What is the purpose of the fan blades that chop the zombies?


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
What is the logical purpose of these things? there seems to be quite a few of them in miscellaneous places. i cant figure any useful function for them except chop zombies in half
Uh oh. You won't extend that thinking to crates and barrels if you know what's good for you.

They are traps set by Father Gregori (sp?).
I don't know. Zombie chopping sounds like a pretty reasonable function to me.
father gregorys allies made them to help peeps fight the zombies. They said so at the e3 2003 demo at the start of traptown.
Which is obviously just so they had an excuse to show off they're wacky (and kinky?) ideas. :p
i wonder how many times my finger is going to slip off of the 'crouch' button, resulting in self-decapitation :D

"sorry gordon"
Dr0ndeh said:
i wonder how many times my finger is going to slip off of the 'crouch' button, resulting in self-decapitation :D

"sorry gordon"

LOL same here
From what i picked up in the PC Zone review, the zombie town is near the beggining of the game, in the story father gregori has set traps in the zombified town to survive there away from the combine (or somthing) and the purpose of it in gameplay terms is to introduce the player to all the different things the physics can be used for in combat, as later in the game they arent so obvious.
indeed, and letters if thats you as in old school and i do mean OLD SCHOOL letters, than its good to see you again.
Yeah, I always assumed they were just traps by the mad monk. Anyways... I don't really need a reason for anything that assists in chopping zombies in half. :)
is gregori really capable of planting these things into the ground? doesnt seem likely
in the flanger vids there are several other cool traps left by gregori, such as a corridor with a load of switch operated flames inside, and a cool car-on-a-chain thing that you can lift up and drop with a little control pannel to smash and crush the zombies.
bate18 said:
is gregori really capable of planting these things into the ground? doesnt seem likely

lol are you serious? I'm sure you will find out soon enough, but not soon enough =)
The bigger question for me is where he found all those beat-up motors and fan blades. I doubt he made them himself considering how trashed they are (and how they're obviously one unit instead of a bunch of parts glued together).
I wouldn't be too surprised if we saw these in other places as well. They seem pretty effective, and it's not much more than a fan blade bolted onto what looks like a weed-whacker or something. That could be a pretty good thing for scrounging resistance fighters to build. It seems like the xen plague has hit earth pretty hard for a while, so people probably know quite a bit about keeping its results at bay.
the fan blades were sent from "alien" sausage makers...according to valve, this rare "alien" race uses these fan blades in factorys to cut the sausages into tiny baby sausagettes...in which case, brings in alot of revenue (we all know how great baby sausages are) for the "alien" race...

atleast that's what gabe said on HL2 Fallout....
killahsin-[CE] said:
lol are you serious? I'm sure you will find out soon enough, but not soon enough =)

its a slightly complicated device completely embeded in cement. this cant be the work of one man. where did he get the jackhammer and cement maker to fill the cracks (joking)
Hey, ive been throwing some thoughts around for a while, the zombie town stuff looks really cool, i love all the different trap ideas using the physics, i think ill make a ton of maps just set in an extended ravenholm, and make some crazy anti zombie shiznit :D
is there any way to fastforward, rewind, or pause the bink videos?
It's a game, so things can be placed anywhere to show off features :D Plus Valve cleverly disguised it as "traptown". So it's fine.
Father gregori wields a shotgun with gusto. I'm sure he can setup those traps.
Its a damn carpenter workshop. Have you ever seen someone use a blade to cut through wood? They are probally all scattered about becuase the zombies knocked em around, clumsy lil fellas they are!
Well from what i gather, Ravenholm is a mining town, which means its probbally fool of workshops and factories, valve will happily write fun stuff into the story. The hev is the excuse for the HUD, and healthkits. etc, it doesnt damage the gameplay, or the story, and makes everything blend together.
You'd be amazed what people are capable of when their life is on the line and they have access to power sources and construction equipment :cheers:
Dr0ndeh said:
i wonder how many times my finger is going to slip off of the 'crouch' button, resulting in self-decapitation :D

"sorry gordon"

I hope they have a toggle for crouch, Far cry didn't at first but they later patched it in. I hope valve puts in one for us from the get go. I hate holding it down like that while I do see a use for it I would prefer to have a toggle for it as well. Did Half Life have a toggle, if memory serves me correctly I don't think there was one.
Surfer2374 said:
I hope they have a toggle for crouch, Far cry didn't at first but they later patched it in. I hope valve puts in one for us from the get go. I hate holding it down like that while I do see a use for it I would prefer to have a toggle for it as well. Did Half Life have a toggle, if memory serves me correctly I don't think there was one.
I feel the same way about zooming in with weapons. This kind of stuff should always have a toggle in my opinion.
Beast206 said:
I feel the same way about zooming in with weapons. This kind of stuff should always have a toggle in my opinion.

CS:S has toggle zooming...so did CS. :p
Hopefully they implement something like they have in platformers where they stop you from going off the edge. Just wont let you get up even if the crouch button has been released.
i wonder if you could put them in a few multiplayer maps.. keep people on their toes.. or their knees LOL
omg, you stupid fool!! ITS FOR FUN!!! GET IT!!?? FUN!!??? DOES THAT WORD REGISTER IN YOUR BRAIN!?!?!??


and about my other thread... i gave you release date didn't i, lmao why ya'll flaming me for hAHAHAHAHA
What seems abit dodgy to me is that no matter where you chop them they still blow up at in the middle of the torso.

If you throw a blade at the knees they should come apart at the knees. What the hell is game makers aversion to gore these days? The dod team pussyed out of gore, and it seems most of the time in HL2 when a rocket hits somone they dont explode into chunks in the way you would if you were hit by a massive rocket, you just flip the fcuk out like WOOOAAAAAAHHH IM SPINNING AROUND ISNT IT KA WAAAAAZY!!!!