I am not best pleased that all this rigmarole has kicked off now. My opinion of Valve up until now has been of a professional dedicated team composed of gamers who love designing games. My thoughts have not wavered with all the BS about how that was three quarters of the code. IF thats true, then valve are guilty of a crime equal in stature to the faked moon landings hahahaha. I hope not.. Vivendi however.. Their reputation for miscommunication is well known throughout the industry and are unreliable at best. The hackers to me, seem like a relatively well thought out group, but some of the security stories that are coming out now are a quite terrible, and it may be that they have not safeguarded their precious code as much as they should have done. Not valves fault? dont know, I love half life, anything valve does will still result in me buying a pristine copy when it emerges from the cardboard box destined for my local games shop. Valve should release the game now, and show the world what a true piece of gaming software can do, but I dont reckon its gonna happen anytime soon. If Gabe does read this regularly, please, we are begging you, dont delay half life 2 anymore unless you need the time to make it the game you want it to be. we trust your judgement, your team never let us down with the first game, and your product supports been the hallmark of the industry, we just want the same as you, but if it's ready, please, release it. Release Half Life 2!