What if HL2 SUCK pretty badly?

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Jul 1, 2004
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What if Half-Life 2 is going to be like Driv3r or something like that?
Then I'd sell my PC and go live in the jungle.....
if it sucks, i wont buy the game. thats all. it's not as if anyone will commit suicide over it :|
It won't.... :D

oh and I would do the quoting but.... yea pretend I quoted for emphasis.
Please use the search, or atleast skim over the first couple of pages... This has been talked about many times in the last few days..
clarky003 said:
:dozey: watch the E3 2003, and 2004 videos. lol

Still, what if valve screws up the A.I? what if there are frame rate skips?What if it turns into ANOTHER DEUX EX IW!!!11!



I'm fine now, :).Quoted for emphasis.
Well, the Driv3r commercial looks AWSOME, but the game suck to play.

The E3 movies of HL2 could look awsome, but the game could suck. The want to sell this game, do you think they want marked shit at e3?
^Thomas^ said:
What if Half-Life 2 is going to be like Driv3r or something like that?

Really, don't ask stupid questions like that again, you ARE adding to the spam of worthless topics and making moderators take time out of their day to delete/lock threads. :flame:
^Thomas^ said:
Well, the Driv3r commercial looks AWSOME, but the game suck to play.

The E3 movies of HL2 could look awsome, but the game could suck. The want to sell this game, do you think they want marked shit at e3?

If HL2 sucks (Doubt it) we can always play the multiplayer/mods :naughty:
DiSTuRbEd said:
Really, don't ask stupid questions like that again, you ARE adding to the spam of worthless topics and making moderators take time out of their day to delete/lock threads. :flame:

I dont care about you, you are big in your mounth at Irc to and I don`t care.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Really, don't ask stupid questions like that again, you ARE adding to the spam of worthless topics and making moderators take time out of their day to delete/lock threads. :flame:
Posts like this are just as bad or worse thanks.

^Thomas^ if you wish to discuss this topic, there's four pages of it here: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=26759
^Thomas^ said:
I dont care about you, you are big in your mounth at Irc to and I don`t care.

They do though, so quit wasting people's times. And just keep things to yourself.
DiSTuRbEd: The only spammer so far is you, because the others are not complaining about this thread, and you are going off-topic as well.
Dunno why this thread is still open, you guys take your issues elsewhere, okay?
It was closed! Too many moderators, too little to do :p

I think we were playing ping-pong with the thread openings and closes again. Starmonkey needs to write a hack that stops a thread from being opened again for another 5 minutes after its been closed. It's so annoying when I click close, the page refreshses and it's open again!


"Thread Closed by synth on 05-07-2004 at 07:42 PM.
Thread Opened by synth on 05-07-2004 at 07:42 PM.
Thread Closed by Chris_D on 06-07-2004 at 12:42 AM." :p
Chris_D said:
It was closed! Too many moderators, too little to do :p

I think we were playing ping-pong with the thread openings and closes again. Starmonkey needs to write a hack that stops a thread from being opened again for another 5 minutes after its been closed. It's so annoying when I click close, the page refreshses and it's open again!


"Thread Closed by synth on 05-07-2004 at 07:42 PM.
Thread Opened by synth on 05-07-2004 at 07:42 PM.
Thread Closed by Chris_D on 06-07-2004 at 12:42 AM." :p
Ah, but who did the initial close? It needs seconds, as well, because all three logs were taken in the same minute.
I did the initial close. I win

/me is teh winnar!
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