What gaming machine do you have?

AMD 1700+ XP
GeForce3 128MbRam
5.1 Surround Sound (Cambridge Soundworks)
SB Live 5.1

Well that's about it...
Originally posted by oMarKs
athlon 1700
256mb ram
jetway v266b mobo
phillips brilliance 150p2 (flat monitor)
radeon 7000 64mb
onboard sound

this setup isnt great so im thinking before hl2 release ill get another 256mb ram stick and a new graphics card. what sort of graphics card should i get to balance with the athlon 1700?

Everybody has been telling me to get a Radeon 9500 or a 9700, and I've got almost the exact same computer as you.
pentium 4 @ 3.3ghz 512/800fsb/HT
dual channel 512 ocz gold pc4000 ram
radeon 9800pro
52/24/52 sony CDRW
msi neo2 motherboard
60gb harddiskdrive
audgity 2
z680 5.1 THX speakers
19 inch viewsonic monitor
modded case w/lighted fans ect
8 X 80mm fans

i think thats all

i had: Harddiskdrive/mouse/keyboard/speakers/soundcard from old PC

just bought videocard/monitor/cdrw(retiring old 2/2/24)/case/motherboard/cpu/ram
for about 1500 canadian
Posted in offtopic but ill slap in a little metion here too :)

I just got my third monitor and laptop hooked up and this is how it stands:


Main Rig:
AMD Athlon 2700XP+
ATI Radeon 9500Pro
120GB HD

Laptop, which i just got off my dad because he got a new one:
Intel P3 800
ATI Rage Mobility 128

Nothing major hardware wise but it looks friggen awsome eheh.

BTW, if you happen to get a setup like mine get Synergy ( http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/ ) it lets you control 2 PC's over a network with just one keyboard and mouse, very handy for me obvisouly.
signature, rawr... pretty computer... no intel nor ati, i dun like either - har engrish
- im really waiting for nvidia to get there act together... so next generation video card line, is probably what ill get... -
- as far as ati is concerned to me, ive had many experiences with just plain driver annoyance... -
i have a q:what should i upgrade:ram or gfx card?
i have a ti4200-128mb
i think more ram.what do u guys think?
Rightnow I have:

AMD Athlon 1300
512 RAM
40 Gig HD
Geforce 2 Ultra

I've been saving up for a couple months (I'm only 17 so it takes me a while to get money) and I'm getting this in about one month:

P4 3.0 Ghz (800 FSB)
1024 RAM
80 Gig HD
Radeon 9900 Pro (256 or 128 haven't decided yet)

I'm waiting on the 9900 Pro to come out thats why I haven't bought my new comp yet.
Originally posted by bam
i have a q:what should i upgrade:ram or gfx card?
i have a ti4200-128mb
i think more ram.what do u guys think?

Definetly ram.
Originally posted by xXSMGXx
Is 70 degrees a norm for 1.33 Ghz processor ?

It goes up to this temperature..i was just wondering whats your CPU temperature..

I know mine is high, and i know that 60 is the max but my processory never locks up

Well my 2000xp+ i have running at 2600+ on stock cooling (basic heatsink and fan) at 35-40 degrees C about 100degrees F roughly... which is pretty damn good for a 400mhz improvement... if thats 70degrees C you may want to check your fan... if your fan is goings fine... check your extractor fan on your case... to take out the hot air! and one on the front to pull in cool air! if case temp is low and your cpu temp is high. if you installed the heatsink and fan urself and put somehting like arctic silver on and didnt do it right that would cause a bad seal and poor cooling!


2000xp+ running @ 2600xp+ @333FSB
Asrock K7S8XE
640 meg 2100 DDR
40 gig MAxtor HD
120 gig Western Digital HD
soundcard... (dunno it plays music so im not fussed :) )
Broadband 512down 256up
Geforce4 MX440 64meg DDR (yes bow down to my renamed geforce2!)

ideal system

2000xp+ running @ 2600xp+ @333FSB (166x12.5)
Asrock K7S8XE
1gig 2700DDR
40 gig MAxtor HD
120 gig Western Digital HD
SB Audigy
Broadband 2megdown 512up
GeforceFX5900 128meg DDR
Case - Lian Li PC50 USB Mini-Tower (Silver)