What happened?

And look! Now the color scheme has changed! What ever could he have been doing?

Forums now updated to 3.5.4 and.... I changed the colours :O
Munro is alive? And he plays Big Rigs?

"You're Winner!"

I preferred old colours
Goddammit, now the smoke on my avatar REALLY needs to be changed.

Bleh. Every time I change the colours every one moans they want the old colours back. Now when I finally do bring those old colours back they moan saying they preferred the newer ones!

/me cries ;(
Munro said:
Bleh. Every time I change the colours every one moans they want the old colours back. Now when I finally do bring those old colours back they moan saying they preferred the newer ones!

/me cries ;(

Lighter grey is easier on the eyes, when reading text, thats all
New colours will take getting used to but I think in the end I will prefer them since the contrast of the text with the background is much greater. It will mean many things will be easier for me to read. Plus avatars for some reason seem to look better when they are on a much darker background.
Can you install serveral colours and let us choose?
Nonononononono, this is horrible horrible horrible. :(

I mean really horrible. Not like 'WAAAAA, I'm a baby and I don't like change' horrible but 'shit, my soul just got raped through my eyes, I'm buried under a huge lead-coloured elephant with glaring prickly white text etched on its arse' horrible.
I don't mind it, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to whine about needing to redo my avatar.
I think we should have a week where everyday the colors change. I'm talking extreme colors!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

LIKE TURQUOISE !!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111 D:
Is it still possible to switch to an alternate color scheme? If so, how do you do it? I forget.

Are there 2 color schemes to choose from still? Or is there only 1 style now?

The new colors hurt my eyes reading text.
Black Mesa corp said:
I like this new colour scheme and anyone who moans I'll eat you alive!

You'll need a lot of A-1. A fucking lot.
I love how it looks. Perfect colors in my never humble opinion.
You should do what Garry did when people complained about colours:
Turn the whole thing into a whole epilepsy inducing internet rave.
Fabulous skin, Munro darling. Need to fix the color by the smilies, though. like, when you're posting a reply, and there are the smilies, and then it has that line, and it says "more" and "smilies" and stuff? yeah, it's not showing up good.
Your mom's the best skin yet.

And yes, fix the reply menu background colors (the border with the tools and stuff).