What is Internet? How is Internet formed? It go instay

To be honest i'm not really sure what the **** the internet really is. All I know it's a convenient place for me to watch tv shows and porn, and "stay in contact with the people around me."
Did anyone notice when the dude in the back is very briefly explaining what the internet is, the hosts are almost immediately becoming impatient or bored? I hate impatient people so much, I've had to practice quite a bit, how to say things in the shortest way possible when having to interact with people who have a five second attention span.
Did anyone notice when the dude in the back is very briefly explaining what the internet is, the hosts are almost immediately becoming impatient or bored? I hate impatient people so much, I've had to practice quite a bit, how to say things in the shortest way possible when having to interact with people who have a five second attention span.

I'll do the easy joke here, tl;dr.
How could that 45 year old woman never have seen quantity: 3 @ $1.99 each, or something. How the **** is '@' about? It would be hilarious if she said acircle. NONE OF THEM EVEN KNEW WHAT IT WAS.
The internet is not a big truck, that you just dump something on!
Heh... the internet used to be confusing.
I was watching this sci-fi writer's documentary where he said that -- 'back in the day' -- people absolutely could not grasp concepts like the Internet. Computers weren't nearly as common in people's homes then.

I hate when I'm watching a movie or TV show and they do something that is impossible to do with a computer. Or they make the interface really obvious, or the computer makes 'computer' noises.
The internet is my media supercenter.
I hate when I'm watching a movie or TV show and they do something that is impossible to do with a computer. Or they make the interface really obvious, or the computer makes 'computer' noises.

Yeah I know what you mean. What's mind bogling about this, is that almost everyone in the civilised world has a computer of some kind, so why the hell are most film makers acting like they've never used a computer in their lives.
Did anyone notice when the dude in the back is very briefly explaining what the internet is, the hosts are almost immediately becoming impatient or bored? I hate impatient people so much, I've had to practice quite a bit, how to say things in the shortest way possible when having to interact with people who have a five second attention span.

The internet is not a big truck, that you just dump something on!

Yeah the whole impatient thing could have been squashed if the guy in the back simply yelled out, "It's a series of tubes!". The hosts would have gone... "Ohhh... ahhh okay."
Wait, you could operate the internet without a phone line in 94? Surely they'd still be on dial-up back then.
Wait, you could operate the internet without a phone line in 94? Surely they'd still be on dial-up back then.

Yeah, I think she was wrong.

And that must have been the reason for its rapid adoption - everyone already had a phone line. Imagine if the internet required a cable to the house and internet service at the time.

Lol "@" (about) the graph not even extending backward enough in time to when this video was recorded. I call thems the Irrelevant Times. AKA the time when a lot of you jackoffs weren't even out of diapers yet.
I don't see how they were being impatient. For one, they didn't seem very impatient, and more importantly, they said they only had a few seconds left, before presumably going to commercial.

Also, wtf @ that guy's face. Was that a white guy with brown paint on him?
I don't see how they were being impatient. For one, they didn't seem very impatient, and more importantly, they said they only had a few seconds left, before presumably going to commercial.

Also, wtf @ that guy's face. Was that a white guy with brown paint on him?

No. He's still on TV today. He's black.
All of them look like they have really weird, unappealing make up on.
Yeah. I think that's just a product of the recording of a television though.
it was on twitter that the guy who made this video and put it on youtube was fired from his job.
How could that 45 year old woman never have seen quantity: 3 @ $1.99 each, or something. How the **** is '@' about? It would be hilarious if she said acircle. NONE OF THEM EVEN KNEW WHAT IT WAS.

In all fairness, before the Internet became popular, I wouldn't have known what the @ symbol was.
But then I was like 7 years old.
some companies I'm sure are a lot more strict with their internet policy.

Or maybe he was a bad worker and this was just an excuse to fire him.
Considering the video doesn't even have 130,000 views yet, I'd say the story about him getting sacked is probably baloney. Though apparently his job is to restore video, and this is a pretty shit job of it, so maybe they did fire him over this video, just not for the reason you'd think.
Well, actually I saw this story in the news about 3 days ago. I just saw the headline but didn't have time so I figured I'd watch it later. Fast forward to today... I was ready to get rid of all the extra tabs and thought I might as well watch the clip first. But turns out the video had been removed by the uploader. I immediately realized it was embarrassing to someone/the network, and so I knew I had to find it and post it. This was a repost on Youtube by someone.
As funny as that video is, it's not an eye opener (the browser one, not the OP). Just yesterday, it was the first day of school & our AP was telling us proudly about how the 'new' laptops come with Windows 7, & also that the older ones could be 're-imaged' to from Windows XP to Windows 7. I put my hand up & asked "What if I don't want Windows 7?" - Every single person in the room looked at me like I was crazy.

Oh, & this morning in an internet cafe I watched a woman open Internet Explorer, then typed into Google 'www.facebook.com' & clicked on the first result.
As funny as that video is, it's not an eye opener (the browser one, not the OP). Just yesterday, it was the first day of school & our AP was telling us proudly about how the 'new' laptops come with Windows 7, & also that the older ones could be 're-imaged' to from Windows XP to Windows 7. I put my hand up & asked "What if I don't want Windows 7?" - Every single person in the room looked at me like I was crazy.

I'm not sure I understand what the problem is. Also what the hell is "re-imaged"?
I'm not sure I understand what the problem is. Also what the hell is "re-imaged"?

With Windows 7? It's terrible, these laptops have low RAM capacity & the programs I'll be running will f*ck it right up. I'd much prefer a reskinned XP.
I have no idea, I'd say he just adopted the word to make himself sound tech-smart.
At some point, we've all had to have the Internet defined for us, just like television or books or the sky. But the vast majority of us didn't have that happen on live TV.

Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric, however, were in that situation in January 1994.
(12:06 p.m. DrHexagon011 just replied to my query via YouTube. The good doctor, an NBC employee in New York who asked not to be further identified, stumbled across the clip in the network's archives and thought it worth recording with a phone for a few friends to see.
2/4, 6:02 p.m. Yes, the clip is no longer up on YouTube, although copies of it are widely available. And as you may have seen me note on Twitter, the poster of this clip e-mailed to say that he lost his job. No, this is not the kind of update to the post that I wanted to write.
How could that 45 year old woman never have seen quantity: 3 @ $1.99 each, or something. How the **** is '@' about?
Perhaps she always bartered when she saw that. 'Yeah, but it's only about $1.99 for three? Come on, give me a better deal'.

It is frightening how people can not know some pretty basic terminology for stuff. But you know, I'm sure there are Electricians who think I'm a complete dumb**** when they come round to fix my microwave or light-fixtures.