What is happening at Valve/Vivendi?

  • Thread starter Thread starter FourFiftyFour
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I am not best pleased that all this rigmarole has kicked off now. My opinion of Valve up until now has been of a professional dedicated team composed of gamers who love designing games. My thoughts have not wavered with all the BS about how that was three quarters of the code. IF thats true, then valve are guilty of a crime equal in stature to the faked moon landings hahahaha. I hope not.. Vivendi however.. Their reputation for miscommunication is well known throughout the industry and are unreliable at best. The hackers to me, seem like a relatively well thought out group, but some of the security stories that are coming out now are a quite terrible, and it may be that they have not safeguarded their precious code as much as they should have done. Not valves fault? dont know, I love half life, anything valve does will still result in me buying a pristine copy when it emerges from the cardboard box destined for my local games shop. Valve should release the game now, and show the world what a true piece of gaming software can do, but I dont reckon its gonna happen anytime soon. If Gabe does read this regularly, please, we are begging you, dont delay half life 2 anymore unless you need the time to make it the game you want it to be. we trust your judgement, your team never let us down with the first game, and your product supports been the hallmark of the industry, we just want the same as you, but if it's ready, please, release it. Release Half Life 2!
It's not ready. I think. We'll see.. go sign a petition.. lol
so once again, we shoudl ban headcrabs from being able to make threads.

it involves them in teh community forces them to use the search button and forces them to read other threads and make posts before they get to make new topics.
Make that into paragraphs, I find myself spending too much time deciding whether I'm beginning where the last line left off :(

And to the question, they are having dunkin donuts.
I stil kinda trust valve .. well, atleast i know the anon hacker is lying, this is NOT what the game looks like now.
Vivendi .. well, i kinda "hate" them. I mean, they announced the april delay the same day the stolen beta started to circulate. Imagine that!
i dont trust Vavle, never have never will, and i really couldn't care less about HL2 anymore, i was hoping for sep 30th but nope, it had its chance, other games await :)
Guys, even if this was at the expense of Gabe and Company, it must be said that a hard lesson was learned here by the entire industry, in the end they will thank the hacker. Microsoft simply has ridiculously un-secure software, and seeing a company like Valve get 0wn3d so to speak says volumes about the state of internet security. HL2 will come, and Valve will survive, they just currently think that being quiet on things is the best bet while they try do internal damage control.
Originally posted by FourFiftyFour
IF thats true, then valve are guilty of a crime equal in stature to the faked moon landings hahahaha.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It sounds like you really believe they were faked.
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
i dont trust Vavle, never have never will, and i really couldn't care less about HL2 anymore, i was hoping for sep 30th but nope, it had its chance, other games await :)

heh. u say that shit but u will still buy HL2 which is inadvertly supporting them. they win u lose :P
A bit of a narrowminded opinion if I'm honest. Don't you think Gabe & co can decide on their own when they are going to release the game? They aren't that stupid to think 'Hey...the game is done. Let's annoy all our fans and delay the release with a few more months! That'll be fun!' because that would simply cost them too much money on top of the money they already have invested in the game. They'll release it when it's done, it's as simple as that. And apparently, that's not now.
christmas is such a long way away.. bah, april 2k4 is like.. why are we even here?
thats it i've had enough of this crap i'm gonna get drunk...
What's happening at Valve? Well, according to some people, they're eating out of their asses since E3, deleting content and leaking source code to the internet to complete their plan of evil and destruction.

But that's purely hypothetical speaking ofcourse. :dozey:
Like I said, Valve are gods, I trust them far more than Vivendi,and if they delay for the right reason, thats OK, I can wait. As for the dude up the page going on a bout how newbies cant post threads, well, the forum is meant to be about communication, and lets face it, if the net isnt for comms, then what is it for?
Originally posted by Headwires
christmas is 8 weeks away, that is not a long way away

I guess in your country they celebrate Christmas on December 6.
They said "Holiday Season" anyway, not Xmas. And for our family the holiday season - as the Americans call it - starts on the 12th of December, when we put up the Christmas tree.

I suppose VALVe or whoever it was, said "Holiday Season" to avoid pinning another exact date... last time they did that it didn't exactly bring them good luck.
I dont think the moon landings were faked, and that was my point!