What is taking Vivendi so damn long?

theyre like us

VU are like us when its gonna be released...
theyre wondering around in the game like cattle going OOOOOooooOOOO....AHHHhhhhHHHHHH........then theyll be like
"OMGZ0R!!!!!! L00K 4t Teh R0CK it pwns m3!!!!! OMGZ OMGZ H4x H4x!!!! ill R3port j00 r0ck and j00 will be b4nnd......"
i think thats what VU is doing...... :upstare:
OMgz Teh B4RREL!!! H4x H4x!!!!!
Am i stoned yet?

Ok i know this may be my first post but i have been reading this forum for a few months

here is my 2 cents...

If valve is caught up in a legal battle with vivendi over steams' online distribution, we will most likely not see a release date until the case has been settled.

Secondly, Surely if the RC had been rejected Gabe or someone at valve would have notified the public.
But on the other hand if Valve is relying on the pre-loading strategy to sell its product directly (aka without any cut to vivendi), we would get as little info as possible and the small amount of info we get would most likly be positive therefore sucking us in furtther............... just a thought.
if the RC had been rejected Gabe or someone at valve would have notified the public.
Is that a rule or something? Developers hardly ever let anyone know stuff like that, mostly because noone really cares to know except the hardcore gamers. We're fortunate to know that the first RC was sent. Thanks, Gabe!

P.S. Welcome to the forums.
Ok about how they send the RC i asked Gabe on the 15th about this in an email. He Said:
With all the various languages and SKUs, it's about 100 CDs that we send. Eric Smith has a stack of 7 CD burners in his office.
It was either A. mailed or B. Sent by Courier. They would probably have to test every language version available to be sure that the game is the same in all versions (and for the poor germans make sure it has been censored properly). Conclusions, 72 hours is fine for a RTS (or whatever that guy worked on) but for something with this many different programs and versions in it it wouldnt be nearly enough time (unless they piled tons of testers on it which i doubt). Second be patient, with all the reviews aimed at the first week or so of october and the first court date then as well we might, IMO, see it by the middle of October. If it were to go gold by the end of this week it possibly could be ready to ship to stores by the middle of october. Thats if the first RC isnt rejected which i doubt it will be due to the fact that VALVe has been playtesting internally since July 8th (was listed in the update history after the first preload but has since been removed)
Tyrsenus said:
Is that a rule or something? Developers hardly ever let anyone know stuff like that, mostly because noone really cares to know except the hardcore gamers. We're fortunate to know that the first RC was sent. Thanks, Gabe!

P.S. Welcome to the forums.

yes, that gabe informed us about it was pretty nice. that's something, you don't expect.

but in refer to your part about the hardcore gamers. i'm really no hardcore gamer, but these kind of things are interesting for me. i like to read posts from developers, giving us some info to talk about, grabbing just many news as possible, speculating about it etc.

at least, it applies to me.
Someone said:
As other's have said: It's not just HL2, but HL:S and CS:S that were sent as well. And as someone else said: it's a big new engine on top of that which surely has more chances for bugs and issues than the original HL.

I think people assume because HL1 was accepted so fast that that is what will happen, but that's actually the rare vs the normal. Might take several RC's for each or might take one for each....only time will tell.

But even if each is accepted on the first try that's still 3 products, and that could run 10+ days pretty easy.

give this guy a prize!
he makes sense :)
how easily pple forget that CS:Source will also be available at release.. and perhaps HL:Source as well..but either way it takes time... doesn't magically happen pple :p
It's only been a week, get some patience. The first RC doesn't have to be accepted, having a problem that Valve missed popping up is possible you know.
lonestar said:
yes, that gabe informed us about it was pretty nice. that's something, you don't expect.
yeah, it was nice, but i'm also reading something else into it. by letting everyone know that the game is essentially done, he's putting lots of pressure on vivendi to scale back parts of their suit pertaining to half-life 2's distribution. we'll see how it works out in the next few weeks, i guess.
Sparta said:
I got an email from Gabe saying they sent the RC via carrier pigeon. But it got delayed because Greg Coomer told the pigeon to pick up a pizza he ordered and instead, the bird accidently gave Vivendi the pizza, and gave the RC back to Greg.

Was that an african or a european pigeon?
Ecthe|ioN said:
Nobody knows how long it takes to playtest HL2, HLS and CSS. Just wait .. It's gold when it's gold. And thank God for that.
word man!
Dr. Freeman said:
give this guy a prize!
he makes sense :)
how easily pple forget that CS:Source will also be available at release.. and perhaps HL:Source as well..but either way it takes time... doesn't magically happen pple :p

Thank you thank you. :)

The bottom line is no one here truly knows what's going on behind the scenes and just how much work/effort/time things take to do.

A lot of people place their hope on snipets of very select information or on things from the past (such as how long HL1 took to go from RC to gold)...but until we hear "It's Gold" officially than it's all just guess work.

Patience (and a lot of vodka) can go a long way in preventing frustration. ;) And I happen to have a lot of both LOL
a suprise???

as stated by Clarky003
I expect, considering all the planned reviews, it'll go gold this week. or at the start of next.

no other info, just a wait for Gold and release date, and a suprise supposedly

just speculation (flame me if you feel the need) maybe the suprize is that yes the RC is gold but there not saying anything untill they have copies to release. possibly a "its gold and here buy one" type of thing

just a thought the way i look at hte release date is ive waited 2 years what is another 6 months
Someone said:
Patience (and a lot of vodka) can go a long way in preventing frustration. ;) And I happen to have a lot of both LOL

i'll drink to that :cheers:
I think it was a norwegian blue...but it did carry it in a coconut.
Maybe they have to test team fortress 2 :p

don't flame.. I'm just wishing
almost every estore ive been to has changed their dates to sometime in november. not a good sign ;(
A pack of rabid squirrels have gotten loose inside the Vivendi game testing labs. Once they get the squirrels out it shouldn't take too much longer.
Newbie here.....

I think as the dispute between Vivendi and Valve is essentially about what % of the profits go to each organisation the Gold status and distribribution could still go ahead regardless of the litigation as the outcome in court will still be the same BUT if Vivendi do withhold distribution they will be nailed to the f*cking wall by slavering madmen.

Satire Veritas :smoking:
saggyherman said:
I think as the dispute between Vivendi and Valve is essentially about what % of the profits [...] if Vivendi do withhold distribution they will be nailed to the f*cking wall by slavering madmen.
Its about publishing rights. VU wants to be the only distributer. VALVe wants to use other channels (Steam), and to prevent VU from marketing to corperate venues (cyber cafes).

With luck, VALVe will pwn VU. Middlemen take money not only out of VAVLe's pocket, but out of our pockets as well.

I dont think VU will really hold off distribution. They need the money, and pushing it off until 2005 will seriously hurt their bottom line.
Since Vivendi has an Oct 8th court hearing against Valve to see if they can stop Steam distribution of HL2, I think we'll hear about gold on Oct. 9th whichever way the decision goes. I think Vivendi is trying to get Valve to settle for giving them some of the profits from online distribution, and I don't think Valve is inclined to budge -- thus the hearing will take place and gold will wait until after. Hope I'm wrong...
Democritus said:
I think Vivendi is trying to get Valve to settle for giving them some of the profits from online distribution, and I don't think Valve is inclined to budge.
I think you're right. VU will hold off on the gold annoucement sheerly for leverage against VALVe. But they will distribute sometime this fall/early winter no matter what, because otherwise they're shooting themselves in the foot.

I would not be suprised if VU starts manufacturing it despite the lack of an announcement. If so, we may have to wait for the gold announcement, but HL2 will hit the shelves suprisingly quickly afterwards.
Ugh. So many things so long. I need this game already :/
ImJacksAmygdala said:
Even if HL2 goes gold this friday it will still be stuck in legal limbo between VU/Valve and ATI/Valve and I doubt it can be released untill after March 2005....

Please I do not think that the game will be delayed by the court system. The courts are just deciding monetary aspects of contracts. Which has nothing to do with the game itself.

f|uke said:
I think you're right. VU will hold off on the gold annoucement sheerly for leverage against VALVe. But they will distribute sometime this fall/early winter no matter what, because otherwise they're shooting themselves in the foot.

I would not be suprised if VU starts manufacturing it despite the lack of an announcement. If so, we may have to wait for the gold announcement, but HL2 will hit the shelves suprisingly quickly afterwards.

^^ This is exactly what my fear is. VUg pulling a CZ with hl2. There are several reasons one could try this strategy to effect steam sales. Could be why they released the pr they did about the case, in trying to deter fans from buying via steam. Than a slowwwww rc qa process to make fans blame valve since they blame valve for everything. Therefor creating the screw steam im buying retail, type ploy.

One has to worry alot about publishers due to the nature of a publishing company They don't care about the quality of a game. Any way they can insure themselves to aquire more margin, they will do it. This includes screwing fans and developers alike.

Let's just hope with the attention paid to this game, and this lawsuit that VUg won't try doing it again.

But don't fret yet. 3 games is/should take as long as it is/has taken so far. If no word by next monday (9 days) than you know its not been authed for gold yet and valve is working on another rc, or already sent one back.
Unless VU is granted a preliminary injunction by the courts (basically a legal cease-and-desist order) against Valve, the release date will probably not be affected. To get an injunction you have to convince a judge that you will suffer irreparable harm if the person you're suing isn't stopped. That's usually hard to do.

Besides, it benefits VU nothing to delay the release. It's going to be a huge game, and they need the money. Assuming VU wins, it'll be easier to get a chunk of Steam sales than a chunk of no Steam sales.

And of course there's no reason at all to think the boxed version won't go out on time.
GorgeousOrifice said:
Unless VU is granted a preliminary injunction by the courts (basically a legal cease-and-desist order) against Valve, the release date will probably not be affected. To get an injunction you have to convince a judge that you will suffer irreparable harm if the person you're suing isn't stopped. That's usually hard to do.

Besides, it benefits VU nothing to delay the release. It's going to be a huge game, and they need the money. Assuming VU wins, it'll be easier to get a chunk of Steam sales than a chunk of no Steam sales.

And of course there's no reason at all to think the boxed version won't go out on time.
I think what I'm trying to say is that VUG could stretch out the QA/RC testing process two - three weeks to await the oct 8th date. Releasing a few weeks late won't hurt sales, bring it closer to the Holidays, and it gives them leverage against Valve in the short term and a possible ruling in their favor in the long term.
I just don't see VUg getting an injunction to be honest. Had VUg funded these projects than that would be possible. Had VUg owned the sole rights to distro, and or the IP, contractually, than perhaps yes. But according to their own PR, they don't. In a business perspective you can't blame them, though. The injunction is probably more of what they were after than the suit itself, due to any delay of steam sales, means more profit for them. It was a smart business move, doing it when they did it, and how they did it. The only issue is it's half-life 2, its a very media intensive game. People are going to start to see exactly what goes on behind the scenes by publishers. VUg is worried, especially considering what steam inherently is. I'd not be surprised if almost all publishing firms, are not worried. You can be assured that 99% of developers are hoping steam is a success, and 100% publishers are hoping it is a failure. If it is a success you can very well expect the way games are funded and distributed to change immensly over the next 5 years.

I think VUg shot themselves in the foot with CS:CZ, had they approached CS:CZ in this manner, over steam, they might have a chance. But because they let CS:CZ get distributed through steam, without a court battle, they basically condoned the steam distro system. Any judge will be able to see all of this.
Sparta said:
I got an email from Gabe saying they sent the RC via carrier pigeon. But it got delayed because Greg Coomer told the pigeon to pick up a pizza he ordered and instead, the bird accidently gave Vivendi the pizza, and gave the RC back to Greg.

So Vivendi have been playtesting a large beef and pepperoni for the last 5 days

Does anyone know how many testers will work on HL2? The only thing thats making me feel a bit iffy about October, is VU held back CZ just to spite Valve. Thats if I read all that legal stuff right.
Democritus said:
I think what I'm trying to say is that VUG could stretch out the QA/RC testing process two - three weeks to await the oct 8th date. Releasing a few weeks late won't hurt sales, bring it closer to the Holidays, and it gives them leverage against Valve in the short term and a possible ruling in their favor in the long term.
yeah thats true...
however if we as fans band together, we can all simply purchase from steam (not a big chunk of revenue Im sure, but a nice piece nonetheless), therefore cutting VU straight out of the equation.
Mr. Redundant said:
yeah thats true...
however if we as fans band together, we can all simply purchase from steam (not a big chunk of revenue Im sure, but a nice piece nonetheless), therefore cutting VU straight out of the equation.

Let's make screwvivendi.com and start a campaign immediately :cheers:

(or to not get sued, a buyfromsteam.org where we encourage evenyone to buy from Steam to "help valve" and not mention Vivendi at all.
Democritus said:
I think what I'm trying to say is that VUG could stretch out the QA/RC testing process two - three weeks to await the oct 8th date. Releasing a few weeks late won't hurt sales, bring it closer to the Holidays, and it gives them leverage against Valve in the short term and a possible ruling in their favor in the long term.
Yeah I'm worried about the same thing. VUG might drag out the RC testing process to delay the gold announcement to some time after Oct. 8th. The reason would be to hopefully(from VUG's perspective) get a judge's decision in favor of restricting Steam sales of HL2 or to allow VUG to get some percentage of Steam sales.

I'm currently planning on buying the game through retail, but if the game doesn't go gold before Oct. 8, giving me reason to beleive that it was intentionally delayed by VUG, I might change my mind and buy through Steam.
I'm suprised there haven't been any "omg summer is over valve lied!!1" threads tbh..
VU despise Steam, so theres no reason due to HL2 being shipped with Steam inside that they won't bug test Steam... of which they could stop the RC going gold because Friends doesnt work properly, they can do that can't they?
VU is starting to sound like bashjurds...

I'd hope they wouldn't stoop to this low-blow type shtuff...
Letters said:
VU is starting to sound like bashjurds...

I'd hope they wouldn't stoop to this low-blow type shtuff...
Well they don't really care what we as gamers think of them. All they do is mass-produce copies of the game and distribute them to retailers. You might argue the same thing about developers, but at least they need to interact with gamers at some level to see what we want in a game.
i hope they do, then maybe people will rise up against steam.