What interesting things caught your eye in the e3 clips?


Sep 18, 2003
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One thing that caught my eye in the e3 vid was when you got off the train and began walking, you could see a few paper boxes things get blown across the floor in front of you by the wind. I thought that was pretty cool. :)
The thing that caught my eye was when the buggy almost fell off of the cliff, and he used the manipulator to jolt it back up. That was kickin rad. :)
When the strider kicked away the car....I paused it to get a tissue to clean up my drool..
EC said:
The thing that caught my eye was when the buggy almost fell off of the cliff, and he used the manipulator to jolt it back up. That was kickin rad. :)

When he shot it the first time and it sank lower, I thought it'd be impossible to get it back up. When he walked on the rail and hit it again, I was like whoa...

That and the Stryder segments....
the first time I saw a combine getting vaporized by the Irifle I nearly creamed my pants :eek: :naughty: :afro:
Kon said:
One thing that caught my eye in the e3 vid was when you got off the train and began walking, you could see a few paper boxes things get blown across the floor in front of you by the wind. I thought that was pretty cool. :)

out of all the marvels of the E3 vids, that is the best you could come up with? holy crap. My favorite part was when you got off the train, and took the little tour through the checkpoints/interrogation room. The atmosphere alone made me want to crawl under my bed and cry.
Vaporizing Combine...
Strider kicking cars...
Lighting/Atmosphere in the trainstation/Apartments along with NPC interaction/acting...
Action in the hovercraft...
Burning headcrab/zombies...
Antlion attack action...
Many explosions - In hovercraft scene - In Combine/rollermines/house/tire scene - Strider damage - etc...
And the gman...
I also love the sound effects for the explosions. None of that crappy extremely loud and repetitive crap you get with all of todays shooters.
Six Three said:
out of all the marvels of the E3 vids, that is the best you could come up with? holy crap.

uh.. i did not ask what was the best thing you saw. I asked what interesting things caught your eye..

for me, I found the wind blowing little objects around the floors pretty interesting. just thought it was a small detail that was worth mentioning..
In the Strider part, when he was hiding behind the car, he got up and shot at the Strider and it shot at him and one bullet hits the half open door and the door moves up.
The thing that really caught my eye at first was the HDR. I pointed that out in each scene that I could.
no offence guys, but floating garbage has been done many times before...
I really liked the Combine getting knocked through the fence when he was run into and Gordon throwing back the grenade.
The absolutely sick Strider battles. Totally believable, and I know I'm going to spend hours on that first battle, me and my boys against a couple of them. I'm going to kill them.

A close second would be the all-purpose killing machine that is the manipulator.
GorgeousOrifice said:
the all-purpose killing machine that is the manipulator.
I think I'm going to make a movie displaying me as I beat the entire game with the manipulator. :p
I love the way the striders walk, their 'legs' twist so very nicely.

Aztec was looking pretty sweet... And I downloaded the ultra-crap quality ~35 meg one.

Sound effects are very impressive. Physics are very impressive. Everything is very impressive.
all the crazy-action
like this:
been walking in the city and her the shoots, look how much powerfull are your enemyes and fight against then
Asus said:
The thing that really caught my eye at first was the HDR. I pointed that out in each scene that I could.

That's interesting, except for one small thing.

There was no HDR in the videos. It was not there. What you probably saw were specular maps.

Just so you know, spec maps are what make a surface shiny/reflective.

HDR, to simplify, is what makes things really bright looking.
I like all the explosions in the buggy scene where the roller mines chase you and you knock that combine through the fence. I liked how Gordon launced a grenade which made a realistic sound, propelling the rollermine towards the car which then made an entirely different explosion sound. The sounds are crisp. I like little details like that where there are multiple explosion sounds, not the same old single sound you get in a lot of games.
The opening scene with G-man.
The AI of the combine/resistance fighters in the strider clip (that proved it has cool AI)
The Strider Sequences.
Just the whole freaking thing made me forget about every other game i had seen before that clip. THIS is going to be the game to beat this year, not DOOM 3 or Halo 2 or STALKER (No I'm not mentioning Far Cry, that game wasn't worth the hundred bucks i spent on it)
100 dollars on FC!!! little steep is it not?

Anyways i really liked the manipulator section with the zombies, when you cut them in two with the buzz saw blade or set them alight, so scarily cool.
I was talking about the lights and sun, not light/shader reflections.

Neutrino said:
HDR, to simplify, is what makes things really bright looking.
Like bright lights and a bright sun...
Rick Ellis actually said there was no HDR in the latest vids. Its in the Valve info thread
Well, I was simply refering to the effect which of course I thought was HDR. It looked very nice indeed.
Thx for pointing out that it was in the info thread.
i...in a sick kind of way...like a) the desperation, the ladies voice 'are you the only ones on that train?, the dude muttering about the water and the general atmosphere.
b) the blood effects on the hanging legs, when you hit something a mark being left in the exact place you hit gives me a kind of satisfaction.
the chopper catching fire!
and the voices and all...really had a big effect on me
What caught my eye was when gordon was in the vehicle going to fight the combines, someone shot the rock face to the edge, and it collapsed, breaking the powerline, leaving the cables to flop to the ground...
The whole video was awesome, however 2 things were were impressive in slo mode,
first: when gordon is walking in that hallway, when som combine kick in a door, you can see the room to the right trough the glass door, however, when you open that same door on our way out, you can hardly see anything, because its dark in the hallway, nice simulation.
Second the hovercraft/swampboat thing scene, the water reflects very realisticly, you can see that the water wont reflect, if you look at it straight down, you can actually see the seabed. But when you look at the water further away, thus at a low angle of attack, the water is fully refractive. Nice implementation of refractive indices.
Which brings me to next conclusion, its very possible to add a mirror in HL2, but i dont think well see one, cause valve doesnt want us to see gordon in game.
I liked the part where the combine pushed Gordon at the train Station.....

DESHSSHSHHEHSH GET BACK..........and the other combine.........xxxx citizen this way.

The camera at the station OMG that is awsome. Basicly I loved everything.
everything captured me :)

...except the music, cant say i liked it.

my fav part would have to be the toolshed part. so many goodies to use with the manipulator.
The coolest part was when there was a roller mine near a combine guy that Gordon was shooting at, and I think a combine further behind him threw a nade and it killed the combine infront and sent the roller mine flying to your right before it bounced and exploded. Just the way that happened was cool. (5:44 in the Gamespy vid)
G0rgon said:

:LOL: you are ace G0rgon

I love the sound effects - the explosions are just so much better than 'kablammo', they are like dull bangs which is cool :D The USP is the best pistol sound ever!

The colt looks really really nice and i'm glad the wood is breaking in a cool way :)
Murray_H said:
:LOL: you are ace G0rgon

I love the sound effects - the explosions are just so much better than 'kablammo', they are like dull bangs which is cool :D The USP is the best pistol sound ever!

The colt looks really really nice and i'm glad the wood is breaking in a cool way :)

LOL, :hmph:

But Yeah Man that what it sounds like........ :E