What interesting things caught your eye in the e3 clips?

I noticed something in the Full E3 movie. Between 10:16 and 10:18 there is a poster on your right side and there's a face on the poster that looks a bit like ATi's Nalu... Just look for yourself, I'm not sure if it's really Nalu, but she looks the same.
I was amazed by everything I saw in this video except two things:
1. Father Gregory's hand 'ghosts' through his gun
2. The whole screen messes up when you are exiting or entering the vechicle
I hope they can fix this before relase...
One of the small things I noticed was the sound of the buggy!
I think it was awesome! Not as dull as it usually is in other games with vehicles! (Not racing games! -duh-)
I liked the Ant Lion section, when he runs over Combine and AntLion then blows em all up with shotty, and when he pickes up combines grenade and throws it bak at them...classic :)
One thing that caught my ear was the old Half-Life teleporter sound in the background at the start, when the G-Man is speaking.

When he was fighting the soldiers he deflected one of the roller mines with the manipulator, as if he had hit it with the crowbar.
Asus said:
The thing that really caught my eye at first was the HDR. I pointed that out in each scene that I could.

The funny part is that HDR was disabled during the demos. :)

Check the valve info thread.
id have to say the first hallway scene, i really liked the style and i LOVED the way the combine were entering that room (very Fifth Element like). it had that matrix 1 feel to it, which wasnt present in the other films. AI on the buggy bit was good as well, they have great reactions and movements.
dæmon said:
One thing that caught my ear was the old Half-Life teleporter sound in the background at the start, when the G-Man is speaking.

When he was fighting the soldiers he deflected one of the roller mines with the manipulator, as if he had hit it with the crowbar.

I think he actually manipulates it very quickly and weakly...
The manipulator seems to have two firing modes: force-blast/push-back and pick-up.

As for HDR, you can't take a Valve guy's word that it wasn't there: they don't seem to communicate with each other well about their public releases. It seemed to me like the overhead florescents in the interrogation hallway definitely used HDR.
hm i know this has probably been discussed, but all i have seen of e3 2k4 hl2 vid was the few minute long crappy-quality.. i think it was 35 megs or something. it shows hallway in apartment building [with combine searching rooms], then the toolshed in zombietown thing, then the dune buggy in desert on docks with the crane, then the cs video

anybody got a better version one? people are talking about other things like train stations etc...
Were talking about the 660-708mb E3 2K4 Vid

From fileplanet or Hardwired E3 site thing
eediot said:
hm i know this has probably been discussed, but all i have seen of e3 2k4 hl2 vid was the few minute long crappy-quality.. i think it was 35 megs or something. it shows hallway in apartment building [with combine searching rooms], then the toolshed in zombietown thing, then the dune buggy in desert on docks with the crane, then the cs video

anybody got a better version one? people are talking about other things like train stations etc...

664MB big.
Go get.
I usually just look on these forums, but I had to register when I saw that no one said this..

One of the smallest details, but I think was pretty damn cool was in the toolshed part, where he picks up a paint can and throws it agaisnt the wall, and it explodes and paint goes all over the wall... talk about detail - also, the legs and rear end that were hanging on that tree was pretty sweet aswell.
the action was awsome, but what really caught my eye was the apartment sequence with the combine kicking the door in , and that bizarrely realistic seqeunce as those guys are talking and looking out the window. and that woman crying and all stressed after..,. that just made me want to see what happened next when that guy called you into that room. :D and it gives you a good feeling of what could possibly happen next, ;).. REBEL!
When Gordon opens a door, the handle goes down. That caught my eye. It was a nice touch.
Probably when the combine throws a grenade and Gordon looks at the grenade and quickly brings out the maniuplater and picks the gren up and throws it back. The only problem is that it will be hard to do when the game is released.
Harryz said:
Probably when the combine throws a grenade and Gordon looks at the grenade and quickly brings out the maniuplater and picks the gren up and throws it back. The only problem is that it will be hard to do when the game is released.

I don't know, it looks like you only have to point in the general area. I'd probably have just thrown the grenade away instead of back at the Combine. It would be quicker.
Harryz said:
Probably when the combine throws a grenade and Gordon looks at the grenade and quickly brings out the maniuplater and picks the gren up and throws it back. The only problem is that it will be hard to do when the game is released.

Why it become hard to do when game is out?? :|
Well for one thing, in the demo when he picked up the gren straight away he knew it was coming since it the demo was set out. As he throws the grenade it blows instantly infront of the Combines (killing one of them). When we are playing the game we won't know if the combine are going to throw a grenade or not, out reaction will be a lot slower and it will also take time to get the maniuplater, unless you short-key it.
Asus said:
The thing that really caught my eye at first was the HDR. I pointed that out in each scene that I could.

