What Happend



I beat the game but now i am confused, is freeman now working for the colmbine? Help me
The answer is no-one really knows.

You don't know if that was an explosion at the end, you don't know whether Alyx survived, you don't know what the G-man has instore for you.

Cliffhanger for the third game.
To me, it didn't look like an explosion. Didn't have quite the same graphics as alll the explosions in the res of the game. That could just be my perception though.
All that anyone can tell you right now is pure speculation backed up with lots and lots of guessing. My advice, play the end again and try and draw your own conclusions. Almost everyone has a different opinion, so asking other people what they think isn't exactly going to get you a straight answer. Note to Reginald: I agree that it didn't look the same as the others, but that might be because of the size of the explosion, and/or the time issue, ya know, it being all
When I spawned it on garry's mod and looked at it up close, it looked rather like dust mixed with various alien-type gases.
I think bvasgm had it right, it was just

an explosion seen in slow-mo. could've ripped through the entire citadel, or not. We just have to wait til HL3
The explosion at the end of HL2 reminds me of pictures of slow motion nuclear explosions. Matter of fact I believe someone posted those pictures on this forum.
Dear god, if I have to read another "OMFG ALYX D3AD???!1111111 GM@N OMG!!!!!!!!11111111111" thread, I think I'll murder the poster before commiting sepuku myself. Honestly people, this question has been asked hundreds and hundreds of times; can you not take the time to read pre-existing threads instead of giving in to your compulsive urge to become a forum ass?
Reginald said:
To me, it didn't look like an explosion. Didn't have quite the same graphics as alll the explosions in the res of the game. That could just be my perception though.

Well, it paused like right at the second of explosion, and explosions can look a lot different at the point of explosion, like just chemically forming.. who knows.. I can see these topics for the next few years... :-(
I don't know why, but that explosion didn't look like something that could kill somebody. Valve probably wanted to throw us off. That stuff from the teleporter explosion reminds me more of some goop like glue, not anything lethal.
MrBongo said:
Dear god, if I have to read another "OMFG ALYX D3AD???!1111111 GM@N OMG!!!!!!!!11111111111" thread, I think I'll murder the poster before commiting sepuku myself. Honestly people, this question has been asked hundreds and hundreds of times; can you not take the time to read pre-existing threads instead of giving in to your compulsive urge to become a forum ass?
Jeez man, calm down. No-one was asking that question in the first place. It may have been covered a hundred million times, but people still have the right to ask, and it's only polite to answer, be it a direct answer or providing a link to a previous thread.
Reginald said:
To me, it didn't look like an explosion. Didn't have quite the same graphics as alll the explosions in the res of the game. That could just be my perception though.
You're right, it was just a weather balloon.
Hear that everybody? A WEATHER BALLOON! Now stop asking questions!
i thought it was pretty obvious that the explosion at the end looked different cause it had to be paused. I don't think Valve were trying to mess with us by making it look different, i think you're getting a bit ott there!

They're messing with us by having Gordon and Alyx about 20ft away from an explosion that's gonna take an entire building down...ya know.."how are they gonna get out?" and all that

I know this is for speculation and that but some people get a bit ridiculous
GonzoBabbleshit said:
i thought it was pretty obvious that the explosion at the end looked different cause it had to be paused. I don't think Valve were trying to mess with us by making it look different, i think you're getting a bit ott there!

They're messing with us by having Gordon and Alyx about 20ft away from an explosion that's gonna take an entire building down...ya know.."how are they gonna get out?" and all that

I know this is for speculation and that but some people get a bit ridiculous
Well I don't think that's why it looks different though, it looks different cause VALVe worked extra hard on it, it's a fusion reactor blowing up, not a grenade! It had to look a bit spectacular, it WAS the grand finale after all...
GonzoBabbleshit said:
...and all the explosions are sprites and it'd look awful if they just paused one?
Yeah, it's supposed to be big and cool so they knocked it up a notch! Bam!
Hey, AJ, where have you been? I've not seen you in a while...
The_Monkey said:
Hey, AJ, where have you been? I've not seen you in a while...
Oh, you know. Tried to stay off the hl2 geekiness but I started having trouble sleeping so... And also, my internet has been broken for a few weeks.
I'm worried for Gordon. If G-man is renting him out he must be obsolete. What the hell could replace him after everything he has done? :eek:
Nobody sat Adrian Sheperd, Alyx or Barney or I will send you a virus.
I reckon it'll be Adrian Shep.. No, its just too easy :)

I dont think that Gman would replace gordon voluntarily, otherwise he would have to 'test' the new guy *cough*shephard*cough* in the same way (eg via BM), and that would take, ahem, time.
cabbs said:
I reckon it'll be Adrian Shep.. No, its just too easy :)

I dont think that Gman would replace gordon voluntarily, otherwise he would have to 'test' the new guy *cough*shephard*cough* in the same way (eg via BM), and that would take, ahem, time.
Time, Dr Freeman? :p