What is the best / most popular mod



Hey all,
I just finished HL2 and wanted to try out some mods, so rather than installing tons of crap on my PC, I am asking you folks for some feed back first.
So what is the best mod for hl2 and why?
Das Roboss is three levels, which are really like Halflife 1 on the source engine, good fun little mod, search for the link cos im currently not in a state to operate any heavy machinery aka search function :thumbs:
Best Mod = Strider Mod
Most Popular = Garry's Mod
I think...
really isn't a good question to ask since everybody has their own ideas on what mod is the best.

I really havn't played a "really good" mod yet for half-life2.

I've been though:

source forts
the hidden
stridermod (never seems to have more than 1 or 2 servers)
garry's mod (fun for a while but gets old quick, multiplayer sucks since you get kids that ruin everything)
jbmod (is this still alive?)

although i thought the half-life2 capture the flag mod was kind of cool, nothing i would play all the time though
there hasnt really been huge mods mostly little stuff
Source racer is actually quite well made and playes quite well, a nice change from some of these mods, but no-one ever seems to be on the servers :<
Where do I get source forts, all I can find is maps and a patch.
the hidden!
it aint as well made as sourceforts gmod or strider mod
but it last long and has reply value! very very fun!
and it has a shit load of servers for it.
(im to lazy to post a link, google it)
Roboss is decent, it has a couple of nice levels. Other than that, haven't seen any good mods yet, kinda disappointing. GarryMod or StriderMod are fun for maybe an hour at most, and there's unfortunately no nice selection of single players maps :(. I kind of hoped there would be more of those!
I like Garry's mod, substance mod, and das roboss myself
any mods out there or tc's that have the potential to be the next cs or dod?
The Hidden has potential, but as of the beta it need alot of work... also HL2: CTf is fun..
jimbo118 said:
any mods out there or tc's that have the potential to be the next cs or dod?
not yet. some have the potential but they're a little ways off.

I love SourceForts (once again, inherent bias in that), The Hidden (though it's very beta right now), Garry's Mod, and some other stuff.
A very glitchy beta game where you hafta kill your teammates because you swear you saw that can move.
The Hidden is basically a Predator game.
One team of marines vs. an invisible guy.
Garrys Mod loses it appeal pretty damn fast. Its enjoyable for about 2 hours and then you get bored.

Substance is the best single player mod because its the same game but harder with some excellent features added like new weapons, bullet time and others.

I didn't like Source Forts much. I thought it was boring.

HL2 : CTF is pretty good.
Hidden : Source
Mutant Varient

1 player is paritally invisible, possesing a combat knife and 3 pipe bombs(anti-camper). A charged up insta-kill ability is possible with the knife

The rest of thep layers are marine. They are armed with either a p90 or a reminton shotgun as primary weapons, and a FN57 as a sidearm.

Objective?...kill the hidden to become the hidden. Killnig the hidden and killing as the hidden gives points, although points arnt really the focus.

Next release will include the following abilities for the Hidden mutant:
pinning bodies to walls
latching onto walls
and feeding on bodies for health

Give it a shot. Try and ignore the memory error crash (patience is key ;) ). It is fixed in the latest release.
its retail and ships in a box with the engine. I think that counts as fully fledged
Garry's Mod is evil.

You should try Plan Of Attack too. A bit like CSS, but A LOT more team-oriented.
I only do Single Player Mods at the moment, although I have seen a whole lot more
Deathmatch mods are available.

Mods I've played and enjoyed enough to recommend:

quickwar - basically a quick firefight between rebels and combine troops.
Best part, talking to the Vortigaunt after the fight.

Hangar - a recreation of the first level of the original Doom.
Cool for nostalgia, really short though.

NuclearPlant, a recreation of the "Nuclear Plant" level of the original Doom.

As others have said, this has the feel of an actual HL2 level. 3 parts.

I'm playing the mods I download in order from smallest to largest, with
Substance at the end of the list.
BattleGrounds just made the jump to HL2 and Plan of Attack is fun and popular. I've been hooked on BattleGrounds for the past few days.
You Must Try Garry's Mod 8.3b!
The real reason there is a physics engine.

Valve dint spend thousands of dollars for nothing on it.
Hidden: Source isn't working for me. Whenever I'm sending client info just before I get into the game it crashes.
AmishSlayer said:
Hidden: Source isn't working for me. Whenever I'm sending client info just before I get into the game it crashes.

Keep trying and eventually you will connect. Things that help :

Restarting Steam
Joining another server
Someone also reported that swapping ur RAM around helps but i tihnk that is BS.

This bug is sorted in the forthcoming release of beta 2!
Garry's mod by far. But when some of these mods get released there going to have a big following.
I gotta say, the Hidden.

It does an excellent job of making you feel like you're being truly "hunted", and is a truly scarry mod.
I'd have to vote for the Battle grounds beta and the Hidden, both in their early stages but they are already very fun to play.