Then you'll find it interesting to know that HDR wasn't enabled in this years E3 demo. :)
Harryz said:
Well for one thing, in the demo when he picked up the gren straight away he knew it was coming since it the demo was set out. As he throws the grenade it blows instantly infront of the Combines (killing one of them). When we are playing the game we won't know if the combine are going to throw a grenade or not, out reaction will be a lot slower and it will also take time to get the maniuplater, unless you short-key it.

Erm, he didn't know it was coming. He saw it fly by him. Seriously, these demos weren't scripted. Unless you provide evidence otherwise?
Harryz said:
Well for one thing, in the demo when he picked up the gren straight away he knew it was coming since it the demo was set out. As he throws the grenade it blows instantly infront of the Combines (killing one of them). When we are playing the game we won't know if the combine are going to throw a grenade or not, out reaction will be a lot slower and it will also take time to get the maniuplater, unless you short-key it.

So just run like a hell to another cover when nades come?
But I think there will be some like short-key for previous weapon, but then you allways need put that manipulator that last used weapon.
So no point, just run like a rabbit to some other cover.
some things I noticed:

every crate had something in it! WOOT!

the graphics are STUNNING.

ATI's tech demo Ruby has a cameo....
One thing that cought my eye wasnt really a graphical och physical thing.
I think that the man on the big tv screen in the train station was a look-alike to Sean Connery :|
the npc in the apartments...

i wounder what thay would do if i was to bust one of there t.v.....:)
GatriC said:
One thing that cought my eye wasnt really a graphical och physical thing.
I think that the man on the big tv screen in the train station was a look-alike to Sean Connery :|

Sean is cool, si it would be cool. :cool:
GordonfreeMAN said:
the npc in the apartments...

i wounder what thay would do if i was to bust one of there t.v.....:)

Oh, do be careful.
Asus said:
The thing that really caught my eye at first was the HDR. I pointed that out in each scene that I could.

Valve disabled HDR for the demos =)
The opening scene with the G-man was cool, but I think that in this particulair case, the G-man was as big as an entire level or something. There is no way they're gonna have that kind of details in normal single player
The bits at the start of the game where you dont have your HEV or any wepons where mind blowing. I also thought the way that your ammo recharges in the hovercraft thing was good.
DeltaBlast said:
The opening scene with the G-man was cool, but I think that in this particulair case, the G-man was as big as an entire level or something. There is no way they're gonna have that kind of details in normal single player

Erm, he wasn't big, he was just close up.

Reminds me of Father Ted. "Now Dougal, this cow is small *holds up model of a cow* that cow is far away *points to real cow."
DeltaBlast said:
The opening scene with the G-man was cool, but I think that in this particulair case, the G-man was as big as an entire level or something. There is no way they're gonna have that kind of details in normal single player

Making him bigger won't increase the detail, to do that they'd have had to make a more detailed model (and perhaps increase it's size), but i don't think they'd do that.
clarky003 said:
the action was awsome, but what really caught my eye was the apartment sequence with the combine kicking the door in , and that bizarrely realistic seqeunce as those guys are talking and looking out the window. and that woman crying and all stressed after..,. that just made me want to see what happened next when that guy called you into that room. :D and it gives you a good feeling of what could possibly happen next, ;).. REBEL!

Agreed, the people were awesome overall (not too sure about the first dude sat down in that scene though...), and there was a palpable sense of dread as the combine came out of the room and walked towards Gordon. I was willing him to go up the stairs ASAP.
I meant that that kind of detail was almost impossible to make on a small model, so I think they made a model of the G-Man as big as a building so they could add that kind of detail (and do all the lighting tricks). I don't think such a thing would work out properly with a small model.
Harryz said:
Probably when the combine throws a grenade and Gordon looks at the grenade and quickly brings out the maniuplater and picks the gren up and throws it back. The only problem is that it will be hard to do when the game is released.
it kinda sets a question about the grenade times. Cause the timing on the grenade seems all wrong. I get it to 4 seconds from thrown(including the part we can't see) to blown up.

And although you can set it to what you will in real life, wouldn't it be more normal with 3 and 5 sec nades? So it kinda makes me think that the grenade is "frozen" for action until released again, cause he does hold it for about 1 second, which would fit with it being a 3 second nade.

What about the rollermines, they're always changing status, but they weren't with the manipulator? Could it be that it is "freezing" some items when held?
That would be neat - the manipulator freezing the time of the object :D
but on the other hand, manhacks (the flying saw thingies) keep on spinning while you hold them with manipulator (thus you are able to use them as a chainsaw)