What is your definition of "Catchy Music/Songs" ?


Mar 16, 2007
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What is your definition of catchy music? Catchy Music in essence, is anything that you would get instantly attracted to imo, music that you pretty much start nodding your head to, and it has a tune that gets stuck in your head. Generally very psychedelic music and danceble/rockability music is known to attract the mind, or the ear.

I find British Rock and Roll, Alternative Music and funk rock to be very catchy. Anything from Jet, Elvis Presley, The Killers, even that The Fratellis song. In terms of electronic, I find Daft Punk music very catchy. I can't really be assed to list down more artists for now, so post away.
What is your definition of catchy music? Catchy Music in essence, is anything that you would get instantly attracted to imo, music that you pretty much start nodding your head to, and it has a tune that gets stuck in your head.

I agree

A very catchy song also catches on gaining huge popularity to the point where everyone seems to know what you are talking about if you mention part of the song. I guess an example would be like the Macarana or something. (Not sure how you spell that.)

It could even be a catchy jingle for an advertisement.
Good yet simple melody.
Good yet simple lyrics.
Damn veggies you just got owned :D

Uh... what makes a song catchy for me or what I would define as a generally catchy song?

In the latter, I'd say accessible cadences, all elements being balanced volume-wise, uh, vocals generally make stuff a ten times catchier. example: most pop music

In the former, an interesting statement made musically that usually involves a pleasing melody that i can't quite figure out what makes it so good, along with a fitting but inobtrusive beat
a pleasing melody that i can't quite figure out what makes it so good

And Human Beings may never know why certain chords sound good and others do not. Maybe the answer lies in their alien birth before humans were transferred to the Earth.

I keep seeing the monolith from the movie 2001.
Good, lively beat, gets you moving your body or tapping your feat, puts a smile on your face. I would say the best definition is something you can run or walk to really well.