What is the skyscraper...thing tower, building?

Seems like the combine are building a mechanical living city that is devouring c-17. in the e3 demo you get a short explanation and you can also see the edge of the mechanical city move forward.
I think he may hav been laughing at your sig m8. But I'm only guessing.
It's the Citadel at the Centre of the Alien Combine. The Combine is a fortress that's slowly eating its way through City 17.
Wow did you listen to every single word gabe said at those E3 videos?!
potato! or monkey bread! or HL,HL,tooooooooooo, where are you? we got some shooting to do noooooowwww! scooby scoooby dooo, *uhh* whoops :) i went back to the real song there for a sec :)

*me backs away slowly*


"Look ma! I'm a zombie!"

"raaah! Brains! raahh!"

grr. etc.
Originally posted by Slime
Wow did you listen to every single word gabe said at those E3 videos?!

Yes. Didn't you?

I've watched the E3 video countless times out of boredom.
Originally posted by Feath
Yes. Didn't you?

I've watched the E3 video countless times out of boredom.

If i watch it to much i get a little excited D:
I don't remember seeing the Combine tower or hearing it in the video. Guess I'll have to watch it all over again.
i can't think it was in the big vid other then when the chompers come down in city 17.
Hmm seems my video is completely different than the E3 one. I got mine from a PC gamer cover CD and the commentator is a woman rather than Gabe. I still have no indication of any living cities devouring other cities.
interesting, if i'll shoot some asses from the roof, will the combine soldiers punish civilians on the ground?
Haha, I just imagined something.

A couple of combine dewds playing around with the gravity gun, and tossing bodies around

It was sated by the narrator in the E3 video that its The Citadel, and has borders that grow and consume the city.
Thats Saruman tower.....it is conected to the Sauron tower in Mordor....

Aren't we talking about Lord of the rings?........wrong forum I guess :cheese: