What Is Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink

Ewwwwwwwww that soudns gross, and you drank it?

Which? The congealed crap? Yeah I drank it. I'm hardcore.

And stupid.
Wow. That's some crazy sh*t you got going there.
You could just drink vodka and red bull...Although that doesn cause serious problems. What with the whole 'high' and 'low' thing it causes.
Originally posted by el Chi
One really nice thing to do (Baileys again :p) :
Half a shot of Creme de menthe
Fill the rest of the shot by pouring Baileys slowly over a spoon into the glass so that it doesn't mix, but floats on top
Knock it back, tastes beautifully like mint chocolate, but in a really nice way

That is bloody nice... I've had that before... :)

another nice thing is Watermelon, soaked in Vodka, and frozen... and served like ice lollies... beautiful :)
oh, damn
Now you made me want to drink.
I have to wait a week for that.
A friend of mine is having a move in party.
That will be the second one in that apartment. :)
But I only have a bottle of koskenkorva and a couple of ciders.
And my money is gone... gone. ;(
underage, and hopefully never will drink. alcoholism runs in the family.
I had a few spirits at the weekend and got absolutly shitfaced, i usually can handle my alcohol but it affected me really badly, i couldn't standup, it was horrible.

It's times like those i think i'll never drink again...until next weekend:cheese:
Vodka and Rum :)

If you don't drink Beer for a week or two and then come back to it, it begins to taste shit. Tastes like cheese sometimes. Having said that Kingfisher is raver nice.
Originally posted by derby
Remember that a lot of poeple on this forum are too young to drink!

Yeah but it goes without saying that being underage doesn't stop people from drinking.

Originally posted by Feath
American beer is like having sex in a canoe.

It's f---ing close to water.

LOL. That is awesome

Not a huge beer fan here.

Thanks guys... now I have a whole lot of booze to try out.

And there is a popular drinking game where I'm from. All you need is an episode of the kid show called the Smurfs and a lot of beer, or something stronger but you'll be in a coma in no time. I don't know if this show is well-known in the rest of the world but since I've seen a parody of it in a Family Guy episode I presume it is. The rules are simple, and everyone participate in the same time. Each time you hear the word "Smurf", you drink (not sure if it's the right word) a mouthful of beer. If you hear "Papa Smurf" you drink half the bottle. And if you hear "Grandpa Smurf", you finish your bottle, even if it's full. Smurf episodes are quite hard to find but it's crazy how much you'll drink. Maybe you could do the same with Pokemon, or a repetitive crap like this.