What happened to my feet?!

Originally posted by Jpennin1
Also, does anyone know of some FPS where you could see you own shadow? I really think it would be cool if your own shadow came into gameplay. Consider on-line multiplayer for a moment (think Counter Strike.) If shadows of players is enabled in-game, you will (in some instances) be able to see people before they come around a corner (like real life.) If you can't see your own shadow, then you won't be able to see if you are giving yourself away!

Both serious sams have self casting shadows. It looks awesome.

If shadows are enabled in the first half life game, they couldn't be used tactically. the shadows would dance all over the place when they are suposed to bend up agains a wall and stuff like that.

If I am Gordon Freeman, then why can I see my bifocals across the monitor?
Originally posted by Shuzer

Trespasser for $8 "buy it now" on ebay.

Anyhow, I actually reinstalled Trespasser a few weeks ago (still have it installed), and I must say.. the physics are great, a little clunky at times, but great.

Someone made a thread saying HL2's physics were inspired by Trespasser.. whether that's true or not, who knows. But, considering Trespasser was made in what, 98? The physics are still nearly unrivaled.

Yeah it is pretty weird to think everyone is going ape over ragdolls and physics etc. when Tresspasser had them last century (and they weren't half bad, not perfect but not half bad)

$8 is a good price too heh
I agree with the feet comment. I found that when I first played many first person shooter games I got terrible motion sickness and I reasoned that it was because even though your not actually moving, if you turn around quickly it is easy to lose your bearings and not figure be able to figure out what your looking at. This is especially true in a dark game like HL. I think that is I had a reference point like my feet, or part of my left and right should, it would really help motion sickness that people somtimes get playing these game. Eventually I got over the motion sickness after playing a lot of Counter Strike.
Raven Shield had realistic ladder climbing. Made me dizzy.
Well it seems the majority of us would want feet/torso in first person mode. And just about everyone wants player shadows

So will it be possible then to include if Valve dont? Would it be possible to use the player model as I've mentioned before used in multiplayer and third person view (assuming its the same deal as was HL1 which I guess it will be) just cut off the head and have the view from there, so you can even see the arms and area of suit around the neck to an extent anyway.

If its possible then I'll ensure its got them in the mod I'm doing, I'm sure others in the same position will want to include it too if they know they can do.
I am working on a mod at the moment. And with some of the player models we will have it seems silly not to have visible Torsos etc. And in the email I sent i think he said it would be possible in a mod easily.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
I am working on a mod at the moment. And with some of the player models we will have it seems silly not to have visible Torsos etc. And in the email I sent i think he said it would be possible in a mod easily.

well if its easy to include in a mod then thats excellent news! :):)

Edit:..... I wonder though, how long until someone fixes it so you can play as Alyx plus torso, just bet it'll happen at some point
operation flashpoint had feet, you could also see your shoulders, there was realistic crouching, running, walking, and climbing ladders, but it was a pain on your CPU, and was poorly implemented, in my opion, such a feature wouldnt be needed for half-life, but it would be cool to see your feet
I think it would be cool too. Now that it's come up, I wish you could see your feet in HL2.
yes, I agree.

just like serious sam you can see his lower body.
yes, i totally agree, hl1 was annoying trying to walk by a ledge and looking down to see a small round shoadow that i guess represented where your feet were.

the shadows idea for the enemy seeing it is a great one
Originally posted by alehm

If I am Gordon Freeman, then why can I see my bifocals across the monitor?

This makes me think of Metroid Prime for the Game Cube. It is one of the coolest things to have your visor fog up when you walk through steam or to actually be able to see the reflection of Samus's face when an explosion or bright light is in front of her. It's awesome how the small things can make a game.
Originally posted by G0rgon
yes, I agree.

just like serious sam you can see his lower body.

I played the entire first Serious Sam and never once noticed this...maybe that's why I'm pretty indifferent to the whole feet thing, sure it lends some realism, but I think it's a lot of headaches for the developer to make them look perfect as well.

I do like the idea of realistic dynamic shadows for your character though...
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
yes, i totally agree, hl1 was annoying trying to walk by a ledge and looking down to see a small round shoadow that i guess represented where your feet were.

the shadows idea for the enemy seeing it is a great one

shadows in HL1? I know there were some kind of shadows in the original but any patch seemed to remove it. I didn't think the player had any shadow atall in HL1.. or are you talking about some MP game
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
yes, i totally agree, hl1 was annoying trying to walk by a ledge and looking down to see a small round shoadow that i guess represented where your feet were.

Ever think that people have depth perception, or was that stripped from most humans in the early 90's? :D

Seeing torsos and feet would be more computer taxing in heavy combat areas, and having it implemented in a game thats supposed to support 700 MhZ systems, it would be a challenge. Plus, why break an already superb formula from the last game? No one really complained then did they?
Tribes had it as an option.
Probably the best way to go.
I didn't read the whole thread, but did anyone mention being able to see your reflection? One of the things I enjoyed about Deus Ex was the fact that there were mirrors scattered around in bathrooms and such, and you could see your character in them. The first time it happened, it startled me enough that I shot at it!

I think you could see his feet too. I could be wrong.
I dont think it would be taxing on CPU to have a torso model during heavy combat because lets face it, how many people go into a gun fight looking at their feet?
Originally posted by asdasd123456
I dont think it would be taxing on CPU to have a torso model during heavy combat because lets face it, how many people go into a gun fight looking at their feet?

the ones who wind up dead 5 seconds later
Originally posted by Malcom
I didn't read the whole thread, but did anyone mention being able to see your reflection? One of the things I enjoyed about Deus Ex was the fact that there were mirrors scattered around in bathrooms and such, and you could see your character in them. The first time it happened, it startled me enough that I shot at it!

I think you could see his feet too. I could be wrong.

good point, player reflections.. First time I saw one was either blood of Duke Nukem (and yes like a silly fool I shot at it too so your not alone ;))

I reckon if the players torso and legs/feet were in the game world and you could see them, and if other models and props can also be reflected (which i imagine they can) then there's no reason why you couldn't have reflections of the player. Though the idea of mine to just have the body and no head wouldn't really work.. hmm but.. the polys in such games aren't double sided, so you could see through them from behind, ie: careful placement of the camera (the view when in first person) inside the head but just enough forward to avoid catching the correct side of face polys appearing in view and looking weird, it could perhaps work to have the full body plus reflections of it aswell
Dunno but they might look down a little to see where to go. I'm just saying its not impossible that a person could look dpwn. But wouldn't the computer still create it (render right word?) even if the user wasn't looking at it? I think it was John Carmack or someother game designer who said (this is from a few years back and I dunno why I remembered it now) that from their engine, a computer would only create what the player could see. For example a computer showing a desk in a room would not create the entire desk, only the visible portions like a side that the player could see. I dunno if this is outdated info.
Ah, I loved Tribes 2! The only game I have found that you could see your own body/feet in. I liked having juggernaught armor and even being able to see your heavily armored chest.
Originally posted by AnRowan
Dunno but they might look down a little to see where to go. I'm just saying its not impossible that a person could look dpwn. But wouldn't the computer still create it (render right word?) even if the user wasn't looking at it? I think it was John Carmack or someother game designer who said (this is from a few years back and I dunno why I remembered it now) that from their engine, a computer would only create what the player could see. For example a computer showing a desk in a room would not create the entire desk, only the visible portions like a side that the player could see. I dunno if this is outdated info.

Same seems to be true to a point in HL1. If you make a room full of many zombies, a large wall and the rest empty, then go into HL and run it, there's a slowdown while looking at the zombies and their visible, but spin around to an empty area and it speeds up, or look toward the zombies from behind the wall and its still speedy. So the engine (and since its all originally based on the Quake engine) does seem to only worry about what it can currently see. I've seen in tips for HL mapping that adding doors and other brushes can help speed up framerate as it wont draw what it cant see (which is why I think using 3D models to build maps would never have worked as they don't block drawing things their infront of) So err yeah getting back to the point :) Basically having a full player body isn't going to slow anything down, not in any noticable fashion anyway. The shadow on the otherhand, well I dunno much about those shadows but since their likely to be visible often it could perhaps have some effect on framerate. Though unlikely to be all that much at the end of the day.
Answer to question: your feet are beneath you on the floor.
You should just think that the screen is your view to another world. You are not possessing somebody in that world, just looking into it through your monitor. Your movement, interaction and sound will further draw you in. It's a collective effort.
Some people just want things in a straight forward simple way. It reminds me of adding the sun's glare on objects in my sketches- some people will say I am forgetting outlines, some people will just accept it as a cool effect.
if that was the case , then why render arms?

Legs would be pretty cool... even if you only look at them half a second every hour it still gives you the realism factor.. and I do remember thief 2 would have this , but they stopped the enemy from noticing youtr shadow becasuse it screwed it up and made it really hard (though I wish they made it an option) .. anywayz , I'm sure that it won't take long for modders to realise the cool factor and chuck it it.
games you can see your legs/feet in: Breed, Gore, Tribes 2, NWO...

games that suck ass: Breed, Gore, Tribes 2, NWO...

need i say more?

BTW, who sits there watching their legs/feet, when i played the above mentioned games it was just distracting and didn't help at all.