What is this?!?!!

What is the thing on the bookshelf?

  • A can of paint

    Votes: 23 35.9%
  • A thing

    Votes: 25 39.1%
  • A book

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Candy

    Votes: 12 18.8%

  • Total voters
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Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
I've found something in the E3 video. What do you think this is?


  • cop.jpg
    23.9 KB · Views: 498
it says in the poll "what is the thing o nthe bookshelf" if youve watched the E3 videos theres lots of similar objects to that which look like cans of paint. which leads you to my answer!
it says in the poll "what is the thing o nthe bookshelf" if youve watched the E3 videos theres lots of similar objects to that which look like cans of paint. which leads you to my answer!

i can't decide wether to vote for a Thing or candy, looks more like a can of chocolate covered peanuts....yep, definetly not a Thing
It doesn't look like a cylinder to me. More like a box or container.
Seem to get the best view right at 13.09.
Mr-Fusion said:
I've found something in the E3 video. What do you think this is?

Has it accured to u that it might just be a normal box?

O! look! a box on the ground, lets make a post on this and see what people think it is!! :D

(Im not trying to be mean sorry)
It's a door, in a room, with a shelf, with a 'thing' on the shelf, with a GameSpy logo, with very bad quality, with a picture frame, with a desk of some sort. Thats what it is.
It's a classic HL cardboard box. (aged white cardboard with tape). That's my guess anyway.
Clearly it's a poll where ppl voting seriously, are tied with ppl voting not seriously.
I should have put this at the start

DISCLAIMER: This is not to be taken seriously. It's a joke, if you take this game too seriously please do not read on.

I'm still surprised that a thing is winning!!!! GO A THING!!
Cant j00 n00bs tell that its teh G-mans Lunch box!?!?!1?!?!1?!!111
a) this thread
b) the picture
c) the pol
a)interpretive art
b)performance art
c) BS im coming up with
torso boy said:
OMG ITS A DOOR!!!!!eleven!!!!1one!!!

I swear to god, THAT is the best ever!

I think it's a door, might be a car or a dog though...
Impulse147 said:
Thats part of a Room with a door.
I've found this to be a very thorough anaylsis of the picture in question.

We can definately make out a door and as we know doors and rooms go together like peas and carrots.....or some such thing....

So yes, it's certainly a room and a door.

But what KIND of door? Wooden door? Perhaps it's a plastic door? PERHAPS It'S A DOOR TO ANOTHER WORLD!!

*oh..it's not...if you fast forward it's just a door to a hallway....A SECRET HALLWAY!!*
Mr-Fusion said:
I've found this to be a very thorough anaylsis of the picture in question.

We can definately make out a door and as we know doors and rooms go together like peas and carrots.....or some such thing....

So yes, it's certainly a room and a door.

But what KIND of door? Wooden door? Perhaps it's a plastic door? PERHAPS It'S A DOOR TO ANOTHER WORLD!!

*oh..it's not...if you fast forward it's just a door to a hallway....A SECRET HALLWAY!!*

more importantly, does it stink in the room?!
Fusion did u just pollute the world? :E
how the hell did a thread about a box on a shelf in a room you spend 5 seconds in get to spread over 3 whole pages - its just plain wrong. go outside people, breathe the air.
yup, it's the wired super flusculant seperator tipped carbon hung. I saw one from my window one day.
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