What if we had a king?


Sep 2, 2004
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What if we had a king and a queen? What would life be like? Would we be surfs? Or slaves? Maybe knights? Kinda interesting isn't. And what would be the King's palace? The white house? Nah too small... probably a decked out castle.
england hav king and queen right?

so if you want to know ask it to some british
If you had a king or queen... it would be just like it is now, no difference atall. Except lots of people bitching about how they wish they had a president instead. Tis a funny old world.
The Dark Elf said:
If you had a king or queen... it would be just like it is now, no difference atall. Except lots of people bitching about how they wish they had a president instead. Tis a funny old world.

lol it is a funny old world because with monarcy you blame the people on top where as democracy almost noone will admit that they voted for the wrong person and get to blame more :D
I honestly wonder how life would be under a benevolent dictator, under the assumption that one would get to power AND know what he was doing and what was good.

I think I'm the man for the job :)
I'll help you anyway I can Cybersh33p if you wear your white tee on the way to the top.
CyberSh33p said:
I honestly wonder how life would be under a benevolent dictator, under the assumption that one would get to power AND know what he was doing and what was good.

I think I'm the man for the job :)

i also will support you. BUT, only if i can sit there all day shooting citizens with bean bag guns with a jester hat on
fizzlephox said:
I'll help you anyway I can Cybersh33p if you wear your white tee on the way to the top.
only white tee I have is my they might be giants one :)
and I am sure I could arrange that revisedsoul :p

seriously though, it seems people suck at making decisions for themselves, lets have a friendly version of stalin up there :D
Well, we've got a King here. No difference really, 'cept he screws up a lot and says things he's not supposed to.
The King should be seen and not heard :)
At the very least, we'd have less election-themed threads to deal with. I'm all for it!

But only if it there was a method for peaceful overthrowal of any subsequent idiot monarchs.
Prince Phillip sounds like the King of Sweden.

But the Queen does bugger all really. Makes a few speaches that old women listen to, that's about it really.
Revisedsoul said:
lol it is a funny old world because with monarcy you blame the people on top where as democracy almost noone will admit that they voted for the wrong person and get to blame more :D

weird how that works.. eh? hmm...
perhaps its not so weird.. :p
Kangy said:
Prince Phillip sounds like the King of Sweden.

But the Queen does bugger all really. Makes a few speaches that old women listen to, that's about it really.

prince philip.... the master of placing his foot in it....

heres a few quotes:

"If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it."
- as spoken at a 1986 World Wildlife Fund meeting

"How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them to pass test?"
- Asking a driving instructor in Oban, Scotland

"If you stay here much longer you'll all be slitty-eyed.''
- addressing British students during a 1986 visit to China

"Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are
complaining they are unemployed.''
- comment made during a particularly bad recession in Britain in 1981

"It looks as if it was put in by an Indian"
- pointing at an old-fashioned fusebox in a factory near Edinburgh in 1999.

"Deaf? If you live near this, no wonder you are deaf "
- during a visit to an all deaf school where he was greeted by a steel drum band.

"You are a woman, aren't you?"
- addressing a woman whilst on a Kenyan royasl visit in 1984

"Are you still throwing spears at other tribes?"
- comment to Ivan Brim, respected Djabugay Elder at Tjapukai Aboriginal Park, Australia 2002

Kangy said:
Prince Phillip sounds like the King of Sweden.

But the Queen does bugger all really. Makes a few speaches that old women listen to, that's about it really.

Nah. We have a prince called Philip though, Carl Philip.

King's name is Carl Gustaf XVI. He looks like an ostrich...
[Matt] said:
prince philip.... the master of placing his foot in it....

heres a few quotes:

"If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it."
- as spoken at a 1986 World Wildlife Fund meeting

"How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them to pass test?"
- Asking a driving instructor in Oban, Scotland

"If you stay here much longer you'll all be slitty-eyed.''
- addressing British students during a 1986 visit to China

"Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are
complaining they are unemployed.''
- comment made during a particularly bad recession in Britain in 1981

"It looks as if it was put in by an Indian"
- pointing at an old-fashioned fusebox in a factory near Edinburgh in 1999.

"Deaf? If you live near this, no wonder you are deaf "
- during a visit to an all deaf school where he was greeted by a steel drum band.

"You are a woman, aren't you?"
- addressing a woman whilst on a Kenyan royasl visit in 1984

"Are you still throwing spears at other tribes?"
- comment to Ivan Brim, respected Djabugay Elder at Tjapukai Aboriginal Park, Australia 2002


I love him already :D
:LOL: The brittish only have a queen, we have both king and queen. :LOL:
Kings and Queens nowadays are nothing more than just figureheads representing a country. They just sit there being rich..making a few speeches and thats about it.
Actually...The queen has done much for the country. People think she just sits there attracting tourists, but she has been on and still goes on a lot of diplomatic relations "missions". In her youth she did a lot more, but considering her age now its hardly surprising she doesn't do an awful lot other than making speeches.

If the US had a King they would have the same king as us ;)
heh, If we had a king I'd probably be a lord.

Lord Edward of McMurray
Would be cool to be a knight, go around pushing people and asking for gold peices.
Dalamari said:
Would be cool to be a knight, go around pushing people and asking for gold peices.

Like Elton John does?
SlagOps said:
What if we had a king and a queen? What would life be like? Would we be surfs? Or slaves? Maybe knights? Kinda interesting isn't. And what would be the King's palace? The white house? Nah too small... probably a decked out castle.

We in England are mostly slaves, I work for some rich knights of the round table, there allright people but make me clean up the stable while they go out to battle with the spainish. The Queen is allright, she spends her time hanging people who are not in the Church of England, and makeing babies.

But really, are people so ignorent they think we UK peeps are still in the middle ages or something?!?
The Mistress said:
We in England are mostly slaves, I work for some rich knights of the round table, there allright people but make me clean up the stable while they go out to battle with the spainish. The Queen is allright, she spends her time hanging people who are not in the Church of England, and makeing babies.

But really, are people so ignorent they think we UK peeps are still in the middle ages or something?!?
he never mentioned UK, but judging by how defensive you are, its all true!
I was not being defence, it was a joke. Geez.
The Mistress said:
I was not being defence, it was a joke. Geez.
I know, I'm just pulling your leg :p and judging by your inability to instantly percieve such, its all true!
CyberSh33p said:
he never mentioned UK, but judging by how defensive you are, its all true!

Well, he's implied that by having a monarchy as a Government a country will still be in the middle ages.

How many people here realise that there are still knights around? Elton John is one. He's been knighted. It doesn't mean anything like a good warrior in these days, just that they've performed a server.

I want to be knighted one day. Doubt I will though.
What would you be knighted for? Having a name that sounds like Teeth?

aren't they revamping the knighthood system? i mean, changing OBE (Order of the British Empire) to Order of British Excellence...and generally 'toning' everything down, since someone complained about the awards being too exclusively awarded, and because they wanted to shed the idea of Imperialist Britain, and the British Empire..or something.

anyway, if Mr Newell comes to england, i'll make sure the queen gives him something. he'll leave as Sir Gabe Newell.
The Mistress said:
What would you be knighted for? Having a name that sounds like Teeth?


Ho Ho Ho, I haven't heard that one before. How witty you must be.

I'd like to be knighted for service to the Computer industry or something.
Dedalus said:
aren't they revamping the knighthood system? i mean, changing OBE (Order of the British Empire) to Order of British Excellence...and generally 'toning' everything down, since someone complained about the awards being too exclusively awarded, and because they wanted to shed the idea of Imperialist Britain, and the British Empire..or something.

anyway, if Mr Newell comes to england, i'll make sure the queen gives him something. he'll leave as Sir Gabe Newell.

He won't be able to, you have to be British. Yeah, I heard that they were changing it and getting rid of Knighthoods. I don't see the point really, it's old fashioned but it's just a reward system.
Feath said:
He won't be able to, you have to be British. Yeah, I heard that they were changing it and getting rid of Knighthoods. I don't see the point really, it's old fashioned but it's just a reward system.

Thats lame, they shouldn't get rid of something like that. It's part of their culture
They want to get rid of knighthoods because some idiot political correctness freak thinks it is discriminatory and creates a class divide :x

You can be knkighted by the Queen if you aren't British, however you can't use the title "Sir" :p
The Dark Elf said:
If you had a king or queen... it would be just like it is now, no difference atall. Except lots of people bitching about how they wish they had a president instead. Tis a funny old world.
A monarchy system's pretty silly in fairness and by now archaic and nothing but symbolic. I don't like the monarchy system, but we can't get rid of it - it'd cause too much instability.
Basically the Queen of Britain is representative of a system of government that prevents any one "pleb" from holding all the power. Essentially it is a benevolent (or otherwise) dictatorship where the Primeminister is the royal's representative (Prime as in first, minister as in servant). It is afterall: "Her majesty's government".

However due to various occurences over the years, the British monarch has (like others) become erroded as a postition of power (magna carta, english civil war, etc.) As a result the Queen is now only a figure head and the only thing left from keeping the current government becoming a republic (which it is in all but name).

Some problems have arisen therefore since the balance of power is no longer what was intended:

The Queen is powerless and apolitical. The royal family are influential in public opinion but more or less on the outskirts of policy influence. The Primeminister is more powerful than a president because Becasue of the power unbalacnce, and the liberties that a Primeminister can take but a President cannot. In fact he almost governs in a Presidential style without the correct governmental structure around him. People who don't want to get rid of the royal family becasue they don't want a Republic are kidding themselves.

The traditional sense of the monarchy is now rare as a form of government, so the question you should be asking, is: what would it be like if you had a king or queen in real a monarchy system, and what would it be like if you had the more modern style of Royal family.

The answer: The traditional royal family would be back to the days of dictatorship, nationalism, colonialism and nationbuilding, and no-one wants that. The modern monarchy would leave you with a King and Queen that was basically powerless. The only differrence there is that you'd have a to call Bush "primeminister", and he wouldn't have to ask permission to go to war, could appoint all his own senior government positions (local and national), judges, advisors, and senior clergy and would be part of the legislature AND the Executive, as well as a few other items that generally make Primeministers scary.