What is that around her neck?

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Alyx's nicklace is actually a tiny portable spy camera, in fact, if you look carefully on one of the monitors in Dr. Kleiner's lab, you can see the footage, and sometimes you see more than you're supposed to. :naughty:
Hmm... really? Eli is a very bad man if he's the one that installed that to her necklace.
Actually Guys! Theres A Small Teleport Crystal Inside Her Necklace!! She Is G-man From The Past!!!!11111one
Samon said:
I am thinking, this thread is going to get locked.
Yeah, soon enough, so may as well enjoy it while it lasts... keep the "theories" rolling... :D
WAIT it is something dear to her heart, Its definatly containing....Eli's leg. It's to bring her better luck then he had :D.
Damn you, Samon! You had your chance to lock this thread four years ago! Now look! Look what your inaction has wrought! Lock this thread and let it go back to the depths from whence it came!
Wow, I read the entire thread without realizing it wasn't new. It'd be better locked. The comments are so stupid it's not even funny.
A terrible thread with an even worse necro. Closed.
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