glass on a pedestal for the series is ridiculous anyway. Virtually none of the significant figures for the two games match up, and Irrational lead development on the second game.

That said, I think people are sighing with relief that the EA 'Godfather' developer is probably not working on a sequel as was reported about 3 years ago. I'll take any quality developer doing the game justice.