What is that around her neck?

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Dec 19, 2004
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What is that necklace, it has to symbolize something?


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Its just a necklace....
OMG that headband is a very specific hue of brown! It must mean something!!!!!
It symbolizes how she still has a pesonality.
Take a look at the citizen models. They look similar, all lacking individualism.
Take a look at the Alyx model. An old, tattered jean coat, Black Mesa huddy, necklace and an old pair of jeans.

The models tell something about each character.
I like how if you look close at her jacket by the shoulder, you can see Alyx actually had to duct tape the jacket together there. I thought that was a cool little addition just for some flavor.
It symbolizes that she is a lezbian!
I new it!
The Mexican said:
Are u going on about the headband or the necklace cereal

Both!!! Theyre so symbolic!!! omgz!!!!
By the way, I'm not being serious.
I don't know but i think Gordon wants to give her a pearl necklace if you know what I mean. ;)
The necklace, it kinda looks like there is something on each side of it, a symbol or character or something. It sorta has an Asia-esq vibe to it, in my opinion. I know I've seen necklaces similar to that, I just don't know what to call them. Maybe it was Alyx's mother's necklace? Or am I just being too serious for this thread at this point?
Hmm... looks like a normal necklace to me... nothing unusual.
It's actualy a neclace containing a very small portion of xen crystal.
While I'm sure there is some reason Valve picked that necklace for Alyx to wear, or even for Alyx to wear a necklace at all, that reason is known to the employees at Valve. We can only speculate.

At that, I think that it was her mother's necklace. Since Alyx strikes me as the type who doesn't wear much, if any, jewelry and/or "decorative embellishments", that necklace would have to be very dear to her for her to wear it out in the world all the time, especially considering the world she lives in.
It more than likely means something. Every time she is troubled she will hold it. So probably something to do with her mother.
verbose_mode said:
Since Alyx strikes me as the type who doesn't wear much,

I'd like to see Alyx not wearing much.

FireCrack said:
It's actualy a neclace containing a very small portion of xen crystal.
Hmm... really? where did you get that info? :smoking:
Too bad the necklace is not implemented with physic so it could 'bounce around' :naughty:
Ok, he was actualy vladimir lennon as zombie wich is practicaly the asme thing a john lennon, he was on fire and told me where to find the preety pink flowers, i ate the peanuts then. NO.

h'okay, too much LSD for me.
I think its a good luck charm, I have faint memory of seeing Alyx touch his necklace somewhere in the game just before a big fight. Hmmm. Explore the model viewer we must.
The Pendant

Eli's wife dies, Eli takes her pendant, gives it to Alyx.

Or maybe it's DOG's remote control!

Alyx- *touches necklace* Power Rangers, Morph!

DOG- Wrong show, Kitt.
It's probably just some fun detail.

CONSPIRACY: Duct Tape on the jacket! WHAT DOZ IT MEANS?!@?
Cukel said:
I think its a good luck charm, I have faint memory of seeing Alyx touch his necklace somewhere in the game just before a big fight. Hmmm. Explore the model viewer we must.

So this girl I've been drooling over for the past 2 years is actually a guy? Thanks for telling me :bounce:

Folks, it's just a necklace, ffs.
cleckmoon said:
It's probably just some fun detail.

CONSPIRACY: Duct Tape on the jacket! WHAT DOZ IT MEANS?!@?
It means she doesnt know ho to sew
um this is off topic, but can anyone lend me their full save game of hl2? i lost mine. thanks, much apreciated.

didnt wanna start a new thread
I'll tell you what it means! It means that Valve really pays attention to to the little details, that's what it means! Like we didn't know THAT already...

Honestly, whatever it is, only Valve knows, and they are not talking; mostly 'cause no one asked them...

(Man, this whole thread needs to be put in a SARCASM tag.)
